
From Ember To Inferno

In the enchanting realm of Arcadia, where individuals command elemental powers, "From Ember To Inferno" follows the journey of Aric Raledron, the arrogant and entitled younger son of Eldoria's minister. He is betrothed to Princess Lyra, but their relationship sours due to Aric's nature. However, everything changes when Rylan, a talented peasant with exceptional abilities, arrives at the academy. Rylan effortlessly defeats Aric in a humiliating confrontation, forcing him to reevaluate his worth. Initially tempted to use his father's influence against Rylan, Aric realizes that true respect cannot be gained through manipulation. Determined to prove himself, Aric embarks on a soul-searching expedition, leaving home behind. Little does he know that a sinister force, shrouded in darkness, conspires to destroy Arcadia and bring chaos to its lands. Joined by a unique group of companions, Aric's journey of self-discovery intertwines with a web of ancient conspiracies that threaten the very fabric of their world. Together, they delve into the mysterious and treacherous depths of Arcadia, unearthing long-forgotten secrets and facing unimaginable challenges. " From Ember To Inferno" is an epic tale of redemption, personal growth, and the enduring power of friendship. As Aric confronts his own flaws, he discovers the strength within himself to stand against the encroaching darkness. Will he unearth the truth behind the conspiracy and save Arcadia from its impending doom? Only time will tell.

mystik_fablemaster · Urban
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4 Chs




[ YEAR: 365 AC ]

King Gawain sat at the head of the long, polished table in the council room, surrounded by his trusted advisors. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the history of Eldoria, while shelves lined with leather-bound tomes filled the walls. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues across the room, but the atmosphere was tense as they discussed the kingdom's pressing matters.

The council members, including Celdric Raledron, Alexander's father and a respected member of the council, gathered around the table. They delved into the usual topics of taxation, agricultural prospects, and the state of the Royal Academy. King Gawain listened intently, offering his insights and guidance on each matter. However, it was clear that a more serious issue weighed heavily on their minds.

As the discussions neared their end, Celdric cleared his throat, capturing the attention of everyone in the room. "Your Majesty," he began, his voice steady but tinged with concern, "we must address a matter of utmost importance that has plagued our kingdom for the past four years—the increasing disappearances near the border of Grimrock."

A murmur spread through the council room, and King Gawain's brow furrowed. "Yes, the reports have reached my ears as well," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of worry and determination. "We entrusted the task to Alexander Raledron, our youngest general, and he has done an admirable job in reducing the number of disappearances. But the fact remains that we have no leads on the culprits or the fate of the missing people."

Celdric nodded gravely. "Indeed, Your Majesty. Alexander has been stationed there for two years, tirelessly leading patrols and investigations, yet the mystery persists. The disappearances have lessened, but we have no clue as to the identity of those responsible or the whereabouts of the missing individuals."

One of the council members spoke up, her voice filled with concern. "Your Majesty, the people are growing restless. They fear for their safety and the safety of their loved ones. We must take decisive action to bring an end to these disappearances and restore peace along the border."

King Gawain leaned forward, his gaze focused and resolute. "You speak the truth. We cannot allow our people to live in fear any longer. Alexander has proven his dedication and resourcefulness, but he needs additional support. I propose that we gather a team of our most skilled investigators, mages, and trackers to assist him. We must pool our resources and knowledge to uncover the truth behind these disappearances. "

The council members nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a mix of determination and concern. They understood the gravity of the situation and the need for a swift resolution.

"I will personally speak to Alexander," Celdric added, his voice firm. "He deserves to know that we stand united in this endeavour. Together, we shall find the answers we seek and put an end to the suffering of our people."

King Gawain rose from his seat, his regal presence commanding attention. "Very well. Let it be known that the kingdom of Eldoria will not rest until this mystery is solved. We will protect our people and bring the perpetrators to justice. This council is adjourned, and we shall take immediate action."

As the council members slowly trickled out of the room, King Gawain and Celdric Raledron walked side by side, their steps echoing softly on the marble floor. Behind them, the royal guards maintained a respectful distance, their presence a reminder of the king's authority and protection.

The weight of the council's discussions still hung in the air, but King Gawain sought to lighten the mood. He turned to Celdric, a warm smile playing on his lips. "Celdric, my friend, it seems we're always burdened with the weight of the kingdom's affairs. It's good to have a moment of respite."

Celdric nodded, a faint smile appearing on his face. "Indeed, Your Majesty. These matters have a way of occupying our thoughts, but moments like these remind us of the joys and laughter that still exist in our lives."

They continued walking, their strides steady and synchronized. The sunlight streaming through the windows cast a gentle glow on their path. The clinking of armour from the guards served as a rhythmic backdrop to their conversation.

