
For real

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What is For real

Lesen Sie den Roman For real des Autors Mpore_Olivier, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.This goes to strange people falling in love in a strange way leads to world reunit...


This goes to strange people falling in love in a strange way leads to world reunit

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Daddy CEOs geliebte Ehefrau

In der Nacht, in der ihr Verlobter sie betrog, dachte Ran Xueyi nicht, dass ihre Familie und Freunde noch vor ihr davon wussten. Am Boden zerstört, beschließt Xueyi, dass sie sich rächen will, indem sie den Ruf ihrer Familie ruiniert und aus der Verlobung herauskommt, die sie nicht wollte! Und der einzige Weg, das zu tun, war, mit dem Kind eines anderen Mannes schwanger zu werden! Aber was passiert, wenn der Vater ihres Kindes nach 2 Jahren vor ihren Augen auftaucht und verlangt, sie und ihr Kind zurückzunehmen? Wird Xueyi seinem Charme widerstehen können, wenn sogar ihr Sohn diesen Mann als seinen Vater adoptieren will?! --- Das ist Song Yu Han, ein rätselhafter Mann und der reichste Tycoon des Landes! Zu dumm nur, dass der Mann kalt wie Eis ist... Aber gerade als alle dachten, dass es nie eine Frau geben würde, in die er sich verlieben könnte, brachte er plötzlich eine schöne Frau und einen Sohn mit. ---- Ein paar Szenen aus dem Roman: "Mama, ich möchte mit Papa zu Abend essen", sagte der Kleine eines Tages. Xueyi konnte dem Charme ihres Sohnes nicht widerstehen und sagte zögernd ja. Am nächsten Tag. "Mami, ich habe von meinen Klassenkameraden gehört, dass sie bei ihren Eltern schlafen. Kann ich Papa anrufen, damit er bei uns schläft?" Xueyi lehnte die Idee ab, aber als ihr Sohn zu weinen begann und einen Wutanfall bekam, gab sie schließlich nach. Und am nächsten Tag wieder. "Mami, ich will eine kleine Schwester von Mami und Papi. Geh und mach mir eine!", forderte der Kleine und zwinkerte dann seinem Vater zu, der hinter ihm stand. So beginnt das Leben von Xueyi, die von ihrem Mann und ihrem Sohn geliebt wird. [REIFER INHALT]

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The Accidental Ascension [TGCF x Male Oc]

Shao Run Ming is what others would call an Accident. He hadn't meant to ascend into godhood, It was a simply accident, Yet that accident cost himself everything. Run Ming's memories began when he first ascended into Heaven. He didn't remember who he was, Where he was, What happened to him, How he got there, Anything. It was like he was wiped clean. A clean slate, but he was anything but happy with this. Since Nobody but Jun Wu knew how he became a god, They all called it an accident and started calling him "The Accidental (Child) god" The only one who didn't call him that and actually helped him was Ling Wen. She took him in when no else would, She taught him of about the three realms and helped him get comfortable with his position as a Medical master, That no one wanted helped from. Years later, His life is thrown in Chaos again when he meets two Male's that change his life. For better or for worse, He doesn't know yet. All he does know is that, These two men and many other friends and Foe's may be connected to his blurred past. A past he so desperately wants to remember, Yet fears remembering at the same time. [I don't own Tgcf or any of Mxtx's characters, Any pictures or music that I put in it don't belong to me. I found them on the internet, The only one I own is Shao Run Ming and his plot. Thanks and Enjoy!] [PS. sorry for the crappy cover, I'll probably change it but it was the best I could do for now.] [PPS. Sorry if the characters are OOC, I'll try my best to keep them to their original personality's but I may have to change a few things here and there for the sake of the story. Thanks!] [PPPS. This story will follow the DongHua (Anime)(Mostly), The Novel, and the manhua so If things get confusing then its because there are differences between the way each of them are written.

