
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · Andere
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150 Chs

Cam and Mitchell

Cam sat at the small cafe, sipping on his coffee as he chatted with his friend, Mitchell. They were both enjoying a relaxing afternoon, taking a break from their busy lives. Cam couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as he sat there, knowing that his personal futanari toilet was always nearby, ready to fulfill his every need.

In this era, personal toilets were a normal part of life. They were essentially living beings, designed to cater to their owner's every personal need. They followed their owners everywhere, always ready to be used, whether it was for relieving themselves or for more intimate needs.

As Cam and Mitchell chatted, they both took turns using their personal futanari toilets. It was a common sight in this society, but to outsiders, it may seem strange or even taboo. But for Cam and Mitchell, it was just a normal part of their daily routine.

As they continued to talk, they found that they had a lot in common and their conversation flowed easily. As the afternoon turned into evening, they realized that they had fallen in love with each other.

They started dating and soon, they were inseparable. They decided to take the next step in their relationship and moved in together. Their personal futanari toilets also became a part of their household, now catering to both of their needs.

One day, as they were cuddled up on the couch, they started talking about their future. They both wanted to start a family.

They decided to impregnate each other's personal futanari toilets as a sign of their love and commitment to each other. It was a way for them to create a child together and to have a physical representation of their love.

Their futanari toilets were more than happy to comply, as they were programmed to fulfill their owner's desires. Cam and Mitchell were both filled with excitement and anticipation as they awaited the arrival of their children.

As their futanari toilets grew bigger with each passing day, Cam and Mitchell worked extra hard to produce more waste to feed them. It was a labor of love for both of them, knowing that they were creating a new life together.

Finally, the day arrived when their futanari toilets gave birth to their children. It was a moment of pure joy and love as they welcomed their twin boys into the world. They named them Luke and Logan, and their bond as a family was unbreakable.

As they raised their children together, Cam and Mitchell knew that they had everything they ever wanted in life. They had found love, created a family, and were living in a world where anything was possible.

In a society where personal futanari toilets were a normal part of life, Cam and Mitchell had found true love and happiness. And as they looked at their children, they knew that their unconventional love story was just the beginning of a beautiful family.