
Chapter ~ 1: WishFulfillmentGod & Character Creation


What happens when you die?

What happens when your world ends?

What happens when your time comes?

What happens when the final second of your life passes and the timer for your life stops?

Death has a timer. No matter what you do, death comes on time. There's no stopping it. The time of your death is set since the day of your birth. It doesn't matter how it will happen. You will die when that time comes no matter what.

Many think that, if you lived a healthy life, ate healthy food, and did some exercise, that they will get to live longer.

That is completely false.

You're not increasing your lifespan. You're just avoiding death in a certain way. Doing all this isn't going to protect you from the hands of death, it only changes the way it will happen.

Death comes only in two ways. Fast, or slow.

For me, death came the first way. That I'm sure of.

It wasn't painful, it was sudden. One second I was alive and well, walking the streets of New York Manhattan, then all went black. It's just like that. Like someone just turned the TV of your life off. I remember a bright light, then everything turned off.

This should have been the end, but as we all know. Someone always turns the TV back on again.


Well, it seems I died. That's unfortunate. I'm going to miss my dog. I hope the nice Auntie next door takes care of her. She better, I did help her, hack into her husband's laptop and help with her pent-up pleasure she doesn't get any more from her husband.

Mmm, I wonder if my phone and computer blew up yet, I did design it to blow If and when I die.

" Oi!"

Hearing someone call out to me, I looked up and saw nothing but an everlasting dark endless void, that is surrounding me.

' Oh, fuck, I know what's coming next.' If many-many Fanfics and Isekais, haven't taught me anything, then when you found yourself In a dark void, then shit is about to go down.

" Yes?" I asked. Kind of hoping, what I think is happening.

" Do you want to live, again? But this time, possessing otherworldly power at your very fingertips?" The newfound, genderless voice asked throughout the dark endless void.

" Yes, I would like that." Who wouldn't want to live again? And, it seems what I thought is right. Meet God(R.O.B) get OP and harem, the life everyone like me wants. However, unlike numerous others, I just what to live a lazy life with a beautiful wife, at my every needs.

Harem? Uh no, that sounds too troublesome to me, I already had a dog, I don't need it anymore, than her.

" Good~ Create your new self as you see fit. Oh, and you get to roll for two Abilities/Skills. " Saying this with a mischievous voice, a holographic blue panel, appeared before me, with white letters.

Scanning the blue panel, I smiled, seeing the list of Abilities/Skills,' Isn't this basically asking me to become OP?'

Shaking my head, I chuckled,' Well, let's get to this.'


Only after some time, I was satisfied with my character creation,' This should be good. I should be able to survive anything decent strong if this God doesn't throw me into, dragon ball or anything like it.'

[ Ping! Data generation In process!


Name: Aric Aesir-Skadi.

Titles: Beloved One Of Winter | Beloved One Of The Gods | Eternal One |

Blessings: Blessing Of Winter | Blessing Of Skadi |

Age: (18)-(21Mentally).

Race: Human.

Bloodline: Royal Human.

Strength: 30 (Average for ordinary people is: 10).

Agility: 30.

Stamina: 30.

Mana: 3,000 (Average Mana for ordinary people is: 100).

Luck: 69 (Average Luck for ordinary people is: 10)


Normal Abilities/Skills: (?).


" Done," I said. Truly the only I could change was my name and age. Everything else I could not move the slightest. But, it seems, names possess power, from what I seeing.

" Just say: [Spin], when ready~" The voice exampled, as a gold and white fortune wheel appeared before me, with bloody red questions marks all over It.

" Spin," I commanded, with a second thought. Why you ask? Well, because I'm dead, and dead people don't have a choice In the matter. Especially with God-like beings around, like the one 'Helping me'.

[ Ping! You have obtained: Essence of the Mad Doctor | By taking this essence, you become the living and breathing incarnation of the Mad Doctor |


Ability(1): Perfect memory with infinite storage(Doubtful)

Ability(2): Beyond genius-level intellect( Also Doubtful).

Ability(3): Can make potions that can do almost anything, from immortality to regeneration, or even cause someone to fall in love with a specific target.

Ability(4): Immunity to disease and poison mundane and magical.

Ability(5): Immense knowledge on occult and alchemical lore that updates itself should you find a way to travel to different worlds.

Ability(6): Supernaturally skilled at medicine, can cure just about anything with some research, already know how to tackle most ailments already.

Ability(7): Master of life and biology, able to create homunculi that are superior to regular versions of their species in all areas including being ageless and perfectly loyal to you.

Ability(8): You may also create other creatures like sewn together Frankenstein abominations, chimera, or other mutated beasts, through your potions.

Ability(9): Can most conjure ingredients from thin air, whenever you want.


Ping! You have obtained: Essence of the Gourmand | By taking this essence, you become the God Of Gourmet |


Ability(1): You are granted the encyclopedia of all the ingredients in the multiverse.

Ability(2): You can receive ideas on how to create new dishes.

Ability(3): You can conjure any ingredients and cooking equipment you want out of thin air.

Ability(4): You can eat as much as you want without having to worry about your weight. In fact, the more you eat, the more your attributes increase.

Ability(5): You can eat anything. Your teeth will bite through any substance, and it will soften inside your mouth.

Ability(6): Should you wish it, you can gain the properties of anything you eat. Cooking it increases the benefits you gain.

Ability(7): You can manipulate different effects Into your cooking. For example, you can make someone Addicted to your cooking, or make someone trust you more, even going as far, you could make someone fall In love with you. Like the Great God Of Cooking, once said," The way to a woman's heart is through their stomach."

Ability(8): You possess God-like and fearing Experiences and skills of a Great God Of Cooking.



' I don't if I should laugh or cry.' I thought, seeing my two abilities. In a sense, I got my wish to become OP, just not the way I wanted.

Instead of becoming King Gilgamesh, I became Shirou.

" Oh, not happy?" The voice asked.

" *Sigh* I don't know. I became something like the Gods, yes. But not the one, I wanted." I explained. Basically, re-saying the same thing, I thought of before.

" Oh~ Honestly you have some decent luck. Many of others who met me, usually die, letting all that little power get to their head. But I guessing you're unlike the others." The God explained with a light chuckle.

" Well anyway, about I send you on your way? Next life awaits, my young friend!"

Hearing this God, I smiled," I don't have a say, where am I going, do I?"

" Nope! Good Luck~!" With this being's laugher of encouragement, my consciously started to slip away from myself.

The last thing I heard, before getting devoured by this void, was," Let the light of Wish Fulfillment, Light you're way~!"

" Oh~ And if they ask who your God is, just tell them the one and only WishFulfillmentGod, is!... Or you can just join a Familia. Or possibly, you could say some random Gods/Goddess name and hope they like you. All and all, just hope you have really Good Luck."

' So it's all down to Luck, huh? How realistic.' I thought and knew no more In this void.


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