
Gacha? But not like this!!! (Droped)

A guy got transmigrate to DC universe. It's DCEU? NO! Young justice? NO! DCAU? NO! It's COMIC universe. Now what will he do? There will be a little bit of DCAU and other content in this story. (Mostly their original chars) This story is mostly for a little hardcore Japanese TV series and anime fans so you guys might not know some of gacha he draws. Story will be extremely slow so you guys might feel boring. Also, English isn't my first language so expected some grammar error. Harem will be less focused in this story. Will it be massive? Probably yes but I can change it anytime :) This story is inspired by Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel and No Otaku with Harem System Update will be around 4-8 chapter per month

Gacha_addicted · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Tournament P.2

Richard watched as his friend, Ben, fought against an unknown Japanese boy.

"That boy is strange," Richard muttered.

Although he's a beginner, he performed an excellent combination of different martial arts and landed a good combo on Ben.

If Richard wanted to compare Hiroto with a computer now, it would be a computer with high-quality software and hardware. However, the problem is the one who uses it. The user is still new to this computer.

After Ben passed out, Richard went to the medical room and waited for his friend to wake up.

"His physical is really good." Richard watched Ben get choked and pinned down.

'Ben really underestimated that boy,' Richard thought as his friend passed out.

With his friend unconscious, Richard walked to the medical room and waited for him to wake up.

"Ugh" Benjamin awoke, surprised to see his friend munching on his apple.

"You didn't expect to meet a promising kid here, did you?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, he's good, but I hadn't expected him to be faster than me," Ben sighed.

Richard scoffed and continued watching the matches, disappointed by the number of pretenders or mediocre fighters he had seen.

"Next match! Richard Drakunovski versus Takazuki Akira!" the referee announced.

"Hurry up and finish it," Ben told his friend, who had walked into the center from that direction.

Incoming from the left side, Richard observed his opponent, who appeared to be a grappling type.

"Start!" the referee announced.

Richard acted quickly and used his agility to close the distance and land two kicks: one to the opponent's head and another to the neck, which swiftly knocked the opponent out.

"W…winner Richard Drakunovski!!" Referee shout

With his opponent defeated, Richard returned to his friend, with only one motive in mind - to fight the boy who knocked Ben out and made his blood boil, even if only a little bit.

Richard meditated while waiting for the boys' match.

After a while, Hiroto's fight was about to start. Benjamin and Richard stopped what they were doing and focused on the monitor.

Now Hiroto is facing an opponent who claims to be a Kung Fu master.

"Those copycats are all around," Ben sighed as he cheered for Hiroto.

Hiroto grabs his opponent's leg, using their momentum to fall.

'I really hate these types of guys,' he thinks.

'When I want to see real things on YT, they pop up everywhere.' Hiroto pins his opponent, waiting for him to surrender.

"I surrender," his opponent says with a nod, and Hiroto lets him leave the arena.

'Gaining experience is really tough here,' Hiroto thinks.

'I should ask Tatsu to spar with me more often.' He thought

'Hope it finishes quickly' Hiroto prayed.


"Now, it's time for our final match to begin. Richard Drakunovski and Hiroto Yamashiro, please come to the center," the referee announced.

"Finally" I walked to the center, facing one of the most skilled martial artists in the universe, as far as I could remember. The referee signaled us to take our stances

"Are you two ready? Fight!"

I take an orthodox stance and mutter, "Hope I won't lose in a minute."

Without wasting time, Richard dashes toward me and kicks my left leg. He follows up with a punch and elbow combo. "Dammit," I think as I tank his attack like I'm his punching bag.

I count between his punches, gradually understanding his attack pattern better feeling like it slows down. I reach out and grab his hand.

"Finally," I muttered, using wrist control aided by a low kick to send him to the ground. I tried to sit on him, but he quickly jumped back.

"Fuck it," I think, using Cypher to read his body. It's like foresight, but it's still difficult. The more he moves, the more options appear, but I don't know how he will choose.

I decide to attack. I launch a roundhouse kick toward his head. Richard sees my attack and grabs my leg.

"You have talent, but you lack one thing that counts: experience," he said as he struck his elbow against the leg.

'Too strong' I thought.

