1 Akushi Tanahara

Tokyo, Fuchū, Japan

The city Fuchū is a very populated and popular place in Tokyo. The sun was shining, the breeze was nice and people were having a good time altogether.

Within Fuchū is a town called Inagi. It was a relatively quiet neighborhood with hood and respectful people in it. Everyone knew each other and got along like family. In a two story home there was a family of four.

The mother, father, daughter and lastly the some. The mother was a woman with pitch black hair, brown eyes and a nice figure with the height of 5'6.

The father had black hair and honey gold eyes. He had a more bulky build but nothing to big and his skin was slight tanned. He was also tall being a height of 6'0.

The daughter looked more like her mother. Even more so like a twin. She was 16 and had a mature figure. She looked more like a milf than her mom.

And lastly the son. Immediately you could see his horrible condition. Unlike the rest of his family who had lightly tanned skin, his skin was almost the same as freshly printed copy paper.

He was short for his age as a twelve year old. He was 5'1 (154cm) and he was basically nothing but bones with a little noticeable meat on his face. He had his dad's honey gold eyes and his hair was messy dark drown hair.

He also had slightly noticeable bruises on his neck, arms, face, and under his clothes he had some cuts on his back, and his legs look like they were scarred as well.

A/N: Like Hanako.

All of this was covered by long sleeves, pants and makeup. While it looked like he was getting bullied he was actually getting abused from the day he was two years old. He himself didn't even know why he hadn't died yet.

The mother Hinomi Tanahara, was a nice woman on the outside and she was an assistant to the ceo of a huge company in Tokyo. The father Hanzo, was a construction worker. He was well paid and a hard worker. The daughter Kimino, was going to be a cosmetologist. She was sixteen and already get scholarships to colleges.

On the outside, the family looked amazing that is until you get to Akushi. His name was written with the same kanji that means evil and death making his name mean evil death.

He was always sleep in school. He was always in "fights". He was always "lying" and he's constantly in trouble.

You might be wondering why adults didn't report anything about him. Well the answer to that is…

They don't know.

Whenever they're around him they just get this unbelievable feeling of hate towards him that they couldn't explain, but they just went with it and some tried to help, but they couldn't resist the temptation to beat the shit out of him and so they did.

And it was overlooked by humanity. He was the whole towns punching bag. In his family in particular, they would beat him, cut him, starve him, his sister raped him and the parents still don't know.

He wanted to die, but he was too scared to do it himself. He didn't want to feel anymore pain and he thought that if he's not fast enough he'll feel pain, but if it's not painful enough he won't be dead. He just didn't want to suffer anymore.

Plus he just couldn't kill himself.

(Akushi POV)

Laying in my room with dark curtains blocking almost any sunlight from coming through. No bed to sleep on, no toys to play with, no electronics to play on and a almost disabled body I looked at my ceiling.

My room was empty and I couldn't move. Just a usual day in my life.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

"SHUT UP BACK THERE!!" I heard the loud voice of my father yell out. My coughing was from asthma. The beatings make it hard to breath as it is and that along with my asthma made my breathing limited, but if I inhaled too much air my lungs and chest would hurt and I cough a lot.

I stayed quiet as I looked at the ceiling. If I went downstairs without permission, I would get beat, I also can't come from my room, eat and or drink anything no matter what it is if I leave from my room without an okay from my parents then I would get beat and it gets worse depending on how much they feel like is good enough for the moment.

"AKUSHI!! GET DOWN HERE AND COME MAKE ME A SANDWICH!!!" My dad yelled for me. I got up with shaking arms to push me up.

"AKUSHI!!!" He yelled again.

"I-I'm Coming!" I said in a voice as loud as I could muster. I finally got up on my legs which were shaking more than my arms were and I stumbled my way to my bedroom door.

Opening the door, I had one door to the left of me which is my sisters and a door in front of me which was the bathroom door. Further down the hall to the left was my parents door.

