
Further from the light

The duchy of Goldhart has four viable heirs, so it makes no sense for the late duchess to have given it to her. Nonetheless Allisyn is now the next duchess, whether they like it or not and with her coming of age ball she is hoping to find a suitable man to stand by her side. But love is not all sunshine and rainbows, a lesson she will learn the hard way. The only problem now is that with every bump and thorn in her way, Allisyn falls deeper into the darkness

Fic_lover · Fantasie
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5 Chs

It just became a burden

Allisyn Marigold Goldhart, the victim of over 30 failed assassination attempts, was finally reaching adulthood.

"Lady Allisyn, the preparation for your birthday ball are coming along swiftly." Anne, the headmaid handed her the report.

One thing Allisyn has learned over the last 6 years, was that nobody was on her side. Not her father, not her devious little brothers, and definitely not the servants. As soon as she turned 16, she demanded she be taught how to read and write. She was a genius in both Math and history, subjects that came up often between nobles of different kingdoms. At 18, she started to handle her riches herself as her father was overspending on unnecessary things and if left to continue would have driven her to bankruptcy. That was also her father's first attempt at getting rid of her.

She looked over the report, making sure to scan over every little detail to make sure no forgery was in play.

"Good, is my dress ready?"

"Yes my lady, the seamstress delivered it a while ago."

Allisyn does admit that she held an overwhelmingly high position for her age, but she did not like how the servants treated her. In their eyes, she was nothing but a child who they saw no need to respect or report to. She can bet her whole wealth that a copy of this report was already send to her father before it reached her, that her brothers knew of the arrival of the dress the moment it came through the door.

Her eye twitched, she was honestly tired of the disrespect towards her. Everyone in the castle has chosen a side and it was not hers. The servants pledged their allegiance to her brothers and father. She had heard them one day, talking about how a women was unfit to run and rule over a barony, nevermind a duchy. They had stated how they hoped one of the true heirs would show her her place. That was also the last time she ate food prepared by the servants.

"Take it to my room for the final fitting. I will be there in a few minutes."

One would think that clothes specially made for a specific individual of high rank would be taken to their room upon arrival, out of respect for them, but she knew that was too high of an expectation for them. The maids here could not care less for her comfort unless specifically instructed to. They did not do her laundry unless she told them to, did not clean her room, change bed sheets, or do anything unless told to.

"Yes my lady." The old lady bowed and headed towards the door.

She was finally coming age in a few days, and that meant she would be allowed to go outside of the duchy, with an escort of course. This for her meant that she could finally find allies outside these walls, she would find people she can trust to help her rule.

She stood up and headed towards her bedroom, the sound of her footsteps nearly non-existent. It was a habit of hers she developed when she was still a child so as not to disturb her parents but now it came in handy when she wanted to listen in on the maids.

"Maybe this is not a bad thing, I mean now that she is finally of age she can find a good educated husband who will show her the way, and maybe even take her out of this house." She knew the voice quite well, her attendant maid, Lucie. They have been together since childhood but unfortunately that special sisterhood bond never happened. The maid, although would never personally show Alli, saw the future duchess as an annoying child and hurdle to her future. Afterall, the second son promised to marry her if he was Duke.

"I heard the earl's son has been showing interest in her ever since Lord Evans coming of age ball." the second voice belonged to Anne.

"I heard the prince asked about her in a few of the meeting" a third familiar voice said.

"THE PRINCE!!!!" every maid exclaimed in shock.

She couldn't blame them for their reaction. Despite being the most sought after man in the whole kingdom, the prince has yet to show interest in anyone. The courting of nobles started after their coming of age party when they are 20 years of age, and they are usually married before 23 years. The prince was turning 25 years this year but he has yet to commit to any of the young, unmarried nobles throwing themselves his way. His unmarried status was also the reason he has yet to take over as the King of Landenmore.

"Do you think that's the reason the prince has yet to marry, that she was waiting for her?"

They all laughed at the question, even the one who asked. At this point she has had enough, so she opened the door softly and entered. They all bowed before going into action, some undressing her while others prepared the dress. There was no chit chat in her presence, but she was used to the silence.

'The prince huh' she knew better than to listen to rumours but she was also curious as to why the prince would ask about her