
Full Attribute In Naruto

The story of Hirota Nobu an orphan in Konoha, and his journey from procrastinator to ... Coomer.

KageCoomer · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs


Nobu Could immediately tell from the matron's face that Hideki, the little bastard, had been rattling off to her, that and the moment he got close she immediately started yelling.

"Hirota Nobu, how dare you do this to your brother, I didn't send you to the academy for you to become a little Ruffian, you guys only have each other if you can't even get along what chance do you have once you are ninja's facing Konoha's enemies."

I could tell the matron was quite flustered by this turn of events, and who could blame her after all Hideki was quite a sight.

No matter what anyone said about her, everybody in that orphanage knew that she truly cared about us, Nobu did feel a little bad about making her worry even though he didn't for an instant regret having beaten Hideki.

" Miss matron you misunderstand, we do get along, today was just the hand-to-hand combat examination and in order to have a chance to be selected to go to the advanced class containing the clan kids I had to do my best, and so did Hideki." I stated as sincerely as I could.

" There was no malice involved, we simply had to try our best to separate ourselves from the pack."

"You'd be happy to know that tomorrow I am reporting to the advanced class as a result of my performance in hand-to-hand combat against Hideki today. Just ask Sensei or even Hideki. We both tried our best. I was just better that day, there is no need to worry, injuries are just part of ninja training after all."

The matron seemed stunned by my statement for an instant, after all although I had become much bigger over the past six months, in her mind I was still that scrawny little kid that she'd been raising since he was in diapers. It would be quite hard for anyone to believe how far I had come if not for my significant growth.

" You managed to get into the advanced class!" She said surprised and obviously elated, before returning to her usual stern face. " Be that as it may, in the future I expect you to take it a little bit easier on your brothers, especially since you've already made it into the advanced class, there's no need to be so hard on one another any more."

" You've pleasantly surprised me, I never thought you'd make it this far but now I can see that I was wrong. you were right to never doubt yourself. I'm so proud of you boy." She said a single tear was leaking from the corner of her eye at the end.

The matron truly cared for us, of that I was sure.

It left a bad taste in my mouth to deceive her like this, but looking at Hideki's constipated face, I knew that if I didn't come up with that story right then and there, he would have twisted what happened in some way or another in order to get me in trouble.

The little shit had nothing better to do after losing than to try to discredit me.

Well no more, now that I was in the advanced class I would not have to deal with Hideki all throughout the day, and if the clan kids were as good as the matron always said they were, my improvements would be expansive compared to when I was in the civilian class.

On our way back to the orphanage I started wondering what else Hideki had in mind in order to get back at me.

I knew that petty little shit would not let this go, especially after having been humiliated in front of our whole class.

I did not have to wonder for long, the moment I came into my bedroom I saw Hideki's two goons sitting on my bed, I tensed up for a moment and looked behind me. And there stood Hideki, a look of Rage plastered all over his face.

Panicked, I knew with how hard I had it fighting one-on-one against him the first time I would have a hard time taking on all three of them.

Without a moment's hesitation I dashed towards Hideki, evidently taking him by surprise as I jumped knee first straight into his face.

The impact of my knee against his nose released a sickening crunch, probably further breaking the appendage on top of the damage it had taken earlier today.

The momentum from my knee put Hideki on the ground holding his nose in pain.

I took advantage of the situation by immediately stomping on his face with all my strength, although he tried to block with his hand after taking the first hit straight on the forehead, the second released a dull thud as the back of his head forcefully hit the floor, knocking him unconscious.

"What the fuck?" Shouted one of the two idiots still in the bedroom.

Before they could fully realize what had happened, I tore myself away from Hideki's unconscious body, and dashed towards goon number one, who backed away in fear the moment he realized I was charging towards him, not leaving him anytime to think, I landed a high jump kick straight on his throat, fully taking advantage of his unpreparedness to hit him flush.

The other goon seemed to have gotten a hold of himself, and as I was getting back on my feet he landed a punch flush against my cheek, turning my head sideways and inflaming my face with pain.

The impact had me reflexively put my hands up in defense, which unfortunately for me led to him landing a swift knee to my midsection.

The breath was knocked out of me, as I went on my knees gasping for air, knowing that I was now at a disadvantage, I focused and applied my skills to the best of my ability, as he lunged to hit me with another knee this time to the face, I also launched forward digging my shoulder into said knee, disregarding the pain of the impact I lifted his leg up and swept his other leg from under him with a kick.

As he fell on the ground I started hearing movement behind me.

His friend seemed to have recovered from my kick to his throat.

I swiftly backed up right outside the door to my bedroom so as to block the entrance so that they couldn't attack me from both sides. I was determined to win this 2 versus one or not.

Catch me outside how bout that.

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