
Frail King

Rough synopsis: Ell is an egoistic famous bully in his school. One on a camping trip, he and his class were transported to another world with skills and magic. Everyone was happy and obedient until they found out that they might possibly be hypnotized by magic. Can they overcome this unprecedented hurdle together or succumb to their differences as students?

Keikei_Karui · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Second Discussion

I woke up covered in a soft blanket. My bed is softer than what I recalled before sleeping. (Well, it doesn't matter.)

I opened my eyes, I can see the chandelier above lighting up my room; albeit a little dim.

I cannot move my body, I know I can't.

"I'll sleep for a bit..." I closed my eyes, recalling the recent scenarios.

(Yeah, he did this and that... Mhmm... That's correct...) I fell asleep once again.


I opened my eyes, the pain is gone and the glitchy vision is not present.

The room is lit nicely, I can clearly see.

I happen to glance up and see the dark outside through the window. There's not one ray of light but the stars are twinkling, proving their existence. (It's still night...)

I recalled what happened.

We were summoned to this world as heroes to defend the land. Full of suspicious words, we discussed it and realized we were hypnotized. After that, we are invited to dinner. The leaders from a couple of countries joined us and an incident happen. After that, I felt a stabbing pain and slept. (Yeah, we're in another world...)

I look around and notice Raien peacefully sleeping on a chair, arms folded. I am covered in white sheet and it must be her that put them on me.

I sat down and stare at her face. "Beautiful..." I muttered unconsciously.

She slowly opened her eyes, locked at mine and relief washed down her face.

"You're awake. I'm glad..."

"Yeah... Thanks for staying with me." I'm glad too. I thought I was going to die.

"Of course..." she then move closer to me. "I-I never heard about your sickness... A-are you hiding it from me..? Since when was it?" her voice was shaking, clearly, I made her worry.

"Don't worry, I don't have anything of the sort," I said. "It's a lie I came up with. See..." I admitted while pointing my finger to the bottle of cold medicine.

"B-but it looked real... earlier..." (Earlier? How much time had passed?)

"Good acting, isn't it?" I smiled.

"You're not convincing me. You're lying," she's seen through it immediately.

"It's worth a shot. Well, it's probably the effect of a skill."

"Skill?" she asked, understandably confused.

"Mhmm... It's [Overlord], remember I made the king promise..?" as if she just realized, her face brighter up.


"Did you think I have a thing for the princess? Were you jealous?" the princess is beautiful, yes, but she can even compare to Raien. She's my angel.

"O-of course not! I knew about your plan..!" (You're not convincing me.)

"I'm sure you do." I wasn't about to tell her she doesn't convince me. "Will you call the others? We need to have another deep discussion." I recalled my recent behavior in that dining room.

"Sure," she stand up and immediately walked to the door.

I remove the blanket and set it to the side. I sat down to the edge of my bed and wait for the others to come.

We need to have another serious discussion, that's for sure. They're the people I can trust so I need them to trust me, too. I just made a risky decision, and although I succeeded, there's no telling they won't find out. It's a dangerous skill, after all.

What I did is serious. My status as one of the heroes might not be able to protect me if they found out what I did.

I'm contemplating whether I should tell my classmates what I just did. Or worse, they might have figured it out themselves. After all, I admitted to them earlier about my skill.

In hindsight, I was just mindlessly doing it thinking it won't activate. But to my surprise, it did, easily so in fact.

I was just moving to the flow of the conversation. I just had the opportunity and if I think hard, they might suspect me. I'm afraid I might overthink and they realize we're suspecting them.

After a while, the door opened and all of my classmates came in. Miria and Gil were among them.

"Feeling good, Ell?" Allen asked.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt anymore," I replied.

"That was risky, I'm glad they didn't pick up on it." Sophia's words are reassuring. I flinched a bit after knowing that she knew what I did.

(So they didn't suspect me?)

"Y-yeah, it just happened..." Based on Allen's look, he knew too.

"Are you really planning to be a king?" somebody asked. (Huh?) it was Sohta, a Japanese transferee.

"Uh..." I was confused. Allen, Sophia, and Raien all share the same expression as mine.

"I-I thought you only had eyes for Raien..."

"But he's kinda hitting on Sophia so..." clearly, they didn't know what I just did.

Wearing my poker face, I spoke. "S-so you didn't realize?" I said.

They all shared the same expression, confused. "What do you mean..?" I shouldn't tell them.

"See, while I sat on that chair, I feel like I'm not myself. Saying stupid things, bickering with the king." it's true, but I pushed the thought because of their mind reading. I just realize my odd behavior when they said about mind reading, and I snapped out of it. "I think I was hypnotized, again. I didn't want them to suspect me so I just go with the flow without thinking twice. In the end, he promised me that absurd thing." the opportunity presents itself, and it would be a waste not to take my chances. Well, not a waste, but it's a high-risk high-reward kind of thing and I am who grabs any opportunity.

