
First Day!

At a certain district in a certain location in Japan. All of the first years of Totsuki academy's high school section set foot on a land that aspires to be like MT. Fuji and Ashinoko and is well known for being a high-class area for villas and summer resorts.

"Wooow!!!" The North Star gang is standing in front of a very tall and large building, just the outer part of it gives the feeling of luxury " This is a hotel!!" Takumi wondered, he saw many hotels in his life but this is on another level.

"If this surprised you, you need to see our Hotel in Hokkaido." Alice tapped Takumi's shoulder with pride, she is a Nakiri and of course, she will feel proud and happy when her family's properties are being praised.

"Yeah, you should see My family's hotel in Moscow too," said Alexander making Alice remember that big ass hotel. How can a family own that hotel alone? And its in a perfect location for tourists.

"Let's get inside already." Said Akira " The other students are already inside." Akira made his way inside followed by Takumi, Alexander, Alice, Isami, and Ryo.

As the outside can tell you that this hotel is very luxurious, the inside is the true definition of luxury, but they didn't get the chance to appreciate it much. One servant who was standing in front of the gate pointed at his left where there is a huge double door is open and said " Please, go inside the great banquet hall and wait for further instructions"

Doing as he said, they entered the great banquet hall and many students are already inside. There was more than 9 hundred students but the hall still looks empty and completely silent.

"This is intense!" Said Isami, wherever he looked he can see grim faces, no one is even cheerful or have happy thoughts about this.

"They say each year more than half of the first year drop out during this stage. They don't have the confidence to get over this camp." Said Akira, he really disliked the weak-willed chefs, why are they in this school if they don't have the confidence in their skills. he heard many stories about this from Jun, after he was informed about the date of the camp, he asked Jun and she told him her experience. The way she told her story about this place seems like a horror movie.

"Of course. In fact, this camp is doing those who are dropping out a great favor " Alice commented after Akira with a serious face " If you can't get past this training camp then you won't survive as a chef later on."

"Surprisingly I agree with you." Said Takumi, his arms are crossed.

" Says the guy who couldn't beat Alex-chan 15 times straight♪♪" Alice reminded Takumi of his continues streak of defeats on Alexander's hands making his face turn red from embarrassment and anger " SHUT UP!!"

"These two are always at each other's neck! can't they take a break?!" Akira is looking at Alice and Takumi arguing with a tired face, how many time did they fight in the last few hours?

"Just forget about it and pray that Takumi keeps her busy with teasing him." Added Alexander. He knows Alice very well.

"As he said, If you react to milady's teasings she will keep doing that to you," Ryo said with his monotone voice, he suffered enough under Alice's hands and learned how to ignore her words.

Isami who was with them and heard their little conversation had cold sweat going down his large back, Looks like his brother will be under Alice's mercy for a long time.

As the group is watching Alice and Takumi's argument, whispers and chatters broke the hall's silent, this got the North Star's gang interest. When they looked around for the reason, it was Alexander's little brother Soma. His group seems to be the loud type, especially when he is talking with the blonde and tan girl from his last Shokugeki.

"There he goes again..." Alice said as she nudged Alexander "...Your brother is very interesting, no matter where he goes, people always paying attention to him."

"Good for him." That was all Alexander had to say, his brother has to walk his own path, whatever he does is not Alexander's problem. He just hopes that Soma is skilled enough to last until the end of the training camp. He doesn' mind helping his brother a little, but if his skills are lacking then there is no meaning for helping him.

[Good morning ladies and gentlemen.] it was then that someone took the stage and spoke in a microphone. It was teacher Roland Chapelle. [Pay attention to the stage, please. I'm going to explain the outline of this training camp]

Chapelle started explaining the outline of the camp and it goes like this; The Friendship and Rapport Training Lodging. It's scheduled to be 5 nights and 6 days. Every day you'll be given assignment related to cooking, the contents of these assignments vary every year.

On the first day, the 981 students will be separated into 20 groups, each day you'll be shuffled and moved to another group. After the explanation is done, all students must go to the place you're appointed to.

If the lecturers' evaluation for a student goes below a certain line, that student is disqualified.

Those students will be sent home on board the buses that go to the academy and they will be expelled.

Many students gulped after this explanation, this is really tough battles that have to go through

Chapelle continued [About the judging. We invited guest lecturers] The students wondered who the guests are?

[As busy as they are, they gathered here just for today] On his words, many people wearing chefs' uniforms entered the stage, they all walked on the stage with confidence. They hold a supreme aura that no one can have unless they had fought in the front lines of the cooking world.

[These are Totsuki Academy's Alumni.] On Chapell's words, all students become shocked, Alumni??!! they're the geniuses that won through the one-digit passing rate!!.

As the chefs took their place, one man with glasses and red hair and an undercut. He sniffed the air and said:" You on the 9th line starting from the front...The boy with the scar on the eyebrow" Alexander heard this and recalled his brother, he looked and saw he was calling his brother.

'The hell does he want from Soma?' Alexander questioned inside his mind, but his question was answered with an unexpected twist. The man was calling for the man beside his brother.

"You're expelled." He said. The poor boy who was mentioned had his heart drop cold "You can go home." The red-haired chef expelled the young man ruthlessly.

