
Frontier: I got Reincarnated as a Droid

Once a celebrated Muay Thai champion in the world, Aqif's life spiraled into obscurity and depression after losing his championship belt. Consumed by the sci-fi colony simulation game, Frontier, he became a recluse, until a sudden heart attack ended his suffering. But death was not the end for Aqif. Reborn in the universe of Frontier as a combat droid, Aqif, now Azrael, awakens in a crashed cryo capsule on a strange, alien planet. Rescued by a nearby settlement of colonists, Aqif uses his newfound droid abilities and his old Muay Thai skills to adapt and integrate into their community. As he gains the trust of the settlers, he helps them defend against the harsh realities of their world. However, peace is fleeting on the rim of known space. When a ruthless mining corporation threatens to conquer the land and exploit its resources, Aqif embarks on a mission to dismantle the corporation's operations. Armed with his combat expertise and driven by a newfound sense of purpose, Aqif becomes the colony's last hope against the corporate invaders.

DeoRyad · sci-fi
Zu wenig Bewertungen
8 Chs

Chapter 3: Massacre


 Azrael wiped the sweat from his brow, though it was more for show than necessity. His internal systems kept his body at an optimal temperature, but old habits died hard. The reinforced fence now stood tall, a sturdy barrier between the settlers of Steelroot and the dangers of the world outside. He felt a sense of accomplishment as he surveyed the completed work.

"Looks good, Azrael," Elena said, walking over with a smile. "You did a great job."

"Thanks," Azrael replied. "So, what's next?"

Elena pointed to a stack of crates nearby. "Now we need to set up the automated turrets. Follow me."

They moved to the crates and started unpacking the components. Elena handed Azrael a control module, and they began assembling the turrets. As they worked, a man approached them. He was tall, with a rugged appearance and a confident stride. His dark hair was cropped short, and his eyes had a piercing intensity.

"Elena, I see you've got some new help," the man said, his voice deep and commanding.

Elena looked up and smiled. "Azrael, this is Darius. He's our head of security and one of the best fighters we have."

Azrael extended a hand. "Nice to meet you, Darius."

Darius shook his hand firmly. "Likewise. Elena tells me you were a gladiator. That must have been quite the experience."

"It was," Azrael replied, keeping his answer brief.

Darius nodded, then turned to Elena. "We've received word about where the natives are located. We need to discuss our next steps."

Elena glanced at Azrael, then back at Darius. "Let's finish setting up these turrets first. Then we can talk strategy."

Together, they continued assembling the turrets. Azrael found the work surprisingly satisfying, each completed unit a small step towards making Steelroot safer.

[Relations with Steelroot: +10]

It seems that when he does something beneficial to the settlement, his relations with them rise up. At the moment, Azrael had an idea what he was going to do soon.

 As they finished installing the last turret, Darius called Elena over to a corner of the yard, speaking in hushed tones.


Azrael's enhanced hearing picked up fragments of their conversation.

"...aggressive native group... need to eliminate them... too dangerous to ignore."

Elena's voice was softer, but he could still hear her. "But is it wise to risk lives on this mission? We don't know enough about their numbers."

"It's a risk we have to take," Darius replied. "We can't let them threaten our colony anymore."

Azrael's mind raced. A dangerous native group threatening the colony? He couldn't just stand by and do nothing! He needed to take action. Besides, doing something might increase his relations with the settlement. This is necessary for his future within the colony.

After everything was done, they decided to call it a day and go back and rest for the night. As Azrael was helping the settlers arranging the leftover crates, Elena came towards him.

"Great job today, Azrael. I was thinking... would you like to join me for dinner at the mess hall? It's a good chance to relax and get to know each other better."

Azrael hesitated. Eating wasn't something he had considered. As a droid, he didn't require food in the traditional sense, and he wasn't sure how his system would react. But refusing might draw unwanted attention. "Sure," he said, forcing a smile. "I'd like that."

As evening fell, Azrael followed Elena to the mess hall. It was a lively place, filled with settlers chatting and enjoying their meals. The smell of cooked food was inviting, though Azrael felt a pang of uncertainty.

They took their seats, and Elena handed him a tray of food. "Here you go. Dig in."

Azrael stared at the food for a moment before picking up a fork. He took a cautious bite, chewing slowly. To his surprise, his system began to break down the food, converting it into energy. He felt a slight surge, a boost to his internal reactor.

[Food consumed.]

