
FNAF: The yellow bear

It all happened so quickly. An FNAF 6/Security breach fanfiction. BEWARE: Genderbender and harem

Boots_ups_your_ass · Videospiele
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2 Chs

A brand new lot

In a dark room, there lay a suit on the floor. The room was quiet apart from the occasional creaks and bangs. Suddenly, the room made a big jump. A box fell nearby the suit, creating a thud. 

After the temporary chaos, everything settled. That was when the suit's head tilted as a pair of small, white dots glow in the dark. The eyes roamed from the still body, tracing the room before landing on the box. After looking at the box for a while, the eyes of the suit were slowly dimmed.

Another jump occurred, but the figure was forever still. For the rest of the night, nothing else eventful happened besides the shaking and noises.

The shaking stopped. An opening and closing of a vehicle could be heard.

<??? POV>

"We finally here." I yawned. "The drive was unforgiving."

"Didn't I do most of the driving."

A voice called out.

"That doesn't change anything! No room, bumpy roads, nothing to do for miles but to get to our destination." I retaliate.

A sound of footsteps came walking towards her.

"Tell me about it. I would have fallen asleep if not for your loud snoring."

I turn to see my friend, Max. We work at the same job and were driving here for a new job post.

"I don't snore!"

"Whatever you say. Anyways, help me unload the stuff."

I watched him go to the back, unlocking the roll-up door. I was about to make my way there before stopping at the side of the truck. <Fazbear's Entertainment>, it read above a Fredda token head.

I never like the company. They're constantly trying to hide something. If anything goes wrong in a Fazbear, you can guarantee they would deny all wrongdoing.

"Michelle? You there?"

"Yeah, coming."


I froze. "Max? Did you hear that?"

"What?!" I heard him yell.

"Nevermind!" I shook my head and finally made it to the back. There I see Max dragging a box out of the truck.

"Michelle! I'm going to go ahead and put this inside." He gestured to the huge front of our new post.

I took a peek at the truck and then the storefront. " You sure this is all?"

"Nah, this is just the start. They will be giving us a startup and supplies to fully furnish this place. By the way, are you sure about taking the night shift?"

"Yeah, I'm okay with it."

"You sure? It can take a toll on you. To be honest, we don't even need a nightguard."

"Trust me, we do. Do you know how many deaths had happened in a Fredda's? I don't want this chain to be another incident. I want to end that here."

"Talking about Fredda's, I was told we will be reusing that model from previous establishments."

"What! Those are safety hazards!"

"They said they repair and repurpose them, but knowing them they probably cut some corners with them."

"Hmmm, I can try to repair them."

"You can?"

"Yeah, my dad was a robotic engineer. He taught me a lot about it when I was younger. You know before he disappeared."

"Well, if you can do it, just take it easy. Wouldn't want you to overwork yourself. Well, I'm going inside, I'll be back."

He lifted the box and went inside. I looked at the truck and sighed. I went in to get a box. Suddenly, a flash of yellow assaulted me.


I saw flashbacks. The day of my greatest mistake. HER birthday. The sickening sound of a bite echoed in my head. The flashbacks stopped. I was shaking remembering what happened. After realizing I was panicking, I tried to calm down.

"Calm down Michelle. it's just a hallucination. It's ok."

I pick up a box. While moving it I saw a glimpse of a bear suit with yellow fur.

"Impossible! That place was shut down years ago!"

I put down the box, before making my way toward the animatronic suit.


I touch its head. While his head is the same size as a normal Fredda. But the purple hat, the light brown belly, his teeth... I open his mouth. But in this poorly light truck, I can't see anything. I reach into my pocket to use my phone's flashlight. I slide out but accidentally down it.

"Damn it." I got down on the floor searching for it. I found it shortly after. I open the phone and turn on the flashlight. "Ahhh!"

I lightly shout. I quickly backed up. I stared at the Fredbear that was previously inches from my head. Its mouth opened as if it was about to take a bite. My flashlight shone on his head, I was able to open his mouth again when a rotten smell enters my nose.

"You okay? I heard a scream."I heard Max call out for me.

"Yeah, I'm good!" I shout out.

I picked myself up and went out the back.

"That animatronic back there scared me."


"Yeah, of Fredbear."

"Let me see." I watch him go in the truck and shortly come out.

"I didn't remember loading that. Maybe the company add it last minute, I'm going to have to give them a call."

"So it like appear out of nowhere."

"Not likely. Probably an animatronic to start with. Fredbear, that's what you call it?"

"Yeah, it was the original Fazbear's mascot and only male animatronic besides spring bonnie. He was the head ok the brand...until the... Bite of 1983."

"Oh, this caused The Bite of '83? If that's the case then this is vintage. You must have been a big fan of his if you remember this."

"Yeah. There's no way I can forget him." I grabbed a box and faced Max.

"Well, I'm going to start working. Need to unload these before midnight."

I took the box inside. I look around the warehouse. 'This place is how huge, it even has a second floor.' After awing for a bit, I set the box down on a table nearby.