"Now that you mention it, I feel kind of happy back there. I wasn't even bothered when you suddenly feel sick." Ron recalled. I am feeling cheerful too.

"Me too, yeah."

"Me as well." a lot of them agreed which proved that the hypnosis actually exists.

"But I must say, Ell, you're interaction with the kings is... uh... bold, to say the least." Allen pointed out.

"I wasn't really thinking that time. My thoughts are being invaded so I spout whatever comes to mind."

"I was shocked to see you prostrate yourself. Never thought I'd see that ever in my life." in normal circumstances, Sophia would definitely not see that ever in her life.

"Anyway," I changed the subject. We must move on and haste our way to important topics. "This proves that we were being hypnotized, yes?"

"No doubt,"

"Yeah," good, we're on the same page.

"If so, why would they need to learn our names in a roundabout way?" the topic I wanted to discuss are the names. That I am highly suspicious of.

"What do you mean?"

I explained to them what I did when we asked to take our spellbook. I didn't say my name so when the butler fetch me for dinner, he asked my name first. But when I asked them how the butler interacts with my classmates, he immediately knew their names.

"Now that I think about it, yeah." my classmates nodded in agreement.

"They just have to ask us as they list our skills, is it that much trouble? There's no harm in double-checking, right?"

"Time, maybe? They kinda moving too fast."

"It's just a few second loss, isn't it? I can see no reason to skip that important part."

"But they already knew our name after saying that chant."

"Since they memorized all our names, surely they'd notice two missing." butler Gaer's wording suggests that he knew which name is which. It's kinda impressive, not gonna lie.

I observe everyone as they share their own thoughts. This brainstorming will greatly help dig out more possibilities and allow everyone to pitch in their own thought. Who knows what kind of absurd idea they would come up with that might uncover the mysteries of this place? I surely can't.

That said, not everyone is participating, most are just standing on the back in silence. Gil, Miria, and Benedict to name a few. I understand though since I'm leading the conversation.

"M-mr. Lydds knew the dining hall, right..? I-isn't that kind of odd?" a girl asked. She's Neshii, Sohta's twin sister.

Unlike him, she's polite when referring to me. I didn't expect it since we didn't speak before. She and Sohta are recent students so from the beginning, they are avoiding me. Her polite gestures are enough to send shivers down my spine. I never expected to be respected. They just call me "Ell" or "Him" or "The Bully" so I was caught off guard.

I remained composed as I answer her. "Yeah. I assumed you all knew the directions,"

"Is it because he didn't know your name?" by this point, none of my classmates hesitate to ask me. Glad that's the case.

"Probably, but he didn't know Raien's name either,"

"Raien didn't answer the door, I did."

"Or it could be because he knew that telling us direction would be futile. That's why he only said it to Ell because he assumed he was in his mind."

"The heck you talking about? Clearly, it's because he's the last person."

"Wrong, you two. It's because we were discussing in their room. They probably assumed that Ell or Cienn is leading us." that's plausible but not concrete. What if we decided that we won't be eating?"

I just realized something. Looking at us from a different perspective, I definitely looked like I was leading them.

I sat here on my bed, Raien on my right side, while they either stand or sit down on the floor. Kinda late to realize but it's just fascinating.

"Hmm... By the way, what time is it?" Sophia asked. Now that I think about it, what time is it?

Somebody took out their phone and checked.

"It's quarter to 2 am, not sure if the time here is the same as us but we arrived here at 7 in the evening." that's a lot of time than I expected.

Considering that after our arrival and the end of our first discussion took an hour and a half, and after that dinner took two, that means I slept for more than three hours. Now that I think it through, it was just a nap.

"I hope they don't catch us sneaking. We'll be dead for sure," (Oi, don't set that flag!)

"It's kind of unrealistic, isn't it? We're sneaking into Ell's room to discuss as a group, I never thought this day would come." (I didn't either.)

"Interacting with you, you're not a bad person," Sohta said. I am not unless you wish for it.

"I-if I must a-ask, w-why do you always beat B-Benedict, Mr. Lydds." I don't like where this is going. She shouldn't have brought this up. Miria is keeping quiet for the sake of peace.

"Different experience, different people, I guess." I wanted to sound vague but I don't know if it is vague enough.

Miria remains quiet and lets my words be the explanation. Benedict awkwardly smiles but there's someone who cannot read the mood whatsoever.

"Basically, he grew up without support from his parents so he's gone astray," surprise surprise, Gil found a reason to speak.