King Gawain's tone turned playful as he leaned toward Celdric. "Speaking of joys and laughter, Celdric, I must inquire—has Alexander given any thought to settling down? It's about time he found a suitable match, don't you think?"

Celdric chuckled softly, a twinkle in his eyes. "Ah, my dear king, you have touched upon a sensitive topic. I've long given up on pressuring Alexander in such matters."

The king raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh? And why is that, Celdric? Has he proven resistant to the idea?"

Celdric's laughter reverberated through the corridor, drawing the attention of a passing servant who glanced at them with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. "Resistant would be an understatement, Your Majesty," Celdric replied a hint of amusement in his voice. "The last time I attempted to discuss marriage with him, he bombarded me with fireballs. I'm quite certain he wanted to make his point clear."

The king burst into laughter, a hearty sound that echoed through the corridor. The guards behind them exchanged curious glances but remained steadfast in their duty.

"Oh, my friend, I can only imagine the scene," King Gawain managed to say between chuckles. "To think that our valiant general, who faces battles and adversaries without flinching, would be so vehemently opposed to the idea of marriage."

Celdric joined in the laughter, his voice filled with genuine amusement. "Indeed, Your Majesty. It seems matters of the heart are far more daunting to him than any sword or shield. Perhaps love will find its way to him when he least expects it."

Their laughter gradually subsided, leaving behind a sense of camaraderie and shared memories. They continued walking, the weight of the world momentarily lifted from their shoulders.


A soft knock echoed through the grand bedroom as the first rays of sunlight filtered in, gently illuminating the opulent chamber. Aric Raledron, the youngest son of Prime Minister Celdric Raledron, stirred from his slumber, the weight of the night's dreams still clinging to his mind. With a groan, he shifted beneath the silken covers, unwilling to abandon the embrace of sleep.

But duty called.

Aric's eyes fluttered open as an old servant shuffled into the room, his steps slow and deliberate. The servant, a weathered man with a lined face and greying hair, approached the grand four-poster bed where Aric lay.

"Master Aric," the servant said, his voice respectful but tinged with a touch of weariness. "It is time to awaken. The Academy awaits your presence, and your father has left for the council meeting."

Aric grumbled in response, "Tell Father I will be there in due time," he replied dismissively.

The servant's lips tightened momentarily, but he maintained his composure. "Very well, Master Aric. I shall inform your father. However, I must insist that you do not dawdle for too long."

With a flick of his wrist, Aric dismissed the servant, who bowed respectfully and retreated from the room, leaving him alone to face the inevitable. He sighed lazily and rose from his bed, the luxurious covers slipping off his form as he stretched his body.

His gaze wandered toward the large en-suite bathroom. He waddled towards the bathroom while yawning in drowsiness.

Entering the bathroom, Aric's eyes fell upon the intricate runes that adorned the walls, granting the room a touch of enchantment. He approached the water shower, a marvel of rune-activated magic. With a wave of his hand, the water sprang forth, cascading over him in a rejuvenating torrent.

The fire rune, placed nearby, responded to his silent command. It adjusted the water's temperature to his desired warmth, transforming the stream into a perfect balance of heat and soothing comfort. Aric closed his eyes, letting the revitalizing cascade wash away the remnants of sleep from his being.

Next, Aric turned his attention to the grooming station, a sleek marble countertop lined with various rune-enhanced objects. He picked up a small, crystal vial containing a fragrant gel-like toothpaste. As he brushed his teeth, the paste transformed into a gentle foam, cleansing and freshening his breath with each stroke. Aric revelled in the sensation, relishing the luxurious touch.

After completing his dental care, Aric turned his gaze to the grand bathtub, an inviting oasis waiting to embrace him. With a simple gesture, the runes etched into the sides of the tub activated, filling it with warm, aromatic water. He stepped into the bath, submerging himself in the opulent depths.

Aric meticulously bathed himself, using soaps and oils infused with exotic scents. The water, now imbued with the essence of blooming flowers, caressed his skin, leaving it feeling supple and refreshed. He ran a hand through his dark, tousled hair, allowing the water to cascade through his fingers.

With practised elegance, Aric emerged from the bath, water droplets glistening on his toned physique. He reached for a plush, embroidered towel and wrapped it around his waist, concealing his form as he moved toward the large vanity mirror.

Aric's eyes met his reflection, his demeanour magnified in the crystal-clear glass. He observed himself, his piercing gaze taking in every detail. With a quick flick of his fingers, he conjured a fine comb, running it through his hair with precision, ensuring every strand was perfectly in place.

