
Flight or Fight

Watch a fairy princess, who was brought up to fight her own battles, jump at the chance of a lifetime. She is set to marry the mystery prince of Zalidia, and man no one has ever met, nor do they know his name. Follow her as she meets him and uncovers secrets of her past. - Warning may contain mature content

Boo_Bunny83 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 10 Confusion

Killian's POV

Watching Jace walk away from me without a word pained my heart. 'She deserves better than me', I thought as I walked to the dining room doors moments after Jace had left.

The feeling of guilt filled me when I saw her face after I grabbed her hand, 'How stupid could I have been? I probably scared her, now she'll hate me.'

My insecurities filled me as I moped to the door, hanging my head in shame as I walked. Reaching the door I hear voices on the other side, Elijah had confronted Jace.

Her tone sounded firm and angry, even with Elijah's emotional manipulation I could feel her fury.

I opened the door slowly and looked in their direction, as soon as she saw me she quickly turned to walk away.

"Princess Jace!" I tried stopping her, but to no avail. She ignored my call and continued to walk briskly away.

With a shocked appearance Elijah made his way over to me slowly, staring at the ground as he walked.

"My ability only had little effect on her and she refused my words." His eyes finally found his way to mine.

"What did you say to her?" I asked.

"I told her that she shouldn't give you such a hard time."

"And she said?"

"Uhhh… Well, I am not sure how you are going to feel about it, but she said that she won't let you treat her that way basically. That you are allowed to try and make up for it, however she knows her worth… Whatever that means." His words gave both of us very little clarity, causing more questions to arise.

In quiet we start walking back to my chambers, as it is now almost eight in the evening and neither of us have plans for the night. As we walk I see some of the maids from the dining hall, all glancing at me and quickly turning away when I look their way. I look over to Elijah and notice he is still contemplating the events that had just taken place, oblivious of the stares of those around us.

"We can talk more about this when we are in a safe place to talk, until then please don't worry so much, El." For someone who can manipulate the emotions of those around him, he sure could never control his own emotions when he needs to.

"Yes, sorry sir." He nodded, slowly relaxing into a comfortable walking pace.

Finally, walking through many corridors of the castle we make it to my chamber, which to the surprise of many is in the deepest parts of the dungeon. A place where screams of pain and sorrow are drowned out by the deafening silence of fear made by my presence as I walk to my chambers.

The dungeon is always a dark and cold place, comforting to a being such as myself. Though odd, I find myself feeling content with my life in the shadows. As we enter my chambers I can hear the gears in Elijah's head begin to turn once again.

"Now, Elijah, you may express any and all concerns you have so that we may resolve the issues at hand. That, or investigate the questions at hand." I turn to face him as he closes the doors.

"Well, Killian, it's just that yours and my powers had little to no affect on her, she speaks with authority not known to any princess I have ever met, and in all of history I have never heard of a powerless fairy." his words were almost that of a rambling madman.

"Slow down Elijah, when you get worked up it's hard to understand you." I sigh. "Now as for the first matter, yes, it is concerning that she had not been affected by mine or your powers. However, it has happened in the past where fairies feeling strong emotions can cancel out certain effects of powers."

"You are right, but would that really work with your power?" his question lingered with me for a moment.

"I am not sure, maybe you should do a little more research into that matter." I take a deep breath. "As for the second issue at hand, well that's not really an issue. She has merely shown she is a strong, confident woman, who knows what she wants. I will not condemn her for reacting to a mistake I made."

"Very kind of you, My Lord. But can't this type of.. Uhhh… independence be dangerous for her in the future? I mean you know your kingdom and how they react to women trying for power."

"I am well aware, however she will be my queen, not a pawn or arm candy. She will sit by my side on a throne and rule as my equal." I made sure to look him in the eye, getting my whole point across.

"Sorry, My Lord." he bowed his head.

"It is fine, I understand you and others don't share the sentiment. Knowing that, heed my words, anyone who tries to reject the authority of my queen will face severe consequences." contempt laced my voice.

"Understood." He kept his head bowed until I spoke again.

"Now as for the final issue, it is true that the princess hasn't been known for having any powers. I am not sure if her father has hidden them, her power is something so minuscule she hasn't had the opportunity to learn it or if she truly is powerless." I turned away from Elijah, making my way towards my mirror to undress myself.

"If she truly is powerless then what are we to do?" He walked over to me. "Having no power makes her vulnerable and gives the people yet another reason not to recognize her authority."

"With the truth that holds I can easily fix that. Though they may see her as the enemy and as a weak princess a display of her power would easily get them in line."

"What power My Lord?" his confused eyes lock with mine in the mirror.

"Why her strength as a warrior of course, by allowing anyone to challenge her to a duel it will show her strength." I smile at him. "Until the time comes, however, I want to know anything and everything about my dear princess."

"As you wish, My Lord. I will go and find out what I can now, get some rest." He turns and walks to the door, opening it and saying "Make sure you get sleep, staying up isn't good for you." and with that he left.

Finally getting fully undressed I walk to my bed, slowly sliding under the covers. 'I have to find a way to make everything up to her, she must become my queen. I cannot understand what I feel for her or why, but I want to understand her.'

Sorry it took me so long to write this chapter, life sucks but I will be writing as much as I can when I get the chance. Stay strong my loves!

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