
Chapter 1: New Beginnings


A fresh start is something we all long for. We want to turn the page from our past and have our slate wiped clean.

Sometimes, we want a fresh start not because of something we’ve done that’s bad, but because we desire to free ourselves from painful memories that replay in our minds like a song stuck on repeat.

It’s been three years since my divorce and I’m ready to free myself from the “you’ll never make it without me,” song, written by my x-husband.

A fresh start can spark hope that was once dead back to life again. If we’re lucky, we’ll get a fresh start where dreams come true and I have been blessed with such fortune as I am now standing in front of my ‘dream come true.’

No, I'm not standing in front of the Magic Kingdom at Disney World, neither am I kissing my Prince Charming in front of the Eiffel Tower with my leg in the air. I'm standing in front of Hilltop Manor Resort, known as one of the most luxurious hotels in California.

I've worked half my life in the hotel industry to get a position at Hilltop Manor Resort, not just any job; I'm the new manager. Days of changing bed sheets, cleaning out trash cans, being yelled at, and being treated like a second-class citizen have finally paid off.

Managing a hotel isn't what most people would consider a dream come true. However, this isn't any hotel. Hilltop Manor Resort sits on a small hill in the Santa Monica mountains overlooking Malibu Beach.

The hotel is twenty stories high, with a restaurant, casino, and pool rooftop. The rooms on the 20th floor have a golden Jacuzzi in each room and have a private bar and massage room. Guests that stay on the 20th floor also get personal butlers. This hotel is known to billionaires all across the world.

Not all guests can take advantage of the luxuries that come with staying on the 20th floor, but they still get the abundant experience of spa treatments, canopy beds with silk linens, a fitness center, Olympic size pool, and fine dining. They can also take advantage of rooftop amenities. Each room has vaulted ceilings and gold draped curtains.

In front of the hotel, a five-foot water fountain sits in the middle of a small flower garden. You can work your whole life in the hotel industry and never see the likes of something as beautiful as Hilltop Manor Resort. I can't believe I'm finally here.

I'm ready to walk inside the resort, but I need to savor this moment a bit longer. Women like me aren't supposed to be here. Women from small towns and raised in single-parent homes aren't supposed to be managing a billion-dollar business. Yes, I think I'll bask in the glory of what I've accomplished a little longer.

My moment of awe is interrupted by a firm tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me, Ms. but you can't stand in front of the resort; if you're not staying, you need to leave." I turn around and see a tall brown-skinned man who resembles Dwayne Johnson, better known as "The Rock."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I work here," I reply.

"I've never seen you before, and I've been here ten years." He grabs a blue Walkie Talkie from his belt around his waist and requests assistance. "This is Big Jake; Jill, do you copy? Over."

A loud and raspy voice responds. “This is Jill. What’s going on? Over.”

Big Jake rubs his beard and stares at me.

“We got another one, Jill," he gives a slight smirk and shakes his head.

“Alright, on my way," Jill replies.

Big Jake watches my every move making sure I don't run off.

"Look, ugh, big guy or whatever they call you, I work here. Today is my first day." I reach for my backpack on the grass to show him my letter of hire.

"Hey, don't move," He yells. I feel his deep voice vibrating through my body, it could have also been fear, but I didn't make a move either way.

After a few minutes of standing like a statue, I see a golf cart slowly driving up the hill towards me. A short, stout lady with curly black hair dressed in black steps out of the golf cart. "Hi ma’am. I'm Jill, the head of staff for female security guards, and I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises."

I extend my hand towards Jill. "Nice to meet you, Jill. I'm your new boss."

"Girl, what are you smoking?" Jill responds, laughing.

"Well, Jill, if you and Mr. Big guy would let me reach into my backpack, I can show you my letter of hire."

"No! You could have weapons in there. Do you know how many people come to this resort saying they work here? I'm going to ask you one last time to leave the premise," she replies, folding her arms.

"Jill, I'd hate to fire someone on my first day, I'm begging you to let me show you my letter of hire, or you could just reach in my backpack yourself and pull it out."

Jill and Big Jake look at each other. Jill shrugs her shoulders and picks up my backpack. Big Jake slowly pulls the zipper back. He reaches in the bag and pulls out an envelope with a red Hilltop Manor Resort seal.

"Open it," I whisper. Jill opens the envelope and starts reading the letter. I fold my arms and smirk, waiting for Jill and Big Jake to be embarrassed.

"This doesn't mean anything. I still need to see your ID."

I ask Jill to reach in my backpack and grab a pink wallet with a "Hello Kitty" print on the front. She shuffles some of my belongings around and finds the wallet. She looks at me and looks back at the wallet, slowly opening it. She pulls out my driver's license and reads it, "Claire Rose.”