Exiting the bathroom clad in the towel, he approached his grand wardrobe, an exquisite piece of craftsmanship adorned with intricate carvings and embellishments. The rich scent of aged wood filled the air as he swung open the intricately carved doors, revealing an array of finely tailored garments.

His fingers delicately skimmed over the rows of garments, feeling the texture of each fabric, as if searching for the perfect attire to match his grandeur. After a moment of consideration, Aric's hand came to rest on a deep sapphire blue doublet, crafted from the finest silk.

The doublet was a masterpiece, featuring elaborate embroidery along the edges, depicting intricate designs of intertwining vines and blooming roses in shades of silver and gold. The rich hues of the fabric seemed to dance in the ambient light, shimmering with an air of elegance.

Beneath the doublet, Aric chose a crisp white linen shirt, its collar adorned with delicate lace trimmings that added a touch of sophistication. The shirt hugged his form with precision, accentuating his well-defined physique.

As he moved further into the wardrobe, Aric's gaze fell upon a pair of tailored black trousers, crafted from a fine wool blend. The trousers were fitted yet comfortable, exuding an air of refinement.

To complete his ensemble, Aric reached for a pair of knee-high leather boots, their ebony hue perfectly complementing the ensemble he had selected. The boots boasted meticulous craftsmanship, with intricate lacing and polished silver buckles adorning the sides.

As Aric stood before the vanity mirror, admiring his impeccably dressed reflection, he couldn't help but revel in his own grandeur. His eyes swept over every meticulous detail of his attire, ensuring that not a single strand of hair was out of place. The sapphire blue of his doublet accentuated his piercing eyes, and the intricate embroidery seemed to shimmer under the gentle glow of the room.

Lost in his own self-admiration, Aric was abruptly interrupted by a series of knocks on his chamber door. Turning his attention away from the mirror, he saw the familiar figure of the old servant, the main butler of the Calderon family, standing at the threshold.

"Master Aric, breakfast is served," the butler announced respectfully, his voice tinged with a touch of formality. "The carriage awaits to take you to the academy."

Aric nodded dismissively, acknowledging the servant's presence. He had grown accustomed to the butler's diligent punctuality over the years. "Very well, I shall join you momentarily," he replied.

With a final, self-assured glance in the mirror, Aric left his chamber and made his way to the grand dining hall. The room was adorned with opulent tapestries and chandeliers, exuding an air of aristocracy. The long, polished wooden table was meticulously set with gleaming silverware, porcelain plates, and an array of delectable dishes.

Taking his seat at the head of the table, Aric was served a sumptuous breakfast. He savored each bite, relishing in the flavors that danced upon his palate. The butler stood nearby, ever attentive to Aric's needs, ready to refill his cup or attend to any request.

As the last morsel was consumed, Aric rose from his seat, a satisfied smile gracing his lips. He exited the grand dining hall, his steps echoing through the opulent halls of his ancestral home. Stepping outside, he was greeted by the sight of the waiting carriage, pulled by the majestic six-legged beast with its proud antlers.

Aric stepped into the luxurious carriage, the plush velvet seating enveloping him in comfort. The rhythmic clip-clop of the beast's hooves echoed through the city streets as they embarked on the to the prestigious academy of arcane.


In the heart of a foreboding, cavernous chamber, the air hung heavy with an eerie silence. The room was shrouded in darkness, save for a faint, flickering light that emanated from a raised platform at its center. Upon this platform, the disappeared people of Eldoria were bound tightly, their desperate struggles against their restraints proving futile.

Surrounding the platform, a circle of hooded figures stood in varying heights and sizes. Their hushed voices melded into an otherworldly chorus as they chanted an unknown language, each syllable sending a chilling shiver down the captives' spines. The room itself seemed to respond to their incantations, trembling with an unsettling energy.

As the chant reached its crescendo, smokey black fog erupted from the cold, stone floor, snaking its way around the hapless prisoners. Agonized screams pierced the air as the tendrils of darkness constricted around them, suffocating their very beings. Their bodies contorted in pain, and their eyes widened in terror as their life force was swiftly drained away.

Seconds later, as the captives fell motionless to the floor, a macabre transformation overcame them. Their once vibrant and varied forms became grotesquely distorted, their flesh pale and mottled, now marred with veins of inky blackness. Their eyes, once filled with life, were now pools of obsidian, devoid of any humanity.

In the dimly lit corner of the chamber, a lone figure, also hooded, stood with a longsword strapped to their hip. Their features remained hidden in the shadowy depths of their hood as they muttered in a low, sinister tone, barely audible above the cacophony of pain and despair.

"Not enough," the figure whispered, their voice laced with a disturbing hunger. "More."