
Who is this?

Sarah: Who are you?

???: I assure you I mean no harm to you, Mrs. Lynx.

Iceberg: I am Dr.Iceberg, seeing as you live in the woods you were the perfect Candidate for this mission.

Iceberg: you will be added to the group chat for you have any questions.

Dr.Iceburg has added 3 contacts

Dr. Kondraki: hello there

Dr.Clef: hello again

Dr. Bright: heya how ya doin :3

Dr.Bright has been removed from the chat room

Sarah: he's comedic relief pls bring him bac

Iceberg: fine

Dr.Bright has been added to the chat

Clef: here's the file we have:


(OBJECT CLASS: ELUCID could update to: KETER)

The Book

According to myth there is a church In the woods from the towns early founding still intact containing a single book of knowledge that no mortal is to possess.The church itself has only one window in shape of an eye and is made of logs though several foundation attempts to burn it, it has only resulted in the death of over 100+ foundation personnel.

   It is proven that any to have entered the church has disappeared and has been found dead exactly seven years apart at Seven pm taking up to 3-15 victims at a time. If any more than 15 attempts to enter the 16th, regardless of entry or not will become a cultist of this church and attack and attempt to kill anyone nearby the church within 50 meters.

This scp has been deemed responsible for the recent death of 13 people.

Objective is to capture SCP-7715-2 or Obtain SCP-7715-1

Sarah: So I'll need a group for this one?

Clef: yes, one of us is required to go.

Sarah: can I take Bright? He has good experience with Chainsaws I can tell ya that.

Iceberg: Bright...I hate I have to be the one to say this but you are the most useful in this scenario.


Kondraki: =-= are you positive on your choice?

Sarah: Yup

Clef: we'll send him there, no chainsaw so bring one.

Putting the phone on silent , you proceed to tell 49 and 35 the issue.

"Ooh, So you gonna wear your Sunday sweater?" 35 says trying to lighten the mood as 49 is already panicking.

"It kills people that enter somehow though. I have to wear something to-"

"Your gonna die if you do this, you need to decline it,"49 says staring at one of many pictures on the board.

"They told me I'm 'one of them now' and if I refuse I get 'demoted'"



The room becomes silent.

The one person, that can contain, but not cage them,

Will have to leave them, regardless

And that is why...

She is trapped.

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