To my right we're the stairs. I walked over to the stairs and held on to the rail for support. Slowly walking down with shaking legs, I made sure not to fall, because I even got beat for that.

Coming to the bottom of the stairs I turned to the right and saw my father in the living on the couch watching American football. I didn't say anything and just went into the kitchen on my left.

I got a stool and opened up the cabinet to take out a glass plate and quietly sat it on the counter. Going into the fridge I got mayonnaise, lettuce, baloney, and cheese to make the sandwich.

This is the usual sandwich I make for him. With the sandwich made I picked up the plate and it was always heavy for me. It felt like holding up a block of concrete.

Walking out of the kitchen my legs were shaking even more. Without any support to hold onto it was like I was learning to walk again. Suddenly I felt myself falling forward.

At that moment my heart started beating uncontrollably, I think I tasted some blood in my mouth, and most of all I was filled with a mix of confusion, despair and a deep fear.

I feel and the sound of glass shattering rang around the house. All of a sudden everything was quiet. It was like I was the only person in the world, but the fear I felt didn't go away.

I pushed myself up so that I'm on my hands and knees and I looked at the plate below me completely shattered and food everywhere. There was glass in my arm and some shard in my chest. My eyes started watering and I tried holding back whimpers because I already knew what was about to happen.

I heard footsteps from the living room which were my fathers. Then I heard two more sets of feet coming downstairs which must be my mom and sister.

Tears started flowing from my eyes uncontrollably and my body was shaking.

"Look up at me." I heard a stern voice in front of me. I slowly looked up and the first thing I saw was the bottom of a shoe comings right towards my face.

It was like time slowed down as I saw the boot about to make contact with my face. I felt it as the bottom collided with my face, the imprint, the force all of it.

As my body was sent rolling back I looked at my sister who had a face of disgust and my mom who just looked at me coldly. I glanced at my father and he looked at me like he was trying to beat a bug.

Then I felt my head smash into something and then my vision went black.

(Third POV)

As Honzo continued to stomp on Akushi's body Hinomi and Kimino joined in stomping and kicking his body as well. None of them knew why they did what they did, but they enjoyed it so much that it didn't matter to them.

Of course they weren't the only ones who beat him. They even let other adult hit him and do whatever comes to mind for money and people actually paid them.

It was like some unknown force was around him that made everyone he got in range with or saw just hated him. His body wasn't moving anymore and his face had scratches and cuts on it, his nose was leaking blood like a river and his mouth was also bleeding.

His chest however was still moving showing that he was just knocked out. They stopped and left his body there and cleaned up the mess Akushi made.

"I wish we could just kill him already." Kimino said as she got on her phone.

"If we made it look like an accident then maybe.." Honzo looked back at Akushi and the moment he took a step back in his direction there was a flicker of black smoke that came from his eyes.

Then he blew up into something that was covered in fire, but had a figure inside it. It looked demonic. The moment the mother and daughter saw this they were completely frightened.

Then they too combusted into the same figure.

They became infernals.

Completely ignoring Akushi they launched a fireball right into the wall next to the living room door.


An explosion rang out as the three infernals went around the town destroying everything they saw. It was complete carnage, seeing this people knew who they had to call and so they immediately called the fire force in their city.

(Akushi POV)

My body felt weightless as if I was floating in space. I opened my eyes and saw nothing, but darkness around me. It didn't feel like there was any air in this place, but I was breathing and I couldn't feel my injuries anymore.

"Where am I?" I asked.

I received no answer, but I saw a flicker. It was like a golden flicker of fire. It started off as little sparks and then turned into a huge raging flame that looked as if it consumed the darkness itself.

I looked at this and one thought came to mind.

'I'm going to hell.'

I stood there speechlessly looking at the flames with a blank expression on my face. The flames started morphing into a demonic face, but instead of the usual scary thing I expected it just looked at me without saying a word.

"Am I in hell?" I asked after a moment of silence.


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