He was a man living his life without any aim or goal, living in the darkness contemplating his existence and seeing the truth of the world. But it all changes one day when something falls from the sky above, changing his very existence and destiny.
A man was sitting on top of a tall building and looking at the front. He wore a hooded bluish black jacket along with dark blue jeans. He wore dark coloured sports shoes. His head was covered with the hood of his jacket so only his lower face was visible. He seemed to have a fair complexion with a muscular body. In front of his vision was a burning town. He saw the people running and screaming, children crying, old people fallen on the wretched streets.
The entire sky was red as blood, a dark coloured ring like hole could be seen in the sky from which various kinds of creatures came towards the earth. They all looked very abominable with their menacing bodies and scary faces. They looked at the weak mortals down below and attacked them viciously without mercy. They tore through the humans as if they were papers. Blood flowed through the streets as cries echoed throughout the city.
"*Sigh* So this day was inevitable huh" The man, sitting on the top of the building said. He was sad that the world had to face such a devastation.
"Maybe this was needed as wake up call for us, the humans" He said to himself as he closed his eyes.
All around the creatures were still slaughtering the humans without any mercy. Suddenly one of them rushed at the man in a super sonic speed and opened it's mouth. Its mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth. The man opened his eyes and looked at the speeding foe. Under the hood, his eyes were glowing like burning fire. He lifted his left hand and opened his palm, various bright red glowing, line like patterns appeared on his palm and hand as he pointed it at the crearure.
When the creature came near him and was just going to touch his hand, it's body slowly started to change into stone.*Crack crack* The body of the creature completely turned into stone as it feel on ground below and shattered into million pieces.
The man slowly put his hand down as the line like patterns disappeared but his eyes were still glowing. He slowly stood up as looked at the burning city once more.
"The time has come that I start my plan in full motion" He said as a black coloured portal appeared behind him. He slowly turned around as he entered the portal leaving the burning city behind. The portal slowly closed down.
One could still hear the desperate cries of the people and the bloody creatures hovering around in the red sky.