"You think your new boss can get a ride in that nice golf cart to the entrance?” I ask sarcastically.

"Well, ugh, yes…yes ma’am, Mrs. Rose." Jill walked me to the golf cart and drove towards the main entrance. "I didn't mean to be a jerk earlier. It's just that I love this place, and I take pride in my job by making sure I keep it safe." She leans towards me and winks her eye.

I'm not mad at Jill or Big Jake. I'm excited to see the staff taking pride in their roles. I've heard many positive statements about Hilltop Manor's staff. They have a rigorous screening process and only hire top-of-the-line candidates, which makes me all the more excited to be here.

"Jill, I'm curious, what did you mean when you asked if I knew how many people have tried to say they work here?" I grab my notebook and pen from my bag to record her response.

"Well, there are rumors Hilltop Manor has some mafia ties. Money has gone missing a few times, but all staff were at the hotel each time,” Jill shakes her head in disbelief.

"About a year ago, Mr. Dubois, the owner, took all the staff to get tailored made uniforms so if anyone said they worked here but didn't have a custom made uniform, we knew right away they were lying, and it worked for a while, but I hear things are going missing again." Jill shrugs her shoulders and stops the golf cart at the main entrance.

"Well, once you finish meeting everyone, I'd love to take you for a spin around the property." Jill winks her eye, waves bye, and rides away.

I walk into the main entrance towards the front desk.

"May I help you?” asks the receptionist. He is a tall, handsome white man with slick black hair. He looks Italian and even wears a diamond golden pinky ring.

"Yes, I'm the new manager, Claire Rose." I smile and wink my eye.

"Oh," replies the receptionist. He gives me a long stare and didn't seem too pleased to meet me.

"I'll call the owner Mr. Dubois, and let him know you're here." He picks up the phone and continues to stare at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead.

"Hello, Mr. Dubois, the ugh, new manager is here." He hangs up the phone and asks me to step aside so he could check in another guest. I couldn't help but notice that he is smiling at all the other guests but appeared hostile towards me.

I turn around and take in the view of the main lobby. White leather chairs surrounded by a backdrop of light blue and white walls graced the lobby. Glass tables with fresh roses in each vase adorned the tables. A white stone fireplace leads to the restaurant entrance. It was sheer elegance.

I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn around. "Hi, I'm Mr. Dubois. It's nice to finally meet you. My wife said you are the perfect candidate for the job." He extends his arm out to shake my hand. The diamonds on his Rolex watch momentarily blind me.

"I'm honored to be here." I look up and smile again, hoping Mr. Dubois doesn't think I'm more interested in his Rolex than listening to him. I smile and notice that I'm paying more attention to his watch than his face.

Mr. Dubois asks me if I'd like a tour. While nodding my head, I start to feel an eerie presence as if someone is watching me. I turn my head slightly to the right and notice the receptionist glaring at me again.

"Oh, by the way, this is Dexter. You'll be replacing him as the new manager." Mr. Dubois points to the receptionist, who is still staring at me. He smiles briefly. Now, I know why he looks at me with such intense anger. I'm taking his job.

"Oh, I…ugh, didn't know that. I'm terribly sorry." I look at Dexter and place my hand over my heart. I honestly do feel bad.

"No need to worry, Claire. Dexter isn't leaving us. He is working in another department, but I'm sure he'll be happy to show you the ropes for a smooth transition." Mr. Dubois folds his arm and stares at Dexter.

"I'm looking forward to it," Dexter replied. He didn't smile at all. If Dexter wants me to know how much he hates my presence, he is certainly doing an excellent job at it.

Mr. Dubois puts his hand on my back and points towards the elevator. "Ready, my dear?’ he asks. He winks his eye, extending his arm towards me. I wrap my arm around his and we walk towards the elevator. The elevator has gold paint on the doors, with an "HM" engraved in the middle.

"Oh, one second, I forgot the key card for the 20th floor." Mr. Dubois runs towards the receptionist area to grab the key card. A guest cannot access the 20th floor without it, and only specific guests can afford those luxuries.

I stand at the elevator smiling and eager to start my new chapter. A young lady pushing a cleaning cart stops beside me. "Need any help, ma’am?" She asks.

"Oh, I'm waiting on Mr. Dubois. I'm the new manager. What's your name?" I ask.

She briefly stares at me. It's almost as if she's dead behind the eyes. "My name is Janet," she replies. "So, you're the new boss?" She asks hesitantly.

"Indeed I am." I smile and extend my arm to shake her hand. She looks at me and sighs. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into."

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