
Chapter 5 - Unique Designs & Liftstyles

[Colognia, Germania]

[Resuarant Gallardo, 3:30 PM.]

[3rd Person POV]

The first vehicle that was revealed to them was a tractor, or specifically, a tractor to modernize the farming industry and to help Bosch realize his dream.

"This, my friends is a tractor, but not just any tractor, it's more reliable, faster, and most importantly its fuel efficient. It also comes with different types for different types of harvest needed. This method by my calculations, will help our agriculture boo. By about 35% to 60% by 1932. If we complete this by 1922-23, we can expect changes and profits by 1926." Robert said, as he stopped for a moment to drink his coffee before resuming.

"Additionally, we can introduce the loaning system where farmers can get the tractor, but they can choose paying the down-payment per month, or paying every 6th to help them save up and pay it in full. And an issue arises such as the tractor was either stolen, or they couldn't pay, both sides will discuss on what needs to be done. "

"how much would one cost depending on the modifications?" Karl asked, looking at each designs of the tractor, liking the design and it's reliability and look.

"I was thinking around 500-600 Marks for a start and we will not try to adapt when inflation hits." Robert said, and everyone was not surprised since almost everyone in the business circle, even among the poor class that rise in prices such as food, utilities and many other things. So it's no harm in being prepared for the future when everything will go downhill.

"It is a reasonable price. And if they said customer can't pay it in full, he/she can buy it in installments right? Around 100 Marks a month is what you're proposing?" Gustav said, confirming Robert's clause and making sure he hadn't missed anything.

"Yes. I addition to that, we can also give farmers some benefits if they choose our brand as well and entice them to only not choose our brand, but giving them a warranty as well in case if the tractor is in anyway damaged. Of course, it has to be verified from our side to see if it wasn't accidental damage or not." Robert said, as Gustav and Karl were stunned for a bit until they scanned through the designs yet again and again, the amount of modification, protection, and even comfortability is already almost on par with some rich cars. Which baffles them since how they could make a profit from all of these benefits that are given to the buyer?

"You're forgetting that we can export these tractors to America and Asia." Robert said, as if reading their minds and doubts as Karl and Gustav were surprised yet again and contemplated the gains and losses from this.

And sure enough, they concluded that they could indeed make a profit and even push the popularity of their brand to the world.

"You have convinced us Mr. Robert. We agree adding the first design to our list. What about your second design?" Karl said, now very interested in what Robert was gonna show next.

Robert set aside the first design and handed the documents to Bosch, whom handed Robert the second design and silently thanked Robert for this opportunity.

Robert just smiled and just patted Boschs shoulder and opened the document that revealed the second design.

Robert then started to present the design to Gustav and Karl.

"The second design is called a Food Truck or a Food cart for short. This vehicle is as you guessed it, the size of a truck, but it sells food to the local citizens throughout Germania with good quality food but affordable. And the benefits are the same as the first design I showed you. " Robert said, waiting for any questions that they both might ask.

"First off, how much is the pricing for this type of vehicle since there's a lot of versions and designs." Gustav said, slightly surprised on the colorful designs and the size of the vehicle.

"Around 500 to 2,000 Marks. The most expensive ones will be bus sizes and will have their own accommodations to service around 50 customers within the bus and outside." Robert said, as he analyzed everything in his mind and knew this was a risky venture as well since food carts weren't exactly popular until the late 2000s. But this idea is too good to be shot down, hence Robert decided to change on what food carts all about and add them as an important asset in the future.

"This dimensions are certainly interesting. Even adding a kitchen? This is... unique and would certainly interest people who would love to start in the food businesses on the move." Karl muttered, while Gustav commented on the design.

"It also attracts customers who also love quirky designs as well.. Certainly weird yes, but weirdly enough, I find these designs appealing. It would certainly attract the high class for sure" Gustav concluded as he flipped through the document that was filled with designs.

At this moment, the food was already set aside by the waiter, and drinks were given every few minutes since the manager saw us having private business talks and close off a part of our area. Robert quietly noted to himself to thank the Manager of the restaurant and continued on.

