
Fire & Metal

Story made by Necronicus on FanFiction.net Everyone has had or have, someone special in their life. But not Azula. But that's about to change, when a non-bender comes into her life. Who'll change her, and be her equal. Azula/OC.

Shinobilifenas · TV
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41 Chs

Chapter 6: Tough Call


Five months, two weeks and three days, had passed since Azula's birthday, and Ozai could definetely tell, that she had changed. While still appearing as the feared Princess, Ozai could tell her attitude had changed. She seemed more relaxed and calmer, lacking the ruthlessness she once had, although only he and only a few people could tell that, the rest of the world still saw her as she was: merciless and cruel. Even though these changes should usually worry him, there wasn't any reason to worry. Azula was getting stronger: her firebending was more precise and she could fight longer; not to mention the physical skills she seemed to acquire.

The look on the trainees, when Azula herself, had knocked both of them out, not with firebending, but her own fists, was priceless. Two grown men, knocked down by two broken noses. The boy was good for her, physically by her training results. Mentally, as Azula seemed to hold a more mature thinking to her now. And not to forget, the emotional benefits: her sudden change, could only be attributed to only his doing.

Life was good, when you controlled the strongest nation in the world, and had secured a strong lineage as well.

Of Azula and Zhan, they both were found on the Training Grounds. Engaging in a full-contact sparring, no holding back. Azula with her firebending and Zhan with his weapons; with the twins Li and Lo observing.

Despite their obvious differences, they were indeed equal in a fight. Azula having the firebending advantage, yet Zhan utilizing his combat and tactical skills. While Azula could beat him far away, he was up-close to her, effectively eliminating her firebending, now it was mostly hand-fighting. Azula had a bit firebending to her side, but Zhan had his metallic claws, so indeed it was an equal fight.

"Tired out?" he said, blocking and attacking.

"Not by a long-shot," she replied, dodging and counter-attacking.

She wasn't easy-going anymore, she could fight him now close up, although he was more experienced, she was nimbler and years of firebending, had left her with a large supply of stamina.

"Gotcha," he said, locking her arm in, after a failed attack.

"I don't think so," she replied, sweeping his legs...yet she forgot about her locked arm, sending her down him.

"Well...I'll say you've gotten better," he said to Azula, who was lying on top of him. "Although, you should've gotten your hand free first."

"Maybe...maybe," she replied, flirting a bit, before getting up.

"Well your skills," "seem to have improved since," "almost six months ago," said the twins.

"Indeed it has," said Zhan. "Although...I can improve you more if you'd like Azula."

"Oh no," she replied immediately. "As fun as it may sound, I'm not risking 'this' for it."

"Suit yourself," he said, coming closer to her. "Although you could like it."

"N...O!" she whispered back.

"Alright," he replies backing off.

But their training by a messenger hawk, arriving, landing on ground.

"A message?" asked Zhan, removing the scroll from its back.

"What does it say?" asked Azula. "Is it for me?"

"No," he sighed, after reading it through. "It is for me."

"What then?" she asked.

"I was afraid this day would come. I am to report to military duty, ordered by General Zhu, my father," he said regretfully.

"What!" she said, troubled by what she had just heard.

"I got three days, before I'm due to leave. I'm sorry," he said saddened.

"No! You can't, I can revoke that order!" she said.

"Azula don't do that," he replied.

"Why not?! I'm the Crown Princess, and I can. Besides you got my training to focus on!" she yelled.

"Azula, I've taught you everything I can, without going to the extremes like you wanted. Only thing we got left is practice," he replied.

"Then teach me them, but don't go!" she said, barely pleading.

"Azula," he sighed. "What kind of citizen would I be, if I refused to serve my countries army?"

"I...uh," she sighed heavily. He was right, he may of needed to serve anyway, and it would cause questioning of why a healthy youngman, wouldn't serve.

"You're afraid I'll get hurt?" he asked smiling at her.

"What? That's is further from the..." she said, eyeing him, but still worried. "A little."

"Hey," he said, getting closer to her. "You've seen me fight. How do you think the Earthbenders will fare?"

Azula chuckled at the mental image, of Zhan cutting his way through Earthbender soldiers...but he was still a non-bender and they're hardened soldiers. She knows he can handle himself...but why does she still worry?


Three days soon passed, and from her mood swings. Half the Palace, could've guessed what was troubling her. Although she had brought it up to her father with subtle hints, Ozai was cut both ways: her or the country, but he understanded that some service would be still required.

By Agni, if Azula had it her way, she'd burned the orders, told the General off, and scorched anyone who'd questioned his loyalty.

"You know, I'll write to you," said Zhan, inside her room.

"Figures," mumbled Azula, brushing her hair. She didn't hide her anger at his going.

"Hey Azula. Don't be so gloomy. Cheer up!" he said.

"Yeah, yeah," she said, turning back towards the mirror.

"I promise to write. Just as I promise to visit, when I can. Keep up your training, and also..." he said, going over to her, and giving her a kiss on the cheek, shocking her still. "you should keep your hair down. Looks more natural and beautiful on you."

Azula barely realized what just happened: angry, confused, shocked, dizzy. He left for the war, yes. But he had also just kissed her on the cheek.

'Why do I feel like fainting,' she thought smiling, picking up the brush, she had just dropped, admiring her hair loose. 'Guess it does look more natural...and beautiful...maybe.'