
Fire Love

Autor: Mandy
Contemporary Romance
Laufend · 2.3K Ansichten
  • 11 Kaps
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  • NO.200+

What is Fire Love

Lesen Sie den Roman Fire Love des Autors Mandy, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.HOOK"Cyrus King.....What are you doing here..."- Anita was the first to react, hearing Anita call out "Cyrus". Andrea immediately turned to look at the newcomer. Andrea was surprised to face this man....


HOOK "Cyrus King.....What are you doing here..."- Anita was the first to react, hearing Anita call out "Cyrus". Andrea immediately turned to look at the newcomer. Andrea was surprised to face this man. Andrea remembered yesterday when she and he were in the same elevator.. "he intentionally..." Gray eyes stared at Cyrus, Andrea's hands clenched as if trying to control her emotions. "Calm down, be very calm...." Andrea reassured herself. - Wait.....Cyrus King, I will let you temporarily sit in that chair for a while, but as for the merger of HISMART into KINGKY, as long as I'm here, that will never happen. . With both hands slamming down on the table, Andrae stood up and looked at him sharply. She uttered cold words like an oath to herself. Before leaving, Andrea gently held the paper in front of him, then slowly tore the paper in half, then tore it smaller, then tossed it up so that not many pieces of paper fell. Many small pieces of paper competed to fall in mid-air. Everyone in the meeting room froze, they held their breath and waited. Andrea curled her lips and left the room in an extremely arrogant manner in front of many surprised and scared eyes. .......... Cyrus is the adopted son of a Mafia boss. Biological parents have passed away. Currently, Cyrus King is the son of Devil King. He is helping his father manage many large companies and is preparing to become the son-in-law of the Law family, the husband of Elena Law (Andrea's sister). Because Andrea's father had a history of heart disease, she followed his advice and returned home with her sister to study and work at the company even though she did not like business. Andrea knew her sister was getting married. When she returned home, she went with her to try on wedding dresses but never met him.

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