
First Time's

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What is First Time's

Lesen Sie den Roman First Time's des Autors itsmemichie, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.She is a girl that never had a chance too go outside. Not until her father decides to let her expirience the outside world.Ever since she was a child their family has this tradition that the all child...


She is a girl that never had a chance too go outside. Not until her father decides to let her expirience the outside world. Ever since she was a child their family has this tradition that the all children will be staying in the mansion for as long as they saw that children can now handle the City Environment. They will let them go outside to grab some expirience or try to understand how the environment work's. Children will be given that chance when they turn to their right age of 17. When the child that is now in a adult stage in life they will give them one year to prove that they can handle their selves on the outside world. When they have proven that, they can stay outside as long as they can or they want to. Now on the following day another 17 years old girl will have the chance to try the outside world. Alliahn Eunice "Alice" Soel, will go to the outside world to do everything she pleases to do and with the help of her boy bestfriend Valkyrie Liane "Valn" Lein, things will get more easier. She should be ready for the new world and environment tommorow. Tommorow she will be welcomed by Expirience and First Time's of her life.

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