
Future Awaiting

utkarsh_jain · sci-fi
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2 Chs

1. Arrival

Billy suddenly appeared from the sky and fall down on the surface. It was an empty narrow alley of Bleecker Street of New Jersey.

Billy was sweating heavily, it was like he was running away from someone. It was getting hard for him to breathe, and the next moment he blacked out.

when he opened his eyes, he was in a white room lying on the bed. then he heard a voice, someone saying he woke up. A man in his Twenties came running, he was checking the health of Billy and whether he was dangerous for him or not. He then introduced him to Billy by saying "Hii, I am Mark, we brought you here yesterday, you were blacked out in an alley".

Billy said, "We?"

Then Mark called his friend Amelia, who was scared of billy and was not in favor to bring him here as they didn't know him, and he can be dangerous for them.

Mark asks billy whether he has any memories of how he got there and what caused him to black out. But billy was not able to utter a word as he was very terrified, it was like the world was ending and he don't know what to say or what to do.

Amelia told Mark to give him some more rest and ask these question when billy will be comfortable and in good way to talk.

They give him some liquid food to eat and left the room so he can take rest.

Billy slept for whole day, Next day Mark and Amelia came again, they were hoping for some answers from Billy, but this time they started conversation lightly.

Billy was very tensed and he was confused, he was confused, he was asking them how this world is in peace, why here people are living normally, is this safe zone?. Why the sky is blue not black, How Sun is still here, he had many questions.....

Mark gave him a medicine that made him fall asleep.

The evening of that day, when Billy woke up, he was confused, Amelia asked him "Do he have any name?". Billy said, "I am Billy,and I am 19 years old and I need to find him".

Mark asked "We need to find who?".

Billy was not able to remember his name.

Then Mark said "Ok we will try to remember him later. For now Do you have any memories how you got here and what caused you to black out".

Billy said "He don't know how he got here, but before coming here, he was getting chased by someone who was trying to kill him, somehow he got here and because of heavy breathe he blacked out."

Mark and Amelia left the room for him to rest.

Next day Mark was watching FIFA 22 on his T.V. , Billy came to him and said what are you watching, Mark replied its FIFA, Billy was shocked to hear that and he was getting panic attack, Amelia just came home after doing her work and she was terrified after seeing Billy getting panic attack, Mark was helping billy to get to ease while amelia was splashing some water on billy's face.

Billy woke up, he was in shock, he was scared, Amelia asked "What happened Billy, why are you so scared?".

Billy asked them are they joking with him about the year?

They answered why would they lie/joke with him.

Then Billy said "I am sure that I came from the year 2085".

And he don't know how he travelled back to the year 2022.

Edit: P.S. Its my First novel, so it will be helpful if you please leave a comment on what things you liked and what you didn't liked. And if you liked it please support my novel by telling about this with your friends and family members.

It would be really helpful.

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