

Punishment bestowed by the god has left the world in shambles... Demons lurk the word killing most of the population and while almost all of us were wiped out, those who sought retribution gave us a chance at survival. Blessing us with powers that helped us rival those monsters who drank our blood and cooked our meat. Even though we humans went through all of this, 1000 years later we still discriminate, steal and lie. Orchid's born into the healer class, he seeks a change. He who once tried to find it in a peaceful way later turns to gain strength to destroy the very people who discriminated against him and caused him pain.

DimSum · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Purple gas

Orchid pupils dilate as the thought of death looms in his mind. Orchid re-enchants another fog, this time smaller but still able to completely engulf Jake but to his dismay, another slash was all it took to dissipates it.

"You tried this already." he said nonchalantly

"This is not what I expected..." he said coldly as he stabs his sword to the ground while placing both of his hands on the pommel of his sword.

"Dude, okay calm down, let's not do this anymore, it's getting outta hand." he says, stepping back as tears start to form in his eyes. Many things were going through his mind, he knew this was not going to end with him coming out alive, he was starting to panic as the thought of losing his life so suddenly was not something he could accept.

Jake grips the handle of his sword, lifting it off the ground, and gracefully thrusts it targetting Orchid's temple. Orchid summons a shield but is easily broken by the sword but slowing down its momentum. Orchid falls to the ground from the force of the impact, landing on his bottom with both of his hands flanked on either side griping sand.

"This bastard..." he mumbles without realizing it. Orchid summons greenery that surrounded Jake which made him flinch. He jumps back to avoid direct contact with the leaves. Orchid smiles wiping the tear that struck down his cheek.

"You scared? Don't worry they don't hurt." says Orchid tauntingly. The leaves start to release an odorless purple gas. Jake starts to hold his breath. Taking the opportunity Orchid runs as fast as he can darting to his only viable exit.

"Huh.." He snaps his index finger against his thumb with that his sword started to burn with a crimson flame. He directly stabs the ground, the flame spreads burning all the plants in an instant. Orchid looks behind him while in motion. He starts picking up his pace seeing all the green turn to red. Jake flings his sword propelling it towards Orchid. Orchid dives forward as he notices the sword coming his way. The sword lands directly in front of the gate, setting the ground before it ablaze. Orchid stares at the flame in defeat. He feels a sudden presence slowly inching its way towards him. The closer he got the faster his will to fight on fades away.

Hi, guys hehe am trying to dish out as much as I can for now...


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