3rd POV

"Kid, just surrender; this is a waste of time," Richard says.

"So this is the gap between us." Hiroto ponders, his adrenaline rising with each passing second, making him feel hotter and hotter like his body is overclocking.

"Sorry, Richard-san," he says, "but no." He launches himself at Richard at full speed, slamming him down. He uses his weight and body to his advantage, sitting atop Richard.

Hiroto punches his enemy, intending to make Richard pass out.

As Richard mutters, "You use it like you did with Ben," he retaliates with a one-inch punch that sends Hiroto in the direction of the ground.

Hiroto's assault continues, grabbing Richard's neck and delivering several knee strikes. He then uses his right leg to reap Richard's left leg from the inside and pulling him down.

"As I said, you're good, but not good enough," Richard says, knocking Hiroto out with one punch after falling to the ground.

'He made me use Chi,' he thinks.

Earlier, when Hiroto assaulted him with Muay Thai, Richard used Chi to increase his physical ability. He was sure Hiroto would win because the tournament's open field and non-lethal moves would restrict his movement, making it harder to fight freely. However, he was unaware that Hiroto had almost broken the rules by using Krav Maga and Lethwei's lethal moves, which would disqualify him.

"Did you do too much?" Benjamin asks.

"He's fine. I've checked his body. It's tough enough to defend against Chi attacks," Richard replies before dressing up for the reward ceremony.

Benjamin says, "I think I know what's wrong with that kid."

He continues, "I finally know why he acts so weird as if he's never fought before, yet uses martial arts."

Richard says, "So what? He probably just does it as a sport."

"No, Richard. If my thoughts are correct," Benjamin replies, "then he

"No, Richard," Benjamin replies, "if my thoughts are correct, he will probably be one of those genius types that sensei talks about."

"Do you mean copy?" Sensei told us not to flash like him. That boy just reads books and follows them," Richard says before leaving to attend the award ceremony.

"Now our award ceremony begins," the MC announces, and the ceremony proceeds as normal as Richard is presented with his prize.

The organizer said, "Now, let's take a few photos together.".

Richard follows along but hears a loud sound in the background.


A voice echoes, and suddenly, an armored humanoid Rhinoceros monster emerges from a camera lens and slams Richard into the wall.

As he struggles to recover, the knight with a rhinoceros helmet walks through the mirror, exclaiming, "Well, well, this prize I will take."

Ben, shocked by seeing his friend attacked, covers himself with chi before launching himself at The Knight.

"Woah, Kowai-desu neee," the Knight proclaims as they grab Ben's leg and slam him down. "Not only acting 'Kowai' but also 'Yowai'."

Suddenly, the Knight tosses one of his cards into the metal visor embedded in his left shoulder.

"Attack vent!" a sound rings out from somewhere in the Knight's body, and in his left arm, a gauntlet appears, derived from the Rhinoceros monster.

"Well, I'll take this with me too, thanks," the Knight says as he uses his knuckles' horns to stab Ben's abdomen.

The Knight and his monster suddenly disappear, and Richard, who witnessed his friend kidnapped, is left alone.

"Metalgelas, move this guy to Soul Diver," Kamen rider Gai says.

"The main body should do this instead of joining the tournament," he added as he deactivated his transformation, revealing Hiroto with a slightly different appearance.

In order to deactivate himself, the copy robot closes his eyes and places his nose. "Well, I'll just wait until he wakes up," he mutters.

- Flash Back -

In the bathroom after Hiroto uses Prometheus's helmet.

"Just some insurance," Hiroto says, activating his copy robot and handing it Kamen rider Gai's card deck.

"Steal money if I lose," Hiroto says, also handing the copy robot a video camera.

"And record all the fights."

The copy robot transforms and enters the mirror world, leaving the original Hiroto behind in the bathroom.

Thanks for reading.

I'm back. Exams really drain my energy (especially Chemistry). So I took a week off (I still need to go to school, though).

Thanks for the collections and comments (even if I didn't reply). I honestly am still new to the fight scene (Especially without reference), so the fight will be like a turn-based game.

Richard uses Kung Fu, so it's really hard to find.

I'll probably edit some of my previous chapters later (maybe several times) to make them more readable.