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Sueño Profundo: Espada Oxidada

'Sueño Profundo' acontece en un mundo alternativo donde las personas más ricas e influyentes del mundo han creado un país artificial en medio del pacifico. Una ciudad-estado llamada 'Triangle'. El lugar más avanzado del mundo. Diez años después, en el 2030, la tesis conjunta que presentaron Neil Bertrán y Steven Téstela (Vida Holográfica) provocó un 'boom' en toda la urbe. Industria, entretenimiento, publicidad. Los hologramas invadieron cada rincón existente, incluyendo la economía. Hasta que cierto día... algo pasó... Hologramas extraños (sin explicación) empezaron a emerger. Hologramas no programados, imágenes, «fantasmas» que seguían instintos propios. Errores del sistema. Edward Zedrick es un estudiante que es abordado por esos 'fantasmas'. Un día se encuentra con una chica llamada Lily, una princesa que blande una espada llamada 'Scarlet' (Carámbano escarlata). Ella afirma ser un 'fantasma', y dice que sabe mucho de él y su hermana pequeña, Naomi Zedrick. Ese mismo día acontece el 'Sueño Profundo'. ¿Qué es falso? ¿Qué es real? Cuando estos dos caminos converjan, esta historia habrá de empezar. ... ¿Falso? ¿Real? El chico no sabía nada... en ese entonces... Solo confiaba en 'eso', «su espada». 'Cortaré el destino', decía. Y lo hizo, pero mal. ORDEN DE LECTURA: Volumen 01 - "Sueño Profundo: Espada Oxidada". - En proceso. Volumen 02 (En proceso). Obra registrada en Safe Creative. Código de registro: 1512296113429. Todos los derechos reservados

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Parenting drug addicted child

The fear of losing a child is one of the most harrowing fears known to any parent. However, when it comes to substance abuse, the fear is just the start of a long and often challenging road. As a parent, you may feel helpless, alone and desperate when you find out your child is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Parenting a drug-addicted child is an excruciatingly painful experience, and navigating the journey can be overwhelming. However, parents mustn't give up, and instead, take steps to support their child's recovery. In this book, we'll cover everything you need to know about parenting a drug-addicted child. Whether you're a parent of a teenager who's struggling with addiction, or an adult with a child who's going through the same, this book will provide valuable insights, strategies and practical advice to help parents navigate their way through this challenging situation. The book is divided into three main sections. The first section covers the basics of addiction, including what it is, how it happens and why it's so difficult to overcome. We'll also discuss how parenting an addicted child is different from parenting a non-addicted child. While traditional parenting techniques may not work for a child struggling with addiction, we'll explore new ways of approaching parenting to support the child through their journey to recovery. In the second section of the book, we'll take a closer look at the challenges that parents of drug-addicted children face. We'll cover everything from the emotional toll that addiction can take on parents, to the financial struggles that often come with seeking treatment for an addicted child. We'll also discuss how relationships can be affected when a child is addicted, and how parents can communicate effectively with their child to maintain a positive relationship throughout the recovery process. The third and final section of the book will focus on practical solutions and strategies for parenting a drug-addicted child. We'll discuss how to recognize the signs of addiction, and how to get help for your child. We'll also provide information about different treatment options, including inpatient and outpatient rehab, detox programs and counselling. Additionally, we'll explore the role that family therapy can play in supporting both the addicted child and their family members through the recovery process. Finally, we'll discuss how parents can take care of themselves while parenting an addicted child, and provide tips for self-care throughout the process. One of the most important things to understand when parenting a drug-addicted child is that you are not alone. Millions of other parents are going through the same thing, and there are resources available to help you. Although it might seem like you're the only parent dealing with this issue, addiction is a disease that affects families from all walks of life. Understanding addiction as a disease is a critical step for parents to take, as it helps to remove the stigma surrounding addiction and allows for a more compassionate approach to treatment. Parenting a drug-addicted child requires patience, understanding, and compassion. It involves navigating a complex and difficult system of resources, treatments and emotions that can take a toll on both the child and the parent alike. With the help of this book, parents can gain the knowledge and tools they need to support their children through their journey to recovery. Whether you're at the beginning of this journey or have been struggling for a while, this book is an invaluable resource for parents hoping to help their children overcome addiction and reclaim their lives.

Joseph_Buchi · sci-fi
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Volumen 1


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