
Chapter | 1

Nadia woke up to find herself in a room with white walls, occupied with many white beds including the one she was laying on. A sudden wave of nausea hit her and she hunched over the side of the bed to vomit, luckily there was a bed there.

After puking her guts out, she relaxed back groaning from the massive headache she was feeling. She was tired, weak and the bitter taste in her mouth was not helping at all. All in all, she felt like crap.

she pondered about how to got here, she couldn't remember anything. A sudden pain hit her head and everything started rushing back. Her aunt throwing her out of the house and the rest.

'But how did I end up here? Is this a hospital?'

The door opened and a woman walked in. she was wearing a lab coat with a stethoscope around her neck. She was browsing through a file when she noticed Nadia was awake. She quickly went and kept the file in a shelf before walking over to Nadia.

"You're awake," she exclaimed.

By her facial features and the stereotypical nose, Nadia could only guess that she is from India.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" Nadia asked.

"You are at Forestlands Institution," the lady answered ignoring the last question.

"ForestLands Institution?" Nadia repeated in confusion.

'I've never heard of this place before. Why did they bring me to an institution instead of a hospital?' so many questions were running through her mind.

"I'm Mrs Anya Jha," the lady introduced, snapping Nadia out of her thoughts. "I'm a nurse. Do you feel any pain anywhere?"

"Yes. I have a headache."

Nurse Anya stepped closer and pressed her palm on Nadia's head. Anya closed her eyes for a few seconds and when she opened them, Nadia noticed her headache has subsided.

"How did you that?" Nadia stuttered, slightly panicking.

"Everything will be explained to you, follow me," She ordered before turning and walking out the door, not giving Nadia the chance to say anything.

Nadia sat there for a while before standing up and hurrying out the door to catch up with the nurse.

Nadia was having a bit of struggle in keeping up with nurse Anya quick strides. The nurse was a tall, brown skinned woman with long black hair which was packed in a ponytail.

The nurse stopped at a polished wooden door which had the words; PRINCIPAL OFFICE, inscribed on it. She knocked thrice and Nadia heard a voice from inside permit them to come in.

Nadia was hit with the strong smell of old books and polished wooden shelves when she walked in. It was fairly large office that has shelves lining the walls, a hard rug with lot of paintings and pictures being hanged on the wall.

A woman was sitting behind a desk that had a lot of books and paper works piled on top. The woman was going through a file before she looked up and saw Nadia.

She stood up and approached Nadia. The woman was dressed in a black fitted knee length skirt, a white long sleeve shirt and black heels. Her dark brown hair was made into an elegant bun, she had put on eyeliner, black eye shadow and red lipstick.

She was gorgeous.

The woman brought forth her hand for a handshake, a smile on her face. "Principal Victoria Smith," she introduced.

Nadia stared at the hand, not making an attempt to take it. The raw power oozing from this woman did nothing to put her at ease, even with her welcoming smile.

When Victoria saw she wasn't going to take the handshake, she withdrew her hand and went back to her seat. She gestured for Nadia to have the seat in front of her. After much contemplation, Nadia sat down and the principal dismissed the nurse.

"Miss Crawford, I know you're overwhelmed with everything going on around you," the principal started, shocking Nadia by the fact that she knew her surname.

Victoria continued. "You're at Forestlands Institution, a place meant for people like you, like us. People who are unique. Extraordinary," Principal Victoria explained, her voice taking a soothing tone.

"Unique how," Nadia asked.

Principal Victoria leans forward. She props her elbows on the desk and interlaces her fingers.

"All those creatures we thought were myths, the creatures our grandmother use to tell us about in order to keep us from wandering outside at night."

Nadia raises an eyebrow in disbelief 'is this woman crazy?'

"Vampires," she continues. "Shifters, nephilims and others. You, Nadia, are one of us."

'okay, it's official. she is one crazy lady'

"Ma, you've got the wrong person," Nadia addressed the principal. She pushes her chair back and stands up.

Giving the principal one last look, she turn around and made to walk out. Only to stumble back in shock when she sees the principal before her. Principal Victoria takes a hold of her hand and before she knows it, they are now on the school building.

Nadia screamed and held on tight to the principal. She screamed because of the sudden surprise and because of her fear of height. The temperature changes around her and she sees they are back in the office.

Principal Victoria steps away from her. "Teleportation is one of many abilities."

Nadia keeps her head bowed in shock, trying to process what just happened. One minute they were here, then they were on the roof, now they are back here.

"My other ability is sonic scream, I'm sure you don't want to hear that."

The principal places her hand on Nadia's shoulder. "What happened last night was you, Nadia. What happened to that teen was because of you. You summoned those vines without knowing to fight for you. It was all you."

Nadia eyes snaps up to meet hers. "How do you know what happened last night," she asked, eyeing her with caution.

The principal chuckles then goes to her desk and picks up a file. "I know everything about my students. There are also what we call Sensers; people with the ability to sense a supernatural close by. There was a senser around there to immediately alert us about you," she claimed.

She opens a file and starts to read.

"Name: ALEXANDRA CRAWFORD. But you prefer to go by the Islamic name your mother gave you.



She raises an eyebrow at Nadia. "Should I go on."

Nadia shakes her head.

Principal Victoria sighs and places the file back on the table. "We want the best for you. With you unlocking your powers, it's not safe for you to be out there. You could get someone seriously hurt or if people ever find out about you, you could get killed. Forestlands Institution, right now, is the only safe place for you," she said.

Nadia nods her head in understanding.

The principal smiles brightly and picks up a paper and map from her desk. She hands them over to Nadia. "Written on that paper, is your schedule, locker combination and dorm number. You have a week to adjust before you start classes," she explained.

She then adds. "You may leave, wait outside by the door. I will call someone to take you to your dorm. Have a get time at ForestLands."

Nadia mutters a thanks then turns around to leave before she remembers something. She turns back to the principal.

"Principal Victoria?" she called.


"What am I?"

"An Earth Elementalist."

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