
G Examination

One day, You Huo and his family was pulled into an exam called the Global University Entrance Examination. Going through exams together with other unfortunate examinees, their lives are put at stake and they can only live by passing each exam. However, something about these exams and the system ruling it didn’t seem right — It seemed to be trying to trap the examinees with ridiculous rules and strange questions… There, You Huo meets lnvigiIator 001 who seems to hoId a key to the past he no Ionger remembered and, together, they go through the exam, unravelling the mysteries behind their past and the system.

Orangess · sci-fi
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30 Chs

( 9 )

154 thought back for a moment and then fearfully muttered: "Thankfully, I only encountered it once and wasn't selected.....I wonder who will be the sacrifice in this group of examinees?"

He looked at the time: "Only a few seconds left."

Before the cabin on the snow mountain.

The exhausted 922 no longer cared about his face. While gasping for air he stopped You Huo who walked ahead of him.

"Need something?" You Huo looked annoyed.

It was about time for the first answer submission. Through the roaring snowstorm, he could sense the panic inside the cabin.

Even a second couldn't be delayed.

922 said: "There's still another rule. As a person who had been confined, the two of you cannot answer when the answer is being collected for this round."

You Huo's expression turned even colder.

922 waved his hand: "Don't glare at me. Anyway, the first round for these types of questions are usually death questions. If you don't score any points——-"

He wasn't done speaking but You Huo had already turned around and opened the door.

The moment hot air poured out, the rooster started to let out a cry.

It was time for their responses to be collected.

The bald man fell onto his knees in fear. He quickly crawled over to the corner and trembled with unfocused eyes.

His actions took the lead, and several people in the room also followed suit.

Yu Wen half knelt on the floor with his knees suppressing the tattooed man below him. He was holding something in his hand that appeared to have just been taken away.

With the rooster's cry, he looked over in confusion. He raised his hand and muttered: "Brother, I found the knife, but time is...up?"

And then?

Everyone sat on the ground stunned. They were so scared they almost forgot to breathe.

The rooster cries made them panic.

"Really....Will be evicted from the exam centre?" Someone murmured quietly.

Then they will be blasted into smithereens outside in the snowstorm? Just like that tin can that was thrown out earlier?


The locked door suddenly blew open and it forcefully slammed into the wall.

Everyone flinched.

Outside, 922 who had not yet left stood still.

A sudden gust of wind blew in. Like a plane that was flying at a high altitude suddenly opening its door, a strong suction force pulled the people inside the room towards the door.


Old Yu cried out in shock. He suddenly fell to the ground and started to slip over towards the door.

It was as if there was an invisible hand pulling him by his ankle and dragging him out.

"The answer submission will only be over after the rooster cries 9 times."

"Also, there's a little trick for this dumb first round question. Hah…..It's quite shameless."

These two phrases suddenly appeared in You Huo's mind.

You Huo didn't have the time to think too deeply about it. He grabbed the knife in Yu Wen's hand and jumped over the long table that was in the way. He stood in front of the answer wall.

As the rooster let out its last cry, he scribbled a word:


922 outside the door: "......"

Is this trick also okay???

It really was okay.

The rooster cries and the snowstorm abruptly stopped.

Old Yu whose head was at the edge of the door had lost most of the hair at the top of his head. Yu Wen who was hugging his dad's leg rolled pathetically on the ground.

Their hearts thumped furiously, and their pale faces had a look of confusion. They then turned to look at the answer wall.

After what felt like almost a century, a red mark appeared next to the rough scribble "Answer"

Everyone was shocked.

922 was dumbfounded.

He stood in the cold for a few seconds and then rushed back to report.

It took a moment for the others in the room to digest what had happened.

They slowly climbed up from the ground and stood on their jelly-like legs.

"Man, what is this. Scared me to death...….." Old Yu fixed up his hair that had become bald in the centre. There was a light wound on his scalp too where blood flowed down from but fortunately, he was still alive.

Yu Wen released his hold of his father's leg. He laid sprawled on the ground in daze.

After a few seconds, he suddenly sat up and smacked his mouth: "Look at this pig head of mine! How could I have forgotten something like this?! My teacher would always remind us before an exam that even if we cannot answer the question, we should still write the word 'answer'. Just that word alone is worth 2 points!!! Brother, how can you be so clever?!"


You Huo wordlessly stored away the knife. He didn't see that as a praise.

In order to prevent the idiot from continuing to talk about the word 'answer', he finally spoke up and asked: "Who took the knife?"

When he mentioned the knife, Yu Wen's expression immediately turned sour: "Who else?!"

He pointed at the tattooed man and said: "Him! We found it on him! I knew there was something wrong with him. While the others were trying to find clues, he was hoarding all kinds of weapons like a bear preparing for hibernation. If not for Ms. Yu Yao bumping into him and knocking the knife out during the commotion, who knows when we would find it?!"

As he recalled what happened moments earlier, he couldn't help but shudder.

If that commotion didn't happen, if they were just a little bit more unlucky and the found the knife a second too late, if You Huo didn't come back before their responses are collected…..

Then his father Old Yu...

The tattooed man was tied up to the chair as everyone interrogated him.

At this moment, the answer wall suddenly changed.

Topic: A group of travellers came to a snow mountain and stayed overnight at a small hunter's cabin.

Question: I have 13 tableware, but food is limited and only 12 can be accommodated. The tableware hide a secret and one of you is destined to die. Will you be spared? This is actually not very difficult, after all optics is the most magical thing in the world.

Requirements: Find the that cursed tableware. (But cannot damage them)

Knowledge being tested: Optics

Everyone: "....."

Just as everyone was looking at the problem, a line of words appeared below.

Violation warning: A punished examinee broke the rules and answered the question. The invigilator has been notified.

Invigilator: 001, 154, 922

Everyone: "......."

Ten minutes later.

On the second floor of the small western building, inside the invigilator's office.

An invigilator and a rule violating examinee who had returned a second time looked at each other silently.

You Huo: "......"

Qin Jiu: "...…."

After a long time, the invigilator playing with the pen snorted. He looked up lazily and asked: "Do you plan on living here?"