"Additionally, we could also make luxurious Trucks or so called vans to have their own bed, bathroom, kitchen, and a few accomodues that will entice people who loved to adventure and explore to choose this vehicle. The price can vary from 1,000 to 3,000 marks but it can change as i said earlier." Robert finished.

"we will agree to your second design proposal for now since it is a risk that we are taking here to make these." Gustav said, with caution.

Robert agreed and they handed the document back to Robert, whom Richard Bert handed it back to Bosch whom Bosch handed the 3rd design and place the 2nd one back to the briefcase.

With the 3rd Design in Robert's hands, he handed over the documents to Gustav and Karl once again and waited.

"An ambulance? And it looks bigger than the ones we are used to..." Gustav muttered.

"Yes, I'm happy that you've spotted quite a detail. I've design it based on the current needs and modifications of each hospital with the Ambulance being able to accelerate up to 70-80 KPH with the improved engine that gonna show you after. In addition to that, it will have double doors as always on the back, 1 small and 1 large door on the sides and 2 seats on the front."

" And last but not least, Inside the ambulance it will come with its own bed stretcher, medical equipment, and the works. It's also the same with military ambulance as you've seen from the designs, except it's a bit more bulkier and slower but it can take some small arms fire. "Robert finished his words with taking a sip of his warm coffee and waited once again.

It was now almost 5 Hours and both sides were a bit mentally exhausted but still pushing on to finish this deal.

"You surprise us Mr. Zettour. This will change Germania forever with your inventions and ideas." Karl muttered.

Robert only smiled and took it as a compliment before getting serious as the left 2 Designs would take at most 5 years for it to work and attracting multiple companies for this project.

"How much would you recommend for this government vehicle so to speak and for the military vehicle?" Gustav once again asked for the price.

"Approximately, 700-1,300 Marks. Of course price would fluctuate, but this is the definite price for now." Robert said, snapping out of his inner thoughts.

Robert then gestured to Bosh to bring out the last 2 important designs that must remain secret until it's completion and testing. Bosh brought out the said documents and Robert held it in his hands tightly as he waited for Karl and Gustav to finish evaluating my price proposal on the 3rd Design.

After a few minutes of silence, they both finally come to an agreement and will start building these vehicles as soon as possible.

Finally, Bosch grabbed the documents that were handed back to them and Robert handed 2 Documents to Gustav and Karl and said with a hardened expression on his face.

"This is a special design or project if you will that will need both of our attention and focus in the upcoming years. I've already put my faith and trust in our friendship, now it's time for you two to trust in my vision and evaluate what I'm making for the future of Germania." Robert said, releasing his hold on the documents and waited.

For Karl and Gustav, they took that as a warning and guarantee that, should ever the contents of the documents were leaked, they would face something worse than death. Hence they took the warning seriously and opened the document folder and were shocked.

It was the 1940-1950 Engine designs for a plane and for a vehicle. But not just any vehicle, heavy engine durable and reliable enough for tanks, heavy duty trucks, and other vehicles that's reserved for the military. As for the plane engine, it's almost as ambitious as it was drawn. Robert lifted that the plane engine of his design and tweaks, would be able to transport from civilian to military goods all over Germania, perhaps even on the battlefront. This shocked both of them, especially Gustav who was a pilot during the great war. He looked at the designs with interest and concluded that such a design was indeed possible. But both of these designs would need the help of multiple companies to boot.

Both Karland Gustav glanced back at Robert and waited for his plan to make this all work.

"As you both can see, my plan, my ambition is risky and requires thorough planning, money, and connections to pull this off. We will use almost half of our resources to test the engine that I designed and prepare it for trials once we succeed in making it." Robert said.

" You understand this secret plan wouldn't go unnoticed by the British much less the French." Gustav said warily and rightfully so since the French and the British were watching them like a hawk, ever since the great war, there's a contingent of British and French troops stationed on the Rhine, unfairly occupying it. This occupation was protested by the Weimara Republic but their complaits were sobbed by the British and French government and justified as a lawful occupation and left it at that.

"You and I both know that the French are still on their victory drug spree by humiliating us still after almost a year. For the. British, all they cared is the balance of power. But I agree that they would keep watch on what we're building. Hence I'm making a suggestion to build these engine in Konigsberg and in Austria." Robert said sharply.