[Upon entering combat, you can activate a power surge that would increase Speed]

"Oh, this is a great development. I can act as a human endlessly with this feature… " he thought to himself.

Elena watched him, smiling. "So, what do you think?"

"It's... good," Azrael replied, genuinely surprised. "I didn't realize how much I missed real food." They continued eating, with Elena sharing stories about her time on other planets and the challenges of life on this one. Azrael listened, feeling more at ease as the evening went on.

As they finished their meal, Elena leaned back in her chair. "I'm glad you joined us, Azrael. You're fitting in well here."

"Thanks, Elena," Azrael said, feeling a warm sense of belonging. "I appreciate it."

"Well, that's it then." Elena stood up from her stool. "Tonight there's a gathering at the settlement center. We hang out and chat every night there. You're welcomed to come by". She smiled and left afterwards.

Azrael was grateful that she invited him, but he had other plans. He went back to the barracks and "slept" for a few hours until nightfall. Just as it went dark, he woke up and tested something.

"Scan the whole settlement, and how many buildings that are possibly holding information on the Native's location"


[Location scanned. A total 16 buildings scanned. Creating a map]

The system generated a map based on the scan, and Azrael saw that the building he was in was located a bit near the north entrance.

[Potential intelligence building located. Creating a waypoint]

A line on the floor was created by the system, showing him the way to the building. He made his way out quietly. Surprisingly, he was amazingly sneaky.

[Covert mode: ON]

[Suppressing internal and external noise]

Noticing this, Azrael sneaked a little bit more and realized that his footsteps was silent. He tried running faster but there were little to no sound created by him.

He made his way quickly to the building, avoiding the main pathways and sneaking in between buildings to not be noticed. As he arrived, he saw that it was a tall concrete building that overlooked over the wall, but there were guards stationed outside. It was a security outpost with also a guard stationed on top of the building.

He sneakily went behind the building, and saw a window. There was light coming from inside the room. He heard conversation between three people. He peeked through the window slowly, his heightened senses picking up their conversation.

"...we need to pinpoint their exact location," Darius was saying. "Our scouts have reported sightings, but we need confirmation."

Elena nodded, tracing a finger over a map spread out on the table. "If we can find their main camp, we can plan a targeted strike. But it's risky."

Zara leaned in, her eyes focused. "We should consider sending a small reconnaissance team first. We can't afford to walk into an ambush."

Darius sighed. "I know, but we have no choice. We can't let them launch another attack on us."

Azrael's eyes followed Elena's finger on the map. She pointed to a region marked with several red circles. "These are the areas where they've been spotted. We need to narrow it down."

Zara nodded. "I'll coordinate with our scouts and get more detailed reports. We need to move carefully."

Azrael made a mental note of the locations. He scanned the map and added it into his database, as well as the possible locations. He slipped back into the cover of the night, navigating through the dark easily with his night-vision.

He went back to the barracks and hibernated until morning.

Come next morning, as he was going out from the barracks, Zara came to him with a new task.

"Morning Azrael. How was last night? I hope you're settling in nice here," she asked.

"Oh, I slept well. I'm settling in good here. The people are nice."

"That's good. Hey, I know this might be too much to ask, but today we're kinda short on people and we need somebody to go on a hunting run. Our supplies would last us two months, and hunting a muffalo would add probably another month. Traders won't come by until after harvest season, which is four months from now. Our stable animals are also not fully grown yet, soo.."

"That's fine. I can do hunting. Do I get to have a gun?" He chuckled.

"Of course. Elena is already waiting for you in the workshop. The muffalos are also located not too far from where the natives were last located, so I want you to be careful to not be detected by them."

Azrael nodded. "Consider it done."

He went to the workshop he saw yesterday, but he saw nobody inside. Instead, on a workbench nearby, he was met with a rifle with some supplies and ammo, along with a bag. There was also a note.

"Hi Azrael, something came up, so I couldn't wait for you. Here's the supplies and equipment Zara told me to give you. The muffalos are a tough animal, so I'd advise to be well hidden once you shoot, otherwise they will charge you and step on you. Their fur provides them additional defense too, so you neded to be smart about this! This supplies would last you two days.

Good hunting! Xoxo"

"Thanks," he muttered.

As he headed out of the settlement, he cast a glance back at Steelroot. He had no intention of just hunting muffalos today. This was his chance to deal with the native threat himself.

