
Finishing My Unfinished Dimension

I received an email from the God of Writing to finish an unfinished dimension, I thought it was some kind of scam but I clicked it anyway and was transported into my fan-fic world. Although I couldn't control the changes anymore, I'll control the change as a character in the fan-fic myself. Finishing my Unfinished Dimension(A Better Goku) by going into the dimension myself. Chapter Release rate: When I have a chapter finished, I'll publish right away. Picture Link: https://www,pinterest,ph/pin/148900331416809059/

JustaLazyGuy · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Eternal Dragon

Chapter 5 - Eternal Dragon

(A/N: I didn't read the dragon ball in advance so I didn't know Pilaf has it so I'll change it so that Fortune Teller Baba has the dragon ball. Also changing 'Haru-niisan' to 'Haru-niichan'. More fitting for Kid Goku's personality)




Haru and Goku arrived at fortune teller Baba's place and saw a bunch of muscle guys in line

"It looks like we aren't the only ones who have come." Goku said as he saw the group of people lining up "It sure is hot in here."

"Well… fortune teller Baba is quite famous for his fortune telling so there will surely be a lot of people around here."

"portion seller Baba?" Goku said in confusion

Haru just chuckled and replied "Yeah, Let's leave it at that. Let's go line up."

Haru and Goku lined up with the people lining up and a ghost approached them "Yes, Yes, get in line please, that's it."

Goku then asked Haru as he looked at the ghost "What is this?"

"It's a ghost. It's what people look like when they're dead. I guess fortune teller Baba pulled some people in the afterlife to work for her since she's quite well known even in the afterlife."

Goku asked the Ghost "Is this portion seller Baba's house?"

"She isn't a portion seller, but a fortune teller. Are you two together?"

"Yes." Haru replied

"Hehehe… Is that so? I see…" The ghost laughed creepily

The muscle guys who entered earlier than them seemingly screamed inside the mansion "Hiiieee!"

"I think I heard some weird voices inside. What's going on?"

"They're fighting some monsters but they're too weak." Haru replied

"I see…"

The men who entered came out full of injuries and the ghost said as they came out "Too bad! Please come again!"

"Next please." The ghost continued as it showed Goku and Haru inside the mansion

"I have brought them!"

"Hoi" Fortune teller Baba replied to the ghost

"Oh my. A bunch of young'uns…"

Haru chuckled, "I'm 21 but I guess… that's still young."

Goku looked at fortune teller Baba "Are you portion seller Baba?"

Fortune teller Baba replied with a bit of annoyance "It's fortune teller Baba!!"

"That's a weird name."

"It's not my real name! It's a nickname!"

"Anyway, give me the dragon ball.!"

"Sure thing, just pay up 10 million zenni"

Haru just chuckled in reply

Goku just responded without any reaction "I don't have money."

Baba sighed and said "I figured as much, follow me."

Baba led them into a ring outside of the capsule house they were in and said "You'll be battling here with my fighters one at a time. If you win, you'll go to the next fighter, but if you lose, you'll change with one of your own. If you can beat all five of mine, you win, and I'll give you the dragonball you're looking for."

"That okay. We're pretty strong."

"Hoho… Then try your best to win. Who will be first?"

"Haru-niichan is first, right?"


"So the older one goes first? Alright. Dracula man, come out!"

"Dracula man? That's a weird name" Goku said as he scratched his head

Haru went into the ring and a bat came in the opposite of him and became a man "Kiiih!"

"It turned into a person!" Goku said in surprise as he watched from outside the ring

"Ok! Battle begin!" As soon as Baba said this, dracula man rushed to Haru "Kyahahaha!"

Haru just stretched his arm forward and formed a cross with his body and smiled

Dracula man was surprised and ran away "Gyahhhh! Stop!!!"

Baba looked at Haru with frustration and said "That was cheap…"

Haru replied "Yeah it was…"

Goku who was watching look at Haru in surprise "What did you do niichan?! Why did he run away?!"

"That was a vampire and vampires are scared of the cross the most. Fighting isn't the only way to win."

"I see…"

"Well… Good job, knowing his weakness. The fighters only get stronger from here."

"Yeah, yeah. Just bring out the next guy!" Goku booed from outside the ring.

Haru looked at Goku and pointed at a seemingly empty spot "The opponent is over there Goku."

"What? Where? I don't see anyone."

"Of course, you can't see him, he's an invisible guy. You have to sense his ki to be able to feel him out."

