
Gacha In Runeterra

A young man who just got done playing League of Legends goes to sleep only to wake up in a body of a young orphan in the freljord? Oh ya did I mention the only thing he has to help him in this incredibly crazy world is a gacha system? Also this is my first time writing anything so a lot of things may be bad from a readers perspective Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the OC's all other things whether people, places, or things belong to their respective owners this is just a fan fiction meant to entertain

Deus_Dakota · Videospiele
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28 Chs


The years quickly passed with Thor's routine being the same, in the winter he would train and learn from his grandparents while when summer came he would travel to Ornnkaal Rocks and hang out with Ashe and Sejuani. The three of them also named their Poros together, his poros name was Sigrid, Ashe's Poro was named Rana and Sejuani named her's Enara. Although the poros didn't have much practical use they were very good at keeping you company and to just make you smile so they were especially good for the two girls who had a rough life.

Now it is 6 years since the three of them met and Thor was surprised for no reason other than the fact that the winter's claw and avarosan tribes should be separated after Ashe's mother gets in a fight with Sejuani's grandmother but that hasn't happened yet and Thor is smart enough to realize that his relationship with Sejuani and Ashe are probably what is stopping the two tribes from breaking apart but this isn't necessarily good as the two tribes separating is one of the reasons for ashe and sejuani to become who they are.

As Thor realizes this he tries thinking of ways to get the two to do what they did originally without becoming enemies till finally he decides to talk to Ashe and Sejuani. Ashe now as a Sixteen year old who has matured past her years has long blonde hair and bright blue eyes that look like sapphires with a very shapely body even with her more graceful figure is truly someone who if Thor was in his previous world would call the most beautiful in the world without a second of doubt but he can't say that for this world as there are a lot of beautiful people here if he had to say then no one is more beautiful than Ashe but there are people equally as beautiful. The same is for Sejuani with the same hair and eyes as Ashe that would make people truly think they are twins but the difference is that where if Ashe has a graceful body then then Sejuani's body is a just as shapley if not a little more than ashes with a traditional viking look with her hair in a loose braid.

A/N: For those who may be confused, their hair color doesn't change to white till after they get their True Ice Weapons

As Thor brought them off into the hills by the camp where they usually hang out he decides to tell them the future in a way that is believable. So he gets them to sit in front of him as he starts talking. "There is something I have hid from you two, I haven't even told my grandparents so listen closely and I need you two too believe in me ok?" They both quickly nod "I have seen the future but it is not this future but a future where I never existed." They both look a little confused by what I mean but I keep going "I saw in that future how just like in this one you two become friends but are separated when after 5 years Grena and Hejian get into a fight and Hejian loses. After that fight the Winter's claw and the Avarosan tribes separate and you two don't end up seeing each other till many years later and by that point you both are different people." Thor tells them everything from how Grena dies in her last years of life because she was searching for Avarosa's treasure and because of that the rival tribe of the Avarosans come and destroy them leaving Ashe the only survivor. How sejuani's mother comes back to the winter's claws and takes over as Warmother. Sejuani becomes Warmother not long after because she doesn't believe her mother is capable and is leading their tribe to its doom. He also told them how they both raise their tribes till Sejuani, Ashe, and Lissandras Frost guard are the only tribes left as everyone else joined them.

"You remember how a long time ago I asked you two to think about your dreams and how they would impact the people you care about?" They both quickly nod as they have given him many different answers over the years and while he said they were acceptable he also said that it wasn't what he was looking for. "That is because in that future I saw you two even though you were childhood friends just like now you became enemies because your dreams led you to believe in different things even though you both wanted to unite the freljord. In the future I saw Ashe become the queen of a third of the Freljord while being a cold, intelligent and idealistic ruler. While you Sejuani became the brutal and fierce War Mother of the Winter's Claw that you led to take control of another third of the freljord. You two were enemies because Ashe wanted to lead and better her people while Sejuani wanted to stick to the traditions of their people." They both looked incredibly shocked at this point.

"Before you ask questions there is still more, I didn't just see the Freljord's future. I saw the whole world and all the dangers that are to come as well. There are so many it's crazy and the worst…... actually wait there's that guy in the sky so it would be the second worst is right here in the freljord. The top three all have the ability to easily end the world, the first and second especially." It took them quite a few minutes to process everything before they started asking questions like what are the dangers specifically. "There are so many dangerous events that its actually crazy but if I had to say the top three I would say it would be Viego The Ruined King is third, The Watchers who are the masters of the void creatures and were born from the void that has been around since the universe was created and are sealed in the freljord with their seal loosening everyday at number two, and finally at number one is Aurelion Sol a dragon who was birthed with the creation of the universe and is so big he can grasp a galaxy in his hands and he plans on destroying this world because humans tricked him to put on a crown that was supposed to be a gift but it's true function was to steal his knowledge and they put a seal on it that made it so he can't attack the world but even that seal is starting to crumble away."

They both look to be in despair as they were probably thinking 'what's the point in resisting if that's what we are up against?' "I know it seems terrible but let's not think about those 2 things anymore let's think about what we can do and how we are gonna do it. We will get to those two when everything else is solved" Thor says as he hugs them to his chest After a few more minutes they both seemed to have taken his advice and stopped worrying about things they can't deal with right now. "So what is the plan then?" It was Ashe who asked this while sejuani was looking at me intently "The best plan I can think of is this; you two will do the same as I have told you would happen in the other future and while you two are doing that I will travel around not just the Freljord but the entire world and build a reputation, while doing that i'll also pick up any I can to join me. When i'm done doing that i'll head back to the Freljord where I will marry you both to unite both of your tribes so we will have 2/3rd of the Freljord under us and no one will complain because I will make sure that they will fear me while loving you two their chosen leaders."

Both Ashe and Sejuani liked the plan and they didn't mind the marrying part as they wanted to marry Thor. If anything the only problem they had was that it would take a few years before they would finally get married but they comforted themselves with the fact that their marriage is better used this way as it will unite basically all of the freljord besides Lissandras faction.

"Then at the end of this summer I will leave to travel and you two will start taking control" Both nodded but if you looked you could tell they were very sad as they wouldn't be able to see him for quite a few years.

Night was coming and Thor was in the wooden log house he built over the years that was in the forest next to the camp. Close enough that it was only a couple minute walk but far enough to have his own privacy. As he was sitting next to the fireplace drinking some mead and tipsy despite his enhanced body from his bloodline and mana because it was his tenth horn of mead. As he was sitting there just thinking he heard a knock on his door, grumbling he got up and opened it to find Ashe and Sejuani standing there. "Why are you guys all the way out here?"

Thor asked confused "We need to talk inside" Both of them said which made Thor chuckle as it made them all the more seem like they were related. "Ok come in" As he let them in and closed the door after he turned around to find them both looking at him seriously "So what did you guys need to see me for?" "We have a demand that you have to fulfill before you leave or we won't let you leave" Sejuani said "Oh? And what is that?" Thor asked "You have to make us yours" This time it was Ashe who said it with a blush but expectant eyes


1,700 words. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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