
Find my way home

A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets. Thats what my mother told me. I never expected to hold on to a saying so tightly. It is what kept my wit when I felt unsafe. When I lost everything only to gain something far more valuable.

Mama_Wolfblood · TV
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12 Chs


Murtagh and Iris walked threw the gardens talking about dates. "I mean I'd marry ya now if possible." He chuckled making be blush. "Spring doesn't seem to far off. Maybe have a May wedding." I said making him think for a moment. "You don't seem to be a fan of the cold. How about April 13th?" He asked a specific date hmmm wonder why. "ok I can agree to that. I just want to know why the 13th of April?" He blushes before saying his Ma and Da were married on the 13th of June. I see so its more of a family thing. "I have to go and gather rent with Dougal and Jamie. I will be back in a week. I ask you be careful while I'm away. I want to take Aron with me. He is the eldest if I am correct. It will be a bit of father and son bonding." I nod in agreement understanding what he means to do. "Why not take the other two as well? They are also my boys and his brothers." He shook his head "He asked to come with me. I suppose its about a lass and he wants to talk man to man." I sigh knowing who the lass is. "Just be careful out there I want my son back alive." I said picking up my herb basket. He followed me into the kitchen where I bust Aron locking lips with Leary. "Busted you young man go to your chores as for you young lady *place basket on table* Stay awhile help me cook." I said rolling up my sleeves to clean my hands. Murtagh left with Aron while I showed her how to make roasted chicken stew. "He likes this dish aswell." I wink at her. "Your not mad at me? I don't understand I acted wrongful." She studder scared. I chuckle before shaking my head. "You are acting like a normal teenage girl. I won't tell if you won't." I said patting her shoulder. She smiled before hugging me. "I see what Aron means by you having a calming presence. Thank you Iris you are a truly kind soul." she said before going back to making the stew. It was a guilty pleasure having her around. I always wanted a little girl to spoil and talk about boys with. I hope maybe Murtagh can give me one or another lad is good too. I just want them to be healthy. I was brought out of my thoughts by Jamie coming in. "I hear your going to be my aunt. I am happy he is finally settling down. He is a good man will do anything in the name of family. Your boy Aron has taken a shine to him. I see the two talkin alot its good they accept him. I however want him to stay away from Leary. Her father suspects her being involved with someone. It be a shame if they get caught." He said sitting with me. "I can assure you its purely innocent. I have shapperoned all the dates. The two are just courting." I said crushimg biscuits. "I think you should tell him that. He may feel better knowing an adult is present at these meetings." He said watching my hands. "Well I will but in a bit have to get these biscuits crushed for chicken feed." I said he nods rolling up his sleeves. "I warn you don't work for free." I chuckled "I will feed you how bout that." I said "aye that'll do." he said helping me finish up in the kitchen. He had a boyish charm to him it was cute.