
Fury of a Lover

When private investigator, Deborah wellington undertook work on an important project. She was so invested in showing her superior that she was a good fit for the job. Not once did it cross her mind that love would be a contender. Timothy Johnson, was a Houston doctor and a nerd, a terrible combination on Deborah's dating radar. The unusual pair soon grow fond of each other and Elizabeth goes with the flow, yet she refuses to commit her heart fully. Timothy's ex moves back into the city and Elizabeth is thrown into a love triangle. Pregnant and alone wasn't a future Elizabeth envisioned for herself, but falling in love with a nerd wasn't a part of the plan too. A nerd that she discovered almost too late that she very much loved and wanted to spend forever with him. Darn it if she was ever going to allow one sleazy queen bee steal her man away from her. Not while she could do something about it.

DaoistRIvFRv · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter Three

Deborah was shocked to the marrow.

"How could he have known I was the one?"

she asked herself. She needed to think of

something to do. She couldn't just stand watching him. "What do you mean sir?" she asked, feigning ignorance to his allegation.

He attempted answering her, when his

girlfriend suddenly tapped him. "Babe, c'mon. She only adores us, that's all. I.don't think, she's the person, you're thinking.her to be." the girl said meekly, unknowingly helping Deborah untangle herself. "Exactly sir. I only saw both of you and liked your bonding, that's all" Deborah said, in.support of the girl's defense. "Okay. Let's take a few pictures and get out ofhere" Mr. Jonas said, after staring at Deborah for a while. "Hmm. Thank God" Deborah sighed as soonnas they left the coffee shop. She felt herselfnthe luckiest person that day, for she not only escaped from a faceoff with Mr. jony, which could land her back to square one, she was able to get concrete evidence in form of those pictures and the ones she took as they were leaving. She needed more evidence. Stronger evidence. The one with her wasn't strong enough. Mr. Jonas could easily claim he did that because she begged him to. She sat patiently in the car, listening to the conversation of the duo from where she was. They planned to lodge at a motel that night to celebrate the birthday and they planned on having a mind-blowing sex.

She was able to gather this information,

through the bug she planted in them earlier.

She buzzed over the phone, where Mr. Smith

voice rang loudly with a great echo. "How is

it?" he asked, sounding enthusiastic.

"Successful sir, I was able to get some

pictures. I was able to get the location where Mr. Jonas planned to lodge with his girlfriend. "That's very good of you, Deborah" he.applauded with gaiety. "should I forward the address where Mr. Jonas plans to lodge to his wife, with the pictures?"""'Yes do. Once you do that our work is done" "Alright sir" she said and hung up the call. She drove out of the coffee shop unto the express and off to her home. She needed a good rest, and she planned on Getting it that morning, before heading to the office, later in the afternoon. Mrs. Jonas was mad as hell when she saw thepicture. "This son of a bitch. I spent my life savings on him back then, to train him and this is how he repays me?" she asked as she strolled through the picture. She became more furious, when she read from Deborah her husband's plan to lodgenwith his side chic at a motel. She felt like stabbing her cheating husband to death. Stabbing was an understatement as to

how she wished she could kill him..Lynching. That was the perfect word. What doesn't she give this man. Is it sex? They make love on daily basis, despite her busy schedule. Is it food? She cooks thrice in a week for him, while the cook does the

cooking for four days. Is it emotional and

financial support? She gives that to him

without second thought. What else does he

want. She bursted Into uncontrollable tears, aftercontinuously staring at the WhatsApp

message before here. It was painful, but the deed had been done. The punishment remains. She decided at that moment that she was going to divorce him. She got tired of all his excesses; his lies, his embezzlement, his cheatings. She was sick and tired of it all. Night came earlier than usual, bringing good tidings for some people, while it brought bad for the likes of Me Jonas. He had arrived the lodge with his girlfriend as early as Six in the evening, for what they called the Marathon sex' They giggled loudly as they walked into room

thirty six. "I'm gonna suck you dry" the girl said with excitement to Mr Jonas, who was rubbing his bulge. It had hardened in anticipation of their escapade.The girl walked up to Mr Jonas, who was

already drooling uncontrollably. She held his hands and placed it on her oversized boobs.

"Oh, this is pleasure" he moaned in pleasure

as he fondled the breasts. They became taut and round from his touch. The girl began to make small squeaky

sounds. "Take me. Touch me" she moaned, pressing deeply into him. The heat between them was gradually.increasing, setting them on great heights of pleasure. She found her way down to Mr Jonas zippers, unzipped it and brought out his penis, which was as hard as a rock. She went on her knees and began to suck it,when the door of the room, opened suddenly. They froze. "So, it's true right. You've being cheating on me?" Mrs. Jonas said, eyeing her husband with disgust. "You know what? I'm done. I'm getting a divorce" she announced and stormed out of the room. "Honey! It isn't what you think" he pleaded but she had left before he could say anything. Deborah could finally sleep with rest of mind, for the first time in a long time, she wouldn't be handling any case for two weeks. The thought alone excited her. It made her blush in excitement. What joy it gave her. It was unexplainable. Topping it up was the break Mr. Smith granted her a weeklong vacation, paid for by the firm.

She booked her flight for 9am the next

morning, in order to get a good room fromwhere she could view the entire resort from.

She couldn't sleep early as a result of the

excitement engulfing her. The Ray of sunlight which shone into her room and woke her up. She rushed up to take her bath, but remembered she wasn't going to work. Her vacation had taken effect and she planned on using it well. She had always wanted to spend some times at the Colorado resort and this was her chance to make her wish come true. She called an Uber driver who was to take her to the airport after which she packed her bag, which contained some clothes, nighties, brassieres, swimming trunk and panties. The rider arrived minutes later, horning loudly to indicate his arrival. She locked her door, and was walking down tomeet the driver, when her neighbor's mother

walked up to hrr "Good morning ma" she greeted. "Don't you fucking greet me, you bitch. How dare you lock up my son, just because he tried having sex with you," the woman ranted on, making a fool of herself in front of Deborah, who stared at her silently."Can't you talk?" the woman asked in

annoyance, at Deborah's silence. It pricked

her conscience and made her feel the

stupidity of her question. "Are you done ranting?" Deborah asked, and walked away.

"Damn you, Deborah" the woman cursed

loudly, causing other neighbors troop out to

see what was happening. She ran into her apartment with a flush of embarrassment.