
Sinister Six 2

"You already dead?"

"What are you? some sort of dead soul?"

'What the hell? why would I be dead?' Alex though himself again look at their faces 'is it because If I told them Avatar?'

"Guys, I didn't mean dead like Avatar I mean Avatar like...I mean...i mean really powerful"

Although Alex wants to justify his name he didn't really remember the reason of Anime why Avatar called such as that or its contents.

"I think you should change your name...I don't think it suits you" Hunter spoke offering his wisdom.

"I think so t...." before Electro gives his 'advice' to Alex, a boom rang out. when they turn around they could see SpiderMan coming out from the broken wall.

"Who cares about his name, just capture both of them, I need to do some experiment"

Doc Oct sneak attacked SpiderMan beside him, even 'SpiderMan I hate you so much' Goblin didn't attack SpiderMan, The Goblin was thinking a good name for Alex.

"Tch! Boy...No The Avatar don't blame us, you heard the man" Hunter said while he and Electro attacked Alex.

Alex made Earth wall preventing Electric beam reaching him, then use wind to push Hunter away. poor Hunter only stopped after he crashes into a sturdy wall of the classroom. as a 'normal person,' he should be out cold when he hit the wall.

By now there was no more classroom, the only remaining thing was the rubbles here and there.

Seeing his Electric current failed, Electro he, himself decide to attack Alex head on. knowing Electro's intentions Alex took few steps back he did not want to engage Electro in close combat battle.

'what should I do, I could change with SpiderMan but that would be a bit unprofessional'

According to Alex's Observation Hunter isn't a problem. although he could hunt just about anything or anyone Hunter would never able to reach Alex, the problem is Electro Alex could always direct his current to earth but there is no way to contain Electro just with Earth.

"SpiderMan do you have any idea regarding Electro he is a pain in the ass" Alex dodge Electro easily using wind to push himself. no matter how much speed Electro uses he couldn't touch a single hair of Alex but Alex getting annoyed. electro did not have light speed his speed only manifest when he taps into current line, so escaping from him isn't that hard.

"Little busy at this moment" SpiderMan desperately fighting against this worst enemies, Although Goblin isn't nearly fast as Electro or Doc Oct's tentacles SpiderMan had to defend against Doc's fast attacks and Goblin's power-packed punches.

"He is starting to piss me off" Alex sent basketball size rock toward incoming Electro which he avoided easily.

"Do something to exhaust.....his.....energy....oops!"

'Like what?' Alex distance himself from Electro. since Hunter isn't capable of fighting anymore Alex felt reviled. although SpiderMan could fight against Two strong opponents Alex couldn't do it, his offensive power is limited without Fire and then again he had no experience of fighting.

Suddenly Alex had an idea 'Yes let's do that' he thought before condensing massive amount of Wind element into his hand he created Wind blade and send it toward Electro.

Snorting disdainfully Electro moved away from Wind blade's trajectory, but next moment he 'eyes' went wide in an instant his body was sliced into two parts.

"Puny trick" snorting coldly Electro used his energy to the reattached body parts.

"Is that so?" Alex smirked. before Electro could attack him, Alex, launched his Wind blade, he didn't do it standing in the same place. Alex ran around Electro, not giving any time to react or reattached his body.

While Alex running circles Electro didn't stay ideal ether her tried his best to attack Alex while recovering from his 'wounds' but Alex was like fish in water, with Wind making his body light as a feather he easily dodged Electro's attacks. besides Alex sometimes attacked Goblin and Doc Oct with a Wind blade. Although I didn't do much damage to Doc Oct who defended with his Tentacles when Alex finished his relentless attacks Goblin's body pretty much-destroyed. blood is everywhere on his body. thanks to that SpiderMan finally manage to trap Doc with his Sticky Webs.

As for Electro, by the time Alex done with his attacks only remaining this was his Origin spark, Alex wants to capture it but before he could it already flew away by using School wiring system.

"You brats you think you have won? no matter what we will come back" The Goblin screamed. with his bloody face, he looks really scary and ugly, if a little child was here he or she would never give his or her mother hard time feeding them, the mother just has to remind them scary and ugly beast Goblin.

"ha....ha....ha! you....think....we....we will let you go?" Alex pretty much exhausted his stamina, with running around and focusing Element attacks to three targets was quite taxing to him. even SpiderMan panting hard.

"With just two exhausted brats? don't kid...mmmmmmm" Before Goblin finishes his words SpiderMan shoot his SpiderWeb to silent him, then Alex Made much bigger Earth rock and smash it into Goblins head, of course, the rock broke into pieces but Goblin too out cold.

"He......tar..... sorry about other day I thought you were the Werewolf" SpiderMan suddenly apologized to Alex.

"Don't mention it" Alex wave his hand, then he said "since we done with Sinister Six I m taking my leave, goodbye Spidy"

"Wait!!" just when Alex about to fly away SpiderMan stopped him.

"What is it?" Alex asked annoyed, he was really exhausted, SpiderMan might have SuperHuman recovery ability but he doesn't, now Alex really wants to have a good night sleep, although there is few more hours before dark.

SpiderMan didn't care about Alex tone he said "Why don't you join Shield? they even have an academy for Young Heros just like us" His voice was sincere.

"Thanks for the offer, but I don't like to bind by rules or work under people, Now if there isn't anything goodbye lets meet again someday"

Saying Alex soar into Sky before disappear from SpiderMan's sight.

let me ask you something.....since marvel world have dimension traveling should I do something like that too, maybe if he goto naruto or fairy tail world he could improve, but not until he finishes with his mother's world.

thank you guys for reading....??

asuraSLcreators' thoughts
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