
Finishing My Unfinished Dimension

I received an email from the God of Writing to finish an unfinished dimension, I thought it was some kind of scam but I clicked it anyway and was transported into my fan-fic world. Although I couldn't control the changes anymore, I'll control the change as a character in the fan-fic myself. Finishing my Unfinished Dimension(A Better Goku) by going into the dimension myself. Chapter Release rate: When I have a chapter finished, I'll publish right away. Picture Link: https://www,pinterest,ph/pin/148900331416809059/

JustaLazyGuy · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Going out with Little Trunks

Chapter 17 - Going out with Little Trunks




Haru who was eating cake as he carried Trunks around who was drooling all over looking at the cake said "Turn on the tv. Cell will probably announce the martial arts tournament over there."

Krillin looked at Haru and asked "He is?"

Haru just looked at Krillin

Krillin scratched his head in embarrassment and turned on the tv.

"Anyway, I'll be going out first. Now that I think of it I've never had the opportunity to look at west city since I entered the hyperbolic time chamber. I'll take Trunks with me if you don't have any opinion, Vegeta." Haru said as he stood up carrying Trunks

Vegeta snorted and looked outside.

Panchy then said "Oh my, Take care outside."

The z-fighters just looked at each other and nodded at Haru

"Then," Haru said as he teleported into the city outside.

The city was bustling with people looking like there was some kind of event.

Haru just looked around and saw ice cream. He looked at the drooling Trunks and its direction as Trunks looked at the ice cream. Haru just laughed and said "It looks like you want some ice cream. Unfortunately I don't have money."

The little Trunks looked at Haru in disappointment as if he understood

Haru laughed at disappointed Trunks and said "Don't be disappointed, let's earn money real quick."

Little Trunks eyes shined as he looked at Haru

Haru just chuckled and coughed before he announced seeing a large number of people who were having fun in the city "Ahem… Ladies and Gentlemen!"

"What? What?"

"What's happening?"

The crowd of people began gathering around Haru and they looked at him

Haru smiled and let little Trunks float alone from his side as he let him fly with his key.

"Is that kid floating?" An audience looked at the floating Trunks in shock

"You're right, the kid is floating." Another person confirmed the shock of the other person

Haru created a magician's hat out of ki and made it dense in color so it will look like a real hat. He made it flow in front of him "I will now perform a magic trick!" He announced as he smiled like a gentleman magician."

The crowd of people clapped as they were already greatly entertained by the little kid and the hat he made float.

"What do you think I could do for you, for me to entertain you and give me money. I'm taking this kid out to have fun but I don't have money to buy him stuff" Haru asked as he smiled and scratched his head in embarrassment towards the group of people

The audience laughed at Haru in entertainment.

"Can you make a fire out of thin air?" An audience asked as he raised his voice

Haru just chuckled and replied "An easy trick." Haru manifested a fire made out of ki. It was blue in color.

"Wow! What a beautiful fire!" The audience again clapped as they looked at Haru in shock.

"Hey, hey, can you make me float like you did with that kid?" An audience asked as he pointed towards Trunks

Haru just smiled and replied as he snapped his finger for cool effect "Of course."

The audience started floating as he said "I-I'm flying!"

The other audience looked at the audience who was flying in shock and some audience said it too "Me too! Make me fly too!"

Haru just smiled and snapped his fingers to make them all float.

"I'm flying! Hahahaha!"

"I'm superman!"

"I can fly!"

The audience commented one by one in excitement as Haru made them fly.

Haru snapped his finger again as he brought them to the ground.

"Why'd you stop? It was just getting interesting." The audience cried in complain as they looked at Haru

Haru just scratched his two fingers together and said "Give me money."

This earned a ton of laughter but gave money to the floating hat Haru just made out of his ki.

"Pleasure doing business with you. As a complimentary service I'll take you flying anywhere you'd like to go around the city." Haru said as he took back the hat and put it on his head. He also took Trunks back to his arm.