Azrael trekked through the rugged terrain, using his internal compass to navigate. The landscape was harsh, with jagged rocks and sparse vegetation. He moved swiftly, driven by a sense of duty and the need to protect his new home. He spent almost a few hours walking, but he didn't mind, because he felt nothing. Azrael was not tired, and he could go on for hours. His legs wasn't hurting at all. Then, his sytem popped up.

[Combat capabilities fully rebooted.]

"About time"

After a few hours, he reached the area where the natives were reported to be. He climbed a hill and surveyed the scene below. A small encampment was nestled in a flat area, shielded by trees, with makeshift tents and armed guards patrolling the perimeter. Azrael counted at least a dozen natives, all heavily armed.

"This won't be easy," he muttered to himself.

He observed their movements, noting the shift changes and the positions of the guards. He formulated a plan, deciding to strike under the cover of darkness. He waited until nightfall.

As night fell, Azrael crept closer to the encampment. He moved silently, his enhanced senses alert for any signs of danger. He reached the edge of the camp and waited, biding his time until the guards were at their most vulnerable.

When the moment came, he sprang into action. He grabbed the first guard's head and snapped it. The guard fell down instantly, and he quickly moved on to the next. He felt nothing. Not even a little bit sense of remorse. One by one, he neutralized the sentries, making his way to the heart of the camp.

He reached the largest tent and slipped inside. The leader of the native group was there, poring over maps and plans. Azrael approached him. Before the leader could react, Azrael's blade was at his throat.

"Why are you threatening Steelroot?" Azrael demanded, his voice a low growl.

The leader glared at him, defiant. "Your people encroach on our land. We defend what is ours."

Azrael's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on the blade. "There must be a way to coexist."

"Not while your people take what they please," the leader spat.

Azrael's patience snapped. With a swift motion, he slit the leader's throat, blood spraying across the maps. There would be no negotiation, no mercy. These natives were a threat that needed to be eliminated. The leader gurgled and dropped, seizing on the floor before dying.

Then there was no need for stealth. Upon exiting the tent, he fired his weapon on the first native he saw. The poor man fell to the ground, and the gunshot alarmed the natives that were in their tents. Soon after, they exited their tents and only saw a man standing in the middle of the camp, holding a gun. In front of him, were a man lying in blood. It was dim, and they only saw his silhouette with the help of torches.

"It's the enemy!!!" One native man shouted.

Azrael drew his weapon towards him, and shot his head. The natives realized what was going on and panicked. Azrael's movements were precise and deadly. He felt no remorse, no hesitation. This was his battlefield, and he would emerge victorious.

One by one, he hunted them down. Warriors, women, and even the elderly fell before his relentless assault. His combat prowess made him an unstoppable force. The natives fought back with desperation, but they were no match for Azrael's cold efficiency. He saw a family of three running into a tent, and he followed them in.

They huddled together, scared for their life. The man, probably the father, stood in front of his family.

"A noble sacrifice", Azrael spoke. He drew his rifle. The man closed his eyes and prepared. "But it won't stop me."

A gunshot was heard, and the man was still standing. He opened his eyes slowly, and saw that Azrael had took a shot at the man's wife. Her eyes wide open, shocked. Her child in her arms, still alive but bathed in the woman's blood.

"Why, you…!" The man screamed in agony and charged towards Azrael. The man swung his arms out, trying to hit Azrael but couldn't. He dodged every swing. He then kicked the man in the ribs and he went flying towards the edge of the tent. He coughed out blood. Not wanting to waste time, he shot the man who was on the floor.

He then saw the child, who was still in his dead mother's arms. He walked towards the little one, and crouched down in front of him.

"The world is unforgiving, kid. I'm sorry it had to happen to you, but this is the way it is." He stood up and walked out of the tent. He took a nearby lamp torch and threw it onto the tent, with the kid still inside.

Then, a stone flew towards Azrael's head and he dodged it in the last second.

It was a teenager who threw the stone. He stood tall, trying to show that he was not scared of the man who murdered everyone he knew, but in reality, he was fearing for his life.

Azrael picked up the stone, and threw it towards the kid. The stone penetrated the skull and the teenage boy instantly died without suffering.

The last native fell, eyes wide with fear and disbelief. Azrael stood amidst the carnage. He was like a demon. Blood stained his hands, but he felt nothing but a grim satisfaction. The immediate threat to Steelroot was neutralized.

He moved through the camp, ensuring there were no survivors. He destroyed their weapons and supplies, making sure they couldn't regroup and retaliate. When he was done, the camp was a smoldering ruin, silent and desolate.