
Forest of Lust

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 11 You hook up with your sister-in-law?

Chapter 11 You hook up with your sister-in-law?

As someone with a gentle disposition, I couldn't bear to witness Tina's current state so I feigned disinterest by diverting my gaze downwards and retrieving my textbooks from my backpack. Tina was still by my side while I sneakily glanced around and noticed that everyone was gazing in our direction, whether intentionally or not. Tina definitely attracted a lot of attention in the class.

To my astonishment, she persisted in speaking despite a brief silence, asking, "Would you do the same thing if it had been someone else?" I thought about the question and acknowledged that I lacked a definite response.

Despite my initial hesitation, I responded resolutely with a single affirmation, "Yes."

The countenance of Tina immediately turned ashen, exhibiting a rigid expression.

Unfortunately, I restrained myself for several days until I eventually vocalized it.

As Tina walked away, I noticed that her seat was positioned to my right. Upon returning to her seat with haste, she collapsed onto her desk and began to cry uncontrollably - a display that even the simplest of individuals could perceive. I let out a sigh, feeling a bit bashful as she was of the female gender and had been friendly towards me.

As I was preparing my textbook with a little time left before class, an agitated man abruptly approached me and slammed his hand on the table, "What the hell did you mean?". I was taken aback and lifted my gaze to see that it was Leonard Hilary, a classmate who served who known for his toughness. It was widely known that he harbored feelings for Tina in our class.

I felt ashamed when he caused such a commotion. Luckily, I possessed a well-controlled disposition; otherwise, I would have lost my composure and punched him in the face.

Before addressing Leonard, I took a moment to inhale deeply and compose myself, communicating to him, "I don't know what you are talking about. Please don't bother me, man." His facial expression shifted, and I noticed a distinct twitching of his lips - he glared at me fiercely with bulging eyes.

Although he was quite tall, I wasn't intimidated by him, as I knew I could easily defeat him in a physical altercation. I proceeded with my preparation and paid no attention to him. As soon as I withdrew my hand, he forcefully struck the table once again with greater impact, causing a commotion in the entire classroom.

Without delay, he violently pulled at my garments and shouted at me with impolite language, "Finn Jona, don't fucking play with me! You want to be a man? Then come with me to the gymnasium!" Clearly, his intentions were evident, indicating that he intended to inflict physical harm on me. Broadly speaking, in situations where individuals in school have disputes and seek physical altercation, they tend to gravitate towards the gymnasium, which was typically vacant.

Feeling irritated, I was conscious of the numerous eyes observing me, with left me in shame. With a sudden thud on the table, I swiftly rose from my seat and uttered in a detached tone, "Don't be a rush, your ass will be punched in a moment."

To my utter astonishment, Tina hurriedly approached me as soon as I stood up. She was shedding tears profusely with her eyes red and puffy, indicating a state of extreme distress. I was even more surprised when she hurried towards me and shielded me like a mother hen shielding her baby by extending her arms, and shouted at him, "Leonard! What's the matter with you? I already told you that I have no feelings for you, so why are you causing problem to Finn?!"

I was struck motionless, my intellect inadequate. He stepped in to assist her, yet she abruptly berated him. The other spectators, including myself and Leonard, were taken aback and curiously gathered around to witness the spectacle.

His countenance now appears more displeased, with trembling hands and a heaving chest. After a brief moment, he shared with her: "He doesn't even fancy you! He would rather be with a milf that I saw on the other day!"

Crap! He caught me and my sister-in-law being together? I wonder when he noticed. I can't explain why, but hearing him use the term "milf" made me feel anxious and distressed. It was like something hidden was suddenly exposed to the light and causing discomfort.

As I was on the verge of intervening to challenge his claims, Tina suddenly interjected with fury, appearing more angry than I was. "Finn was not the sort of person you accused him to be!" She threatened to take action against him but struggled to articulate a specific course of action, ultimately settling on the declaration, "If you ever say this again, I will... I will no longer speak to you!"

All of a sudden, I realized that she was quite funny. That's the kind of threat that she's capable of saying. His anger was clear as he directed his finger at me, "I swear. He was with a young milf. What a disgusting guy!"

My desire was to physically harm him rather than going to some gym; I was on the brink of action until Tina surprised everyone by taking quicker action.

"Slap!" Suddenly, she delivered a resonant and forceful blow to his face, causing him to stumble backwards. I was perplexed; as she was typically reserved, I found it difficult to comprehend why she would act in such an aggressive manner. It also seemed to me that he still held affection for her despite the incident.

His face expressed utter disbelief as he covered it while his body trembled in excitement. He pointed at both me and Tina, taking a while to formulate his words before finally saying, "We will see!" With that, he left the classroom without returning to his seat.

As I observe Leonard walking away, I cannot help but feel empathy towards him. Generally, he was a kind-hearted and morally upright individual, and I share a good rapport with him. We frequently engage in sports activities together. I was taken aback by his impulsive behavior, however, as he did not hesitate to confront me without even inquiring about Tina's matter.

Silence engulfed the classroom, with an unsettling quietness, following his departure. Almost the entire class was present, and their attention was fixed on Tina and me. With a complicated expression, Tina swiftly turned to glance at me before quickly returning to her seat before I could respond.

In a brief period of time, the teacher arrived, but unknowingly overlooked the preceding event and proceeded with teaching as usual. However, I was unable to concentrate and spent the remainder of the four morning classes in a dazed state. As Tina continuously glanced at me, her persistent gaze increasingly frustrated me and led me to develop a slight aversion towards her. Had I been aware of this, the matter of whether I would have rescued her that fateful day would have been up for deliberation.

As the class came to a close, my desire to leave was strong. It was evident from Tina's deliberate walk that she was expecting me to initiate a conversation with her, considering her unmistakable appearance.

I acted as if I didn't notice her presence and immediately stood up and departed. The dining hall was quite crowded, and it took me a few minutes to get my meal and find a seat. Shortly after sitting down, I noticed someone had taken the seat opposite me. I glanced at my friend, who had been a buddy of mine, Billy Wong, since our days in elementary school, and we headed to the city together to attend high school.

With a sly expression, he addressed me, "You dog! Nice move with Tina White!" I didn't feel the need to elaborate, hence I responded with a brief smile and focused on my meal. However, this guy persisted in discussing how I was able to get Tina, who was recognized as the most attractive person in class, and was envious of me, claiming that I was fortunate yet oblivious to it.

I was a bit angry and was opening my mouth to argue with him. However, he led out a shocking phrase, "Damn, Finn. Did you really hook up with a milf, just like Leonard said?"

Hearing the word milf made me heart pound. The milf was May. So I hurried to utter, "Milf your ass. That was my sister-in-law."

However, to my surprise, his reaction was even more over-the-top, as evidenced by his bulging eyes exclaiming, "Wow! You really had relations with your sister-in-law, huh!"

Upon hearing these words, my heart leapt with a combination of panic, fear and an inexplicable thrill. I found myself questioning if I had truly engaged in an illicit relationship with my sister-in-law.

Despite his continued talking, I am unable to pay attention to him as I am filled with panic and fear over the possibility of our secret affair with May being exposed.