I don't know why he's suddenly so hostile against me. He is kind and understanding as far as I remember, so why is he an asshole now?

Of course, I'd just let it slide. I've been told this many times and I'm numb to it.

"You don't know what he's been through how don't you dare speak to him like that." but Raien is clearly not.

She's glaring at Gil who stands tall behind the others.

The atmosphere has suddenly gone dark and nobody dared to speak.

"Hey, it's fine." I tried to stop Raien but she clearly has more things to say.

"What about you? Your father is a novelist, isn't he? How come you grew up with such a loud mouth?" Gil's house has its first floor full of books. They run a library in town so his growing up loud is kind of questionable. I'm not on Raien's side this time though. I could've let this slide.

"Oi, stop that, don't bother," I called to her while grabbing her hands to get her attention.

"No Ell. This guy has been spouting everything he wants without consideration. All of us are working hard to compromise a conclusion but this guy is idiotic as hell!" she's right but this is not the time.

"Hm! Shut your crap bitch, I wasn't talking to you," he snorted.

"Hey, stop tha—" Allen tried to stop him but before he do anything, I found my fist flying straight to Gil's jaw.

I am someone who's used to punching faces, not only Benedict's but street gangs' as well. I knew exactly where to hit and the lower jaw isn't something that can take a left hook.

I can tolerate him as much as I can but the people I respect getting insulted isn't something I can ignore.

He clenched his jaw in pain but I wasn't done yet. I leap off my bed and continued to smack him while on the floor.

I knew his skills sounds dangerous so I can't afford to give him a chance.

When I took an uppercut, I passed out instantly. The pains assaulted me afterward. But since he's still conscious, his body is better at taking hits than I was before. That doesn't mean it wasn't painful.

"Fuck you!" I spat.

Allen and the boys pulled me away from him and they overpowered me. My guard is still up but Gil wasn't standing, or moving. (Is he dead..?) the thought suddenly occurred to me. Nervousness suddenly replaced my anger.

In my time beating the crap out of Benedict, I didn't use my full force since he's skinny and definitely not used to beating. This is the first time I punched a classmate with full force and my arms is swelling and painful.

"W-what did you do, Ell..?" Allen asked nervously. He's probably thinking what I was thinking.

"Gil! Wake up!"

"Hey Gil!" the others are calling him but he wasn't responding. I gulped but Miria's voice assured me in an instant.

"H-he passed out..." (Glad he's just unconscious.)

Everyone's face looked relieved but they immediately look at me with fear and concern.

The guys who were holding me let go and they locked me to my bed.

"What did you do..?" Raien said with concern. "I thought you were letting it slide?" (Well, it's your fault, missy.)

"I-I can't control myself,"

Raien is the person I respect with my whole heart. In my difficult times, she and her family supported me even if mine's are nowhere to be seen. She stopped interacting with her friends after I beat Benedict when we were friends so I can have someone to talk to.

When I'm alone, she was there beside me. When I'm sad, she's there to stay with me even though she has nothing to say to cheer me up.

If I can take criticism easily, anything directed at her is more than an insult to me. I can't hold myself back.

The door burst open breaking the silence. Gaer the butler alongside a couple of maids stepped in and immediately checked on Gil as if they knew what happened.

Gaer bowed as he stood by the door and the pope suddenly appeared.

"I knew of your suspicion towards me," he began. "Considering your situation, talking among yourselves is indeed an action worthy of applause. But after witnessing violence, I cannot merely watch." his words left my jaw hanging. "Everyone, come to my office in an hour," he said and left bringing Gil with them.

Soon, everyone is gone and silence loomed in the air. We were shocked by what he just said. (Witness? Watch...?)

Those words shook my core like an earthquake. That means everything I've said, everything we discussed, he knew about them. He, the person we were of, knew about it all. We're doomed.

Worse, I knew that the possibility is there but I didn't think hard about it because... I have no excuse. On Earth, listening through walls requires a lot of variables. Type of wall, thickness, and such. It's hard to imagine the pope pressing his ears on the walls just to eavesdrop on our conversation.

This world once again reminded me that I'm in another world. Common sense I knew hardly applies here. I should've thought this through, I just saw a floating book and secondary vision so this much is nothing.

Speaking of which, I am in huge trouble. If he was eavesdropping on us, he must've heard about my hidden skill. Taking the king of another nation under my skill is a crime that merits death.

That said, why was he merely observing earlier? It's as if he doesn't care what happened to them. Maybe he wants to protect us? If the king knew I can control him, I'd be hung or burned without a doubt.

Whatever the case, I did something serious. I thought I got away with it but the very people who brought us here knew about it.