Baba looked at Haru with surprise and said "It looks like the next fighter isn't that strong for you. Well, battle start!!"

"Fufufu… Here I come." The invisible guy said as he tried to punch Haru

Haru just dodged slightly and threw him outside the ring "You're so slow."

"You win again. Kid. Well, the last three fighters are the true fighters. Follow me to the next stage!"

As Haru and Goku were led inside the house they saw a door "You enter here. And the little kid over there, follow me to watch the match."

As Haru entered the door at the end of the hallway he came out of the mouth of a statue

"You'll be fighting on those demon tongues. Below is a pool of deadly poison. If you fall you die."

Haru smiled and looked at Baba "Are you okay with this? The poison might kill your fighter"

Baba replied in annoyance "Shaddup! The next fighter! Dried-up gladiator, Mummy-kun!!!"

And a mummy with a huge body came out of the other demon mouth in the opposite of him

Haru just laughed lightly and mocked "What a cute name. Mummy-kun."

The mummy was a bit annoyed at Haru's mocking and said "Enjoy for now. You'll die later."

"I'd like to see you try." Haru replied to annoy the mummy more

"Now then! Begin!"

The mummy rushed at Haru punching him in the face but Haru caught his hand and asked"Can't you try harder?"

The mummy angered punched and kicked towards Haru whereas Haru just caught all of his attacks "It seems like this is your best" Haru choked the mummy in the neck and carried him with one hand as he motioned to drop the mummy in the poison.

"So? What'll you do? Baba? Let your fighter die? Or I win?"

Baba just clicked her tongue and said "Alright you win. Let my fighter go."

Haru just laughed lightly "glad you're so understanding. Anyway in the next fight and the next. I won't be fighting it'll be Goku. You have to win, Goku."

"Yes!" Goku replied in excitement anticipating his time to fight

Baba chuckled and said to Haru "Couldn't have it any better. You're too strong. I don't think any of my fighters would be able to win against you. If you don't win you have to give me 10 million zenni to get the dragon ball."

Haru then smiled and replied "You don't have to worry about that. Goku will win."

Haru switched position with Goku. he now was watching and Goku was fighting.

Goku fought ackman which was the first fighter and won without any difficult and also faced against a masked man that turned out to be Gohan, his grandfather and lost his tail. His grandfather surrendered and they won the dragon ball

(A/N: I skipped it as I think it's too boring to write haha. I'm sorry.)

"Tsk! Here's your dragonball" Baba threw the dragon ball to Haru

Haru caught the dragon ball and chuckled "Thanks!"

"I'll summon the dragon now, Goku. Give me the dragon balls."

"Here you go, niichan!" Goku said as he gave the rest of the dragon balls to Haru

"Thanks! I'll teach you something when we meet. We'll probably meet in about 3 years."

"Yay! I'll become really strong when we meet next time, niichan!"

"Sure! I look forward to it."

Haru put the dragon balls together and said "Come forth! Shenron! And Grant my wish!"

The skies turned black and thunder danced in the skies as a dragon materialized from the dragonballs and spoke "Now, speak your wish! I shall grant any wish but only one!"

"Let me be eternally 21 years old physically without any side effects. It can also be termed as eternal youth. But my body still grows stronger when I train. I think you know what I mean."

"Of course, I know. An easy wish. Your wish shall be granted!" The dragon's eyes glowed red as he granted the wishes. As the dragon's eyes glowed red an energy surrounded Haru's body and slowly turned him into the eternal youth in his mind.

"Your wish has been granted! Farewell!" The dragon disappeared and the dragon balls hovered in the sky, Haru seeked this chance and grabbed the 4 star dragon ball. The rest of the dragon balls scattered and the sky went back into the sunny sky

As Haru hovered in the sky he looked at Goku and said "I forgot I could do this. Here's your dragon ball you don't have to look for it but since it turned into stone and it was you basically granted my wish I'll still teach you when we meet again."

"You have the same idea as me, niichan." Goku snickered as he also thought of snatching the 4 star ball before it scatters around the world

Haru patted Goku in the head and said "Well… We'll meet next time. Train as hard as you can before you meet me."

"No problem! I'll definitely surprise you." Goku laughed out loud as Haru patted him in the head

"It's goodbye for now. Be careful, Goku!" Haru said goodbye as hovered in the sky

"Bye! Haru-niichan! We'll meet again next time!"

Haru smiled at Goku and covered his body with and flew towards the lookout.




(A/N: Leave Power Stones if you like the story. Thank you!)