
FTWD: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

This is a story that focuses on a teenager named Dominic, who starts out as a simple teenager, much more insightful than the rest. But as the story unfolds, more secrets about him that were unknown will be revealed. Just when he thought he had a peaceful life, a message from his father forever changed his perception of reality. Discovering that a terrorist attack could turn everyone into the walking dead, he did everything he could to prepare. However, just when he least expected it, chaos invaded his world. As his adrenaline-filled story unfolds, he will discover that these undead, better known as walkers, are much more familiar than he believes. The entire course of history changed once again when he discovered that he was in a world that he had much knowledge about. Can Dominic survive this apocalypse? What will his position be in this world? Do the Bearers look familiar to you in any way?

SrCuervo · TV
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176 Chs

The World That Has Been Lost

"Zz. Descending, package secured."

Dominic stepped out of the helicopter as soon as it landed. He looked at the largest military base that had been recovered a few months ago, and his eyes fell on Daniel, who was approaching, followed by many other members.

"Have you resolved the issue?"

Daniel nodded, looked at the people Dominic had brought, and said, "Everyone who maintained your helicopter was interrogated. I found out who did it, so after extracting the information, we killed everyone involved."

When Dominic heard this, he nodded and said, "The men have the talent to lead; make sure they receive the proper training."

"We will."

Daniel walked alone with Dominic and said in an unusual tone, "I didn't want to receive the winter plan. I knew you would come back."

"Rather, you didn't want to accept the leadership position. I know the deaths still haunt you." Dominic knew Daniel's past, so he had to be careful not to let it affect him in the future.

When they arrived at an open space, all the elite soldiers waiting for Dominic saluted. "Glory to humanity!"

"Glory to humanity, my soldiers!"

Dominic looked at these newly enlisted thousands of soldiers and said, "As you all might have suspected, humanity has been lost in the hearts of men and women. Everyone has slowly lost the values we grew up with and the morals that defined us as good in our respective lives."

"There is no longer good or evil; the metaphors have changed, and now there is only moving forward or staying in the past. Live or die; hunt or be hunted. The world we remember and yearn for at night has been lost. Therefore, our duty is to form a new world, and that is why we will be the unification of a single government that will lead everything."

Everyone knew what Dominic meant; he wanted to dominate the entire world under one government, no matter how many people had to die to achieve it.

The plan was laid out; now the soldiers only needed to express their thoughts, and without Dominic waiting too long, everyone gave a shout of approval.

"Glory to humanity!"

Everyone saluted again, and the burning gaze of each elite soldier gave Dominic the confidence he needed to move forward.

The next step was to take the states connecting with the Mexican border to secure a large number of resources. But above all, it was crucial to have Texas, and for that, they needed to take Arizona as the next objective.

Rick looked at all those soldiers lined up, and Dominic was giving a speech about the development of this place. As far as they knew, they were now at a base in Nevada, where they would expand to reclaim the territory.

If this could continue in this manner, then he was sure they could achieve it: a safe place where everyone could stay.

"What do you think?" Rick asked Daryl in a low voice.

Daryl looked around and said, "They're not bad people. They've learned to survive just like we did."

The world had been lost, and that was something everyone needed to keep in mind.

Thank you for reading. If you want to support me, read original novels and read 35 extra chapters of this story, you can visit my Patreon: SrCuervo

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