"What was that for?!" Questioned Takumi with a surprised face. Akira sniffed like that man and its as if he realized something, he didn't need to answer Takumi since the red-haired chef beat him to it.

"Your hairdressing product has a citrus smell, that may overshadow the food's aroma." The man made his way down to the boy in the 9th line " Being stylish is a must. If the person who makes the food is out of fashion the food won't have any sensuality." he said. This ruthless man is the famous owner of Shino's restaurant, Shinomiya Kojirou. " Starting next time you should pick a scent-free hair liquid." He finished his small lecture and turned to leave.

"Wa..Wait! please!...what?...expelled?! JUST BECAUSE OF THIS--"Before the boy could finish his complain, Shinomiya looked at him with a dark and scary look.

"You can lose clients just because of that." His eyes looked at the boy as if he committed a crime " Do you want to shut down my shop?" The poor boy got scared to his soul. The hall went into complete silent mode and only chef Shinomiya's footsteps could be heard " Good job student!" he then made his way up to the stage.

"There are no customers here, the tests hasn't begun yet, and this is not his shop. At least wait until the assignments begin then his points would be valid." If the hall was silent before, now its as if the cold darkness of the night fell down on the room. The man who said these words is none other than Alexander himself.

Shinomiya looked at him with an even more deadly look, if looks could kill, then Alex would be in his grave now " What did you say, Boy?! Do you want to join him too?"

All of the hall's attention was focused now on the both of them. The Alumni chefs were as much as surprised as the students. They didn't think a student would dare to talk back to Shinomya.

"Whoa!! Yukihira's big brother is crazy!!!" Yuuki from the polar star whispered with a scared voice. Her friends agreed too. Tadokoro is shaking from nervousness, even if she wasn't targeted by this she still felt scared.

"Aniki...!" Soma looked at his brother in shock

Alexander had his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders " I use a scent-free shampoo, Totsuki is forcing me to wear the uniform so I don't have a choice in style." Alexander had a bored face, it was if he wasn't afraid of Shinomia, but he still smirked and said: " I wonder what reason you could come up with to expel me too?."

Alexander's group had shocked faces as their jaws dropped to the floor " OI!! Alexander what are you doing?!!" Takumi whispered/shouted at Alexander. Does this idiot want to get expelled?!

His friends quickly tried to cover for him.

"I..Its not like that!! sir, Alex-chan was only amazed at your amazing analyzing abilities!!" Akira quickly tried to bullshit with Shinomiya

"Y..Yes!! That was it, he really didn't mean to talk back to you!!" Alice stood in front of Alex with a fake and nervous smile.

Alexander was annoyed as he is sure doesn't need to sugar his words for someone, he tried to speak but Ryo quickly covered his mouth.

But Shinomiya heard and understood everything clearly. The Boy was mocking him!!

"You don't need to cover up for him, Boy y-" before Shinomiya could finish his words another voice cut him off.

[That is enough!!] everyone turned to the stage and it was Totsuki resort general head chef, member of the board of directors. Doujima Gin. [We don't have enough time for this. Come back up] Doujima Gin ordered Shinomiya to come back, of course, Shinomiya obliged reluctantly after giving Alex one last dirty look. " Tch!...Lucky kid." Shinomiya went back to his place and the tension in the hall went back to normal.

Doujima Gin cleared his troth to speak again [Welcome to Totsuki resort.] His powerful voice is befitting to his position [The Alumni that gathered today are all chefs that have their own shops. For the six days of this training camp, they will be treating you as if you were employees at their shops. Do you understand what this means...?] Doujima gave Alexander a brief look before continuing [People whose work can't satisfy them are FIRED.] he made a troth sliting motion with a wide grin.

[As you could see, you may be forced to leave immediately depending on the lecturers' discretion. I wish you the best of lucks!] The students became scared and anxious, this is really though!

[Well then. START MOVING!]

The hall becomes empty in an instance, it was like there was no one here a minute before. Students went to their designated group for this day.

Alex's group stopped at one corner surrounding Alexander.


"THAT'S RIGHT!! IF YOU GET EXPELLED BECAUSE OF SUCH STUPID REASON LIKE THAT, SCHOOL WON4T BE ANY FUN ANY MORE!!" Alice was pissed, she knows that Alex is an extraordinary chef but his only problem is that he can't hold his tongue in some situations.

"Geez...If you did something like that again don't expect me to help you again." Akira added with an annoyed face. But all of their words didn't reach Alexander's ears as he wasn't even paying attention, only nodding from time to time to trick them into believing he is listening. Only Ryo and Isami realized this because they can see him from the sideline.

"More importantly, we will be late at this rate." Said Alex " We get expelled all if we didn't move now." At that note, everyone remembered this and dashed to their halls and groups.

"Don't get expelled, Alex-chan!!" Alice and Ryo left after one final reminder. Akira left without a word.

"Which group you two from?" Asked Alexander, he asked because The Aldini's siblings are going in the same direction as him.

"We are in the group of Chef Inui and you?" said Takumi.

"Mee too."


Chapter 18 is out on patr-eon.

Go to: https://www.patr eon.com/RedVoidDoragon

Or on the Mobile APP: Doragon

Hit me with whatever you can.

I am starting to help my mother in her newly opened shop and it really is hard to write in the middle of the night.

Right now it's 1:28 AM as I am posting this.

Doragoncreators' thoughts
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