

Somewhere in London ..... Sophia stanway's house ;

Marvin ( son ) : Hey Mum ...Goodmorning

Sophia : yeah you too ... now go upstairs and get dressed and I can go drop you off at school....

Malvin : Alright Mum ... I will go do that ....

Jeff ( husband ) : Hey honey, her husband walks up to her as he gives her a light kiss on the cheek ... I gotta head out ...

Sophia : please honey .. I was thinking , if you could help me drop Malvin at school ... I have some pretty tight schedule today ...

Jeff : Alright ... anything for you baby ....

In few minutes Jeff and malvin were gone ... Sophia cell phones rings ...

Sophia : Hello

Unknown caller : We need to talk

Sophia : who the hell is this ?

Unknown caller : not important for now ...

Now you gonna do as I say all else ... I will take your husband and your kid ....

Sophia : you wouldn't dear do that ...

Unknown caller : do as I say , and we're good ....

Sophia : What do you want ?

Unknown caller : nothing ... I am just a messenger here... Alright enough of these jokes , it's me Elliot ... suprise !!

Sophia : ooh ! Jesus Christ ... please dude , don't ever pull shit like that ever again ....

Elliot : they have a job for you .. Sophia ....

Sophia : who ? And why me ?

Elliot : the triad ... they picked you ... for reasons I am not aware of ..

Elliot : your mission is to find the two fugitives from the US and capture them and bring them alive ...

Sophia : what ? What fugitives ? Vanessa and franklin ? The ones I saw on the news today ?

Elliot : yeah , damn right ...

Sophia : how do I even know how to find them ? Clearly , they ain't in London right now ... so I think catching them will be as hard as fuck .... what's in it for me ?

Elliot : $2400 deposit , then you get the balance when the deal has been reached and fulfilled ...

Sophia : hmmm ... any threats that I should be aware of ?

Elliot : yeah there might be .... Tracy and her team ... You know I know franklin personally , as a friend , but the job must be done ... he called me a few days ago , I tracked his calling route , it was somewhere in New Zealand .... I am sending you the address now ...

Sophia : seen ...

Elliot : you have 72 hours to get the job done ... and just so you remember , the triad doesn't take disappointment likely ...

Sophia : Sure ...

And after their conversation, Sophia hanged up and dropped her cell phone on the table.

She brought out a bag , brought some guns , knives, and some other items .. fake passports , credit cards and few other stuff ...

Sophia : Alright Sophie , put your big girl panties on , it's time for mission .

She dropped a note on the dining room table ... the reads ;

" Hey Malvin , I miss you ... how's school , I hope school is fun ... yeah mummy gotta go away for a couple of days , I promise she will be back ... I know you are a strong kid ... your dad will take care of you , ok ... see you in a couple of days "

In next to no time , she was at the airport , she swiped in her fake credentials, and she boarded a flight to New Zealand ...

In some hours time she landed at New Zealand ... with the intentions of booking another 5 hours flight to sydney...

She was waiting patiently at the line ... when she heard a voice from behind ... everybody hands above your head ... It was three Officers ... who followed her all the way to New Zealand ...

One of the agents grabbed her left hands and said with a smiling face ....

" you are under arrest , Sophia stanway ... the Chinese triad can't save you now , can they ?" . In next to no time , she was escorted out of the airport , in handcuffs , into an Cops' vehicle , they drove off straight to the office ...

" The FBI said you will be in New Zealand today , and true, you did showed up ... now what we have to do now is to inform them that we got you ... and they can come and take it from here ....

Sophia : you guys are making a very big mistake ... if the Chinese should here that I am taken , it's only a matter of hours before something really messy will happen here ...

" Well , we look forward to that ." They threw her into one of the prison cells .

Sophia : Oh common ! Is this how I die , here in New Zealand... without saying goodbye to my husband and my kid ?

After an hour and some minutes in the prison cell ... Sophia remembered something , she just remembered that every agent of the Chinese triad have a very little tracker that is planted at the back of their neck ... which means anywhere an agent is , he or she can be tracked ...and the location can be traced and known ...

At the Chinese triad chamber ;

Hello sir : Someone's tracker was just discovered in Wellington , New Zealand ... She is in a high maximum security prison in New Zealand .

Boss : That is not good ... if she is there, when the FBI comes around , they will ask a lot of questions concerning this organization , which obviously , I can't let that happen ... we have to break in ..

" Sir with all due respect ... we are short of agents, which most of them have gone rogue ... and right now we only have few agents , who I think can extract Sophia from New Zealand ... without raising any alarm .

Boss : I need 4 men ... who can get this job done .... the 16 other leaders of the organization Were angry about the way I do things around... saying why was I even elected in the first day ... So they wanna sit this afternoon , to see what the reviews have been for the triad since I became the head of the organization . In next to no time me , four guys were available , they suited up , took their guns and were ready for the mission ...

Boss : alright pals , in this mission, the stakes are higher , if you get caught , you will go to Jail. Please don't get killed , and please do not allow anything happen to Sophia , ok .... you have the tools for the extraction ...

Boss : Let's do this ... bring Sophia stanway alive ... she is one of our biggest assets..