

'No I'm not one of them- I am not a fish... Well... not before' Mermaids & Aliens- are narrative & third person view that literature that explains the life of an author between finding out the word 'Mermaid' and 'Aliens'.

CHRYSAKURA_Cainoy · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Best Fish

! F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, F*CK!!!


I could have fainted if it weren't for my tiredness that I became.. Troubled again... I can't even faint and forget everything! I started crying again.

"Don't cry, fish"

I am crying because of you! And my fate!!!

"I show you magic trick!"

I can't help but to think of the whale suddenly opening its mouth and biting me and then saying "See? A magic trick!" I quietly shudder in horror.

"No thank you..."

Orcas should be friendly right? Well I can actually understand him but why?... oops *tried to float* Almost losing my balance there...

Anyway, The orca doesn't have a name. Well, to be precise, they don't have any names. And I don't want to keep on calling it killer whale, or Orca, I rather name it myself. "Why don't I call you Odin?"

This guy must be a male based on his way of speaking and his voice. Weirdly... they talk like any human but their vocabulary is not that great, which is understandable.

Were they taught by an orca?

Too much happening in one day! Even the thought of why I can understand him was ignored due to me getting tired with all the surprises and just embracing the fact that a killer whale that can kill me in an instant is currently talking to me as if he found a new friend...

At this rate, I am just trying to survive here.

Odin looks quite happy with my sudden idea and even jumps in joy! JUMP! I tried to control my very first fish tail by keeping me floating on the water surface. The waves were annoying and I was glad that even if I accidentally drink salt ocean water, I still taste it like mineral water. "I ODIN!"

'Calm down!'

"Why you crying fish?" because of my situation right now! I know this is not a dream anymore... "Because I was lonely... Do you think you can help me?"

"Okay!" Are all orcas trustful and friendly? Aren't they deadly?

And so I told him that I wanted to find a civilization. He was confused at first, but I then explained about creatures that are walking on two feet on the land. And quite understand me... maybe? He only said. "Oh ! Those two tails! You want to go land?" At the question about the land, I nodded as well.

Along the way, Odin and I became close friends, and he even killed a fish for me! A FISH! Although I ate fish when I was a human, chasing and killing them in front of me was terrifying! It is like watching those sharks hunting seals on television! But better!!!

I also practiced swimming using my tail and now I can control them better! I am a fast learner after all, and I have done swimming before. Odin helped me in that part as well because he let me hold his dorsal fin as we both swim .

My speed is getting better and I can actually perform those mermaid dancing things! Those women who perform mermaid dance underwater.

My diet is getting better thanks to Odin and I really came to fall in love with the toothed whale! He is just too precious! I hope I can find land soon... or that my future life won't be so bad.. . At least being a mermaid...

I got beautiful features... Usually, mythical mermaids were said to be ugly rather than breath taking. Also... do mermaids eat humans? Will I be hunted down by them? "*Sigh*"

"What's wrong, Seon?" I quickly smiled at the cute killer whale under me. While that sounds disturbing, I am just currently laying on his back because I love the feeling of just sitting down. Even laziness remains unchanged lol.

Anyway, Odin started to call me Seon after we traveled for a while. I do not want him to keep on calling me fish or little fish... I AM NOT THAT LITTLE!

I am quite large... I was once a 5'4 before and now I am 5'7 just because of my tail which is very long. Not that long that it would look ugly though.

It is quite pretty! I have blue scales that whenever the sun rays hit them, they would shine like diamonds! Then my fins were dark blue from the start until they faded and became transparent.

My tail is a beautiful shade of blue and transparent white. When I started to appreciate them, I quickly fell in love with its features.

Oh... I got engrossed with my narration again, hahaha!

"Nothing, are we there yet?"

"We arrived before the moon fell"

"Oh!" That means before dawn!

I am also starting to understand Odin more. Their vocabulary sometimes differs especially that there are three moons which is why I can't use my knowledge of time back on earth, but only use how fast the moon moves and when the third moon gets down , it would be the next day afterwards.

Yes... I discovered that this is not earth... Still I believe in kindness and someone might help my situation. I know for an exchange of course, but I could have just given them pearls.

I even made a little pouch out of sea kelps for my pearls. Thank god I'm good at arts and crafts or else...

Time passed. A dot figure is seen in the distance! "LAND!" I exclaim happily while I hug Odin. "THANK YOU SO MUCH ODIN!" I said then kissed his forehead. Odin on the other hand is also very happy then he speeds up his tale. "Woah!"

Odin is actually very nervous when he first meets Seon. He was scared that she might be one of 'them' because of how she looks.

Odin is a young killer whale in the Orca family but Seon mistaken him for an adult because of his size. In fact, this is just the size of young teen orcas while the largest is almost the size of a bus! But he swallowed his nervousness and fear and swam close to the crying mermaid.

He is also, in fact... quite lonely as well. That Seon didn't know as well. He was separated by his clan and swam the opposite way, he was just about to find a land to navigate his course once again until he found Seon.