"Since the Austrians are still close to us, it is beneficial to use them as our testing grounds for our engines. As for our other testing ground in Konigsberg, we will only need to look out for polish spies and intelligence as well as the British and French. I also didn't forget about traitors as that will eventually seep through our company. " Robert said, carefully looking into possible scenarios, risks, and covers for the engine to be tested without any complications and problems that may arise in the near future.

"Do we hire some of the Freikorps as bodyguards?" Bosch finally spoke after hours of silence.

"It isn't a bad idea. But we need to promise them stable supply of weapons and ammunition, and also secure their loyalty to which I can pull off with the proper preparations." Robert said grasping his chin, deep in thought.

"The Weimara Republic are not gonna like this when they eventually find out our testing projects." Karl pointed out.

"Of course they don't, but we can align ourselves with the army by then, and we will be immune to any scrutiny and backlash as well as the republic leaking this project to the French and British." Robert said.

"Not to mention the costs of building new factories for these. It will be a monumental task. We might be forced to take loans." Bosch pointed out the underlying problem.

"Don't worry, we have the money. It's just the question on how quick can we pull this off without any problems until the testing phase." Robert said, knowing to invest future companies that will grow into giants in the future and profiting from the financial crash that will happen in the later future.

But from the situation of Europe as it is, Robert felt that the financial crash will happen earlier than predicted. Hence he needed to move fast and act quickly to establish his dominance over the European economy and American economy. Of course he was prepared to lose substantial amount of money but the risk was worth to take with the amount of influence, connection, and money that's there., ready to be taken.

"I suppose this concludes our talks gentlemen?" Robert said, as he got back to the deal as he wanted to wrap this up as quick as possible.

"indeed it does. Thank you for the chance to see your inventions and designs that you proposed to us. Especially the chance for us to make a name for ourselves. But of course there's only one small problem." Karl said.

"What is the problem?" Robert said, rasing his brow to the problem in question.

"What would be our logo and trademark for our brand?" Karl said, obviously having troubles on what kind of logo Robert likes.

Robert smiled at the question and said. "Replace the B with F for Fortuna. The M and W will stay as it is." Robert said, as they stood up and shook hands.

"It was nice meeting you under this circumstances Mr. Karl, Mr. Gustav." Robert and Bosch said.

"It was out pleasure as well. We wish you luck on your endeavors, Mr. Zettour, Mr Bosch." Karl said, as they withdraw his hand along with Gustavs and proceeded to exit the Resuarant, leaving their share of the bill.

Likewise, Bosch and Robert also left their share of the bill and left quite a substantial tip for the Resuarant itself as in the future, he will buy them in the coming future and left the restaurant as well.

AS they arrived to their vehicle and entered, Robert spoke that only Bosch will hear.

"Bosch my friend, I hope you liked my gift." Robert said, smiling as he patted Boschs shoulder again.

"Thank you Zettour. It means so much to me on what you invented and intertwined my invention with yours. You have my support and loyalty." Bosch said, promising himself to aid Robert in anyway he can.

"Good, because I need to leave for a couple of months to a year to head to America." Robert said, not clarifying on what he was planning.

"I understand my friend. May fortune be with you. When will you leave?" Bosch asked Robert.

"Around August, when everything is on schedule and the company is track to slowly dominate the German economy." Robert said, making sure he calculated everything ahead of time.

"Then I shall prepare everything until then for your trip to America." Bosch said.

"Thank you Bosch." Robert said, gratefully to Bosch.

"What will be your first plan once you arrive in America Zettour?" Bosch asked.

"Many things my friend, many things." Robert said, vaguely as America was his hunting ground, his future.

Hello, your friendly author here!

Sorry for the delay. Had bad cramp on my foot and had to do some work to keep myself afloat. But here is the chapter!

Chapter 6 is right now under works as this chapter took a bit out of me as I tried my best to make it semi realistic as possible with characters that aren't well... Npc feeling

So hope you love it!

This is Vallerie, see ya in the Rhine!

VallerieTempestcreators' thoughts
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