"Really?" The audience asked in shock as they thought the performance was just a trick.

"Of course." Haru said as he smiled gently.

"I wanna go to the amusement park." An audience said

Another person in the audience said "I wanna go to the mall."

"Alright! Come with me!" Haru snapped his fingers and brought them all to fly into the sky

People on the ground looked at Haru and the others in the sky "They're flying! Is that person really a real magician?"

"I'm flying! Hahahaa" The audience had similar reactions from this man as Haru brought them to their location

"Onii-chan! That was fun! Thank you!" a child thanked Haru in excitement as Haru brought him to fly

Haru just patted his head and said "No problem! If you want I can take you again if we meet someday."

"Wow! Really?! Thank you! Onii-chan!"

Haru just waved his hands goodbye.

The other people also had similarly thanked Haru for the experience and didn't question how he did it and just enjoyed it.

After awhile Haru took them all to the place where they wanted to go and said goodbye.

Haru looked at Trunks who was clearly hungry and said as he laughed lightly"Now that we've got money. Let's go get that ice cream you we're eyeing before."

Little Trunks just looked at Haru with shining eyes as he drooled and nodded so much."

Haru directly teleported in front of the ice cream shop and said "We're here."

Haru entered the ice cream shop and said to the saleslady "Excuse me. Can I get an ice cream?"

The saleslady looked at Haru and thought before she replied 'This person is really handsome. Is he a celebrity?'

"Of course. What flavour would you like?"

"A vanilla one and a strawberry one." Haru said as he carried Trunks who was drooling.

"I got your order, Please wait a minute." The saleslady said as she scooped a vanilla and strawberry ice cream and put it in a cone

"Here's the money." Haru said, putting money on the table of the cashier.

The saleslady was about to give Haru the ice cream as she saw Haru carrying a baby. "Um… Can you carry two ice creams?"

Haru laughed and replied "No Problem." He got the Ice cream from the sales lady's hands and said "See?"

The saleslady was startled and asked nervously "H-How did you do that?"

Haru laughed again and said "You can just take me as a magician. Don't be nervous."

The saleslady replied as she nodded "I-I see…"

Haru laughed again and as he went out of the ice cream store the saleslady has already calmed down and said as she bowed "Thank you for your patronage! Come again!"

Haru just waved his hand in goodbye

Haru who was walking outside got the shock of many people walking by as the ice creams were floating.

Haru shrugged their reactions and looked at Trunks who was looking at the two ice creams "What do you like? This one or this one?"

Trunks waved his hands at the white one to say it was the one he liked. He still couldn't talk.

Haru fed Trunks with his free hand and used his ki to feed himself the strawberry ice cream.

"That was delicious wasn't it? Trunks?" Haru said as he made eye to eye contact with Trunks

Little Trunks just nodded

Suddenly a huge amount of ki blast blasted towards them coming from the top of the building.

Little Trunks was a bit frightened as he saw that but Haru just contained the ki and said as he consoled Little Trunks "How bothersome. Don't worry little Trunks you won't be in danger as long as you're with me."

Little Trunks' eyes just shined as if wondering how he did it and in amazement.

Haru laughed at the reaction of the Little Trunks and said "Don't worry I'll teach you how to do it in the future."

In the tv station where Cell blasted a ki, he was surprised that his ki was stopped after it spread too much but as he looked at the person who stopped it, he saw that it was Haru so he was a bit nervous but breathed a sigh of relief as Haru didn't come after him.

Haru who saw Cell looking at him just smiled but Cell just looked at him with dread.

Haru teleported to the Garden of Bulma's house and saw a lot of animals.

Trunks who was being carried by Haru waved his hands to the ground as if asking to be put down.

So Haru put him down and supported him with ki to be able to stand up.




(A/N: Here's a filler chapter. Was it mediocre? I wanna know. Leave a power stone if you like the story. Thanks!)