"Ell..." Allen called me out. He knew what I just did before so he probably share the same thought.

"Mm..." I can't respond properly, I am in a big mess.

"I'll help you out," his words are kind but it wasn't reassuring.

"I-I..." Fear is the only thing on my mind. Death could be visiting me once I entered the pope's office. I am afraid. (I don't want to die...) but the words remain in my mind.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but Gil started the whole thing. I'll support you, Ell," Sohta's words are heart-breaking. He doesn't know what I'm afraid of.

"B-besides, since the pope heard about our conversation, I'm sure he knows who started who, right? So keep your chin up." it is heartwarming to think that the people I considered a nuisance my whole life are supporting me. Although their words are off the mark, it's still a good thing I decided to cooperate with them.

(A-am I really gonna die..? This isn't a flag, is it..?) in movies, especially tragic ones, once a person makes up with someone they hate, there's a huge chance they're gonna die soon.

"I-I might die tonight..." My voice is shaky but I can't do anything about it.

"Y-you're exaggerating..." Sadly, I wasn't.

I told them what I just did to the king. With each word I say, the colors from their faces slowly fade until I finally finished and they can only look at me in disbelief.

"...I-I really dug my own grave..."

"I... don't know what to say..."

"I thought you lied about that headache because you feel ashamed..." I would feel a lot better if that's the case. And if I indeed feel ashamed, I wouldn't just lie like that. I face my problems head-on.

"What will you do now?" good question Sophia. I don't know.

"Leave my will? Do whatever I like?" I tried to sound okay but I didn't do very well.

"Stop joking, this is a serious matter. There's a high chance you'd be on a chopping block by tomorrow."

"Y-yeah, I can only think that they'd make an example out of you."

"For your peace of mind, I wish it won't be painful." (Fuck you, you just made me think of something out of a horror movie!)

This conversation is easing my anxiety at least.

But there's one person who hasn't said anything since the pope came in.

"Y-you okay?" I asked Raien who's been staring at me for a while.

"Are 'you' okay?" she directed the question to me.

"I'm not. But there's no escaping this," I said bluntly.

"Ell..." she looks at me intently. "L-let's run away,"

That's a solution. But this isn't Earth. We don't know what awaits us outside if we did run away. Can we even earn money to eat? Heck, can we even go out?

"No, that's impossible. We'd both die, I'm sure."

"T-then what will you do..?" her voice is filled with fear.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll control the king and order the pope to take me into their custody?" wild, I know. Even if it's an option, I don't know if I can pull it off. I only heard of its description.

"What are you talking about?! Stop acting tough and unbothered. I know you're shaking inside!" she lashed out.

She's on point. I'm shaking inside but the best thing I can do is to show a facade.

I was sitting there helplessly thinking of things I can do. There's nothing, even if I wracked up my brain. (Is it karma..?) I thought.

Yes, I don't hit Benedict whenever I want, I was always driven by reasons whenever I hit him. That said, my actions aren't justifiable by any means just because he started it. I do not condone what I did and I think I've just received my rightful karma.

Everyone didn't say a word to me after that. I'm sure they can't. They just left the room and left me and Raien alone. Cienn was being considerate and stepped out as well.


will you do, Ell?" I don't know. I wanna cry.

"Whatever happens, I guess..." I have nothing better to say so I shouldn't have said anything.

"I'll do everything I can, I'll help you out." her comforting words somewhat alleviate the depression I am feeling.

"No, I can't allow you to share my burden." for all I know, she might be suspected as well so I want her to keep quiet. "Just keep quiet. I'm the one to blame,"

"B-but they might kill you! Don't you remember him saying that the death sentence is relied on here if you make an offense using magic?" of course I can remember that, quite vividly in fact. My skill reminds me always.

"B-but if you say anything, you might share the same fate as me..." my voice is trailing but I manage to say my point.

"I don't care. I don't want to be alone! Didn't you say we'll stay together?" I remembered. I thought for sure death is unavoidable but I never thought it would come this early.

I didn't answer her.

She talked to me more after that but I ignored her because she was insisting on being with me to the end. I'll have to tell Sophia and Allen to hold her when the pope speaks to me. I'll have to shoulder this along.

With that, the one hour came to an end. Gaer the butler fetch us from my room. I am still shaking, my heart keeps pounding, and my legs are barely straight. I'd have to stay strong even if death is in front of me.

Inside, I wanted to believe that the priest hadn't realize what I did. That he just want to resolve the friction in our class. That's kind of a wishful thinking though. I'm almost certainly be dead by tomorrow.

I have a lot of regrets going to the pope's office but I cannot atone for them now.

From here on, I'll try to make my chapters less that 5k words as adviced.

Keikei_Karuicreators' thoughts