Max came by and set another box down. "So according to the blueprints, they want us to fill in some requirements. The multiple attractions such as an arcade, a horror house, a race track, and a daycare."

"Seriously, a daycare? Who in their right mind will let a company that the causality rate of children is more than that of adults, not even mentioning the missing children reports, watch their children."

"I don't know but we have to do this or they will send someone else to do it. "

"Oh my god," I groaned.

"Come on, let's get this dub." Max and I then got back to work. Most of the stuff has been taken out. We got party supplies, basic camera systems, a whole box of themes ideas, and some raw building materials. All that was left was Fredbear. Max got a dolly to bring it in. I wrapped the restraints around it to prevent it from falling. We dragged it in and put it in the main area. Sat it down and Max turn to me.

"Alright. So everything has to be built, all that's already built is a show stage and the main security office. It should be down those hallways." He pointed in a direction.

I looked down at where he pointed and start to walk there. When I reach the office doors I notice some buttons. They were on both sides and seemed quite familiar to her. I push a button and a light shine right above the window. I push the bottom one and the door came slamming down. I jumped a little due to the loud noise. After composing myself I push it again with open back up.

"That can be dangerous. I should put an encasing on them. Just in case someone else is in here." I grab my phone to put a reminder for it. After, I looked around the office.

The office was mostly empty, all there was a desk and an iPad. I grabbed the pad and turn it on. There were 30 camera slots in a 5 x 6, 7 currently being used, and only 5 are working.

I flip there the cameras, not much to look through. All the cameras were in the main area, which is not decorated. Just a couple of tables place down. Cam 1 shows the stage, Cam 2 shows the would-be dining area, Cam 3 shows the entrance of the east hallway, Cam 4 shows the entrance of the west hallway, and Cam 5 shows the wide view of the dining area on top of the show stage. I memorize the locations before exiting the app.

'This all seems familiar...' sat up looking at the time. 11:30 pm.

Tap Tap

I look up to see max tapping on the window.

"Hey, I called the management and am about to leave. I just need to put Fredbear on the stage ok." Max came in saying.

"Yeah, ok. That's fine. Check out the apartments for me."

"Will do, it's crazy you have to work already."

"Yeah, but it's better safe than sorry. Don't want some weirdo stealing our animatronic now would we."

"True, true. Well, I'm going to go, sweet dreams, Michelle."

"Good Night, Max," I muttered under my breath. I flipped on the camera and watched him put Fredbear on the stage. He soon left after that. I close the cams and sigh.

The was nothing to do in the meantime so I plan to game all night. This was a good time to make progress on 'princess quest'. I started to play and was slowly getting on to it.

Ring Ring

'What the...?' I paused my game and look up to see a purple telephone ringing. 'Was that always there.'

Ring Ring

I pick up the phone and put it on my ear.

"Hello? Hello, hello?"


"Hey, uh! Just want to record a message for your first night."

'Oh, It's a recording. He sounds familiar, tho.'

"Umm, first things first, welcome to Freddy Fazbear Pizza, a magical place for kids and grownups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or people. Upon discovering the damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon as property and premises have been properly cleaned and bleached, and carpets have been replaced. Blah, Blah, Blah."

I rolled my eyes. 'I still can't believe that is legal.'

"Although you are already a Fazbear employee, I was told to go over the basics, it's a legal thing. Now I know that might sound bad but it is nothing to worry about." There was a silent pause. "Uh, So I was told this is your first time in a security office, I understand it can be a little overwhelming, but I'm sure you do just fine. So let's just focus on your first night."

"I was told that you were sent Fredbear. While it wasn't planned to be sent there yet, It's should be fine. It's just that he was still in the works. Just be aware that Fredbear will be walking around at night. We haven't been able to pin down his free-roaming capabilities. Nor were we able to get it down for any of the other animatronics either."

"On that topic, your friend has told us that you have a career in robotics! So if you are to see any bugs or glitches, and fix them, you will receive a bonus. Umm, please do mine that if anything were to happen to the animatronics in your care you will handle all responsible, for both yourself and others."

'WHAT, I'm doing you a favor! And they're trying to use me as a scapegoat.'

"That's rough buddy. Y-yeah they don't tell you these things when you sign up. Uh, back to Fredbear if you ever see him outside the door just close the door. Just make sure not to use too much power. He should go away after a couple of seconds...or minutes. Well, that's all I can think of. Just check the cams and close the doors only when absolutely necessary. That's all good night."


I put the telephone down and check the clock.


I sigh. "Let's get started," I said as I brought up the tablet, looking at cam 1. The cam fazed in and show me Fredbear. I felt my fingers tremble a bit, under the watch of the golden bear.



Thank you for reading. Chapter now publish, next one? Maybe two weeks if you're lucky. I have left a lot of room for lore and new plot points for future chapters if I ever get there. I find the story would be best if it's in multiple pov at times. And yes, gender-bent Michael. Also, I have no idea how I'm going to make the harem work but I'm determine. I'm most likely going to humanize the animatronics and make them older. Till next time, please stay tune, or not, just don't give me anxiety.

Boots_ups_your_asscreators' thoughts