
Ch 67 – 100 Years

(Year 65)

The five groups are finally sent to space without any problems, each member is the best of the best on this planet and trained since young. Fitted with the best equipment we could produce like a nano-suit that can protect them from virtually any harm, filled with enhancement seals that allow their physical attributes to rise toward absurd levels of strength and much more.

But with this, our journey towards space is now finally starting, we estimate to successfully build the solar swarm before the century ends. Sigh, I can't believe I'm already immortal in less than one hundred years, life truly is absurd.

The progress with our AIs are also undergoing well, in a few decades or so we could finally implore them to build the solar swarm without putting Demilaxian life at risk. I just fear for any AI uprising, perhaps they might even travel through time and put the whole Demilaxian empire at risk, but that's just pretty absurd if they could time travel.

(Year 69)


The four groups sent to colonize the four other planets in our solar system have been successful! With this, we could expand our population! Our estimates say that in two decades, Demilaxian life would increase up to 50 billion, and that's only on the low end.

Not only that, we haven't stopped developing what we already have and we have produced an absurd technique, shapeshifting.

Now we don't need to use machines to modify our bodies, even a child Demilaxian could become an adult, have hands the size of mountains, have wheels for legs, and the such.

Our progress in biology has also gone well with the constant stream of alien life being given to us throughout the years, and under the wrap, we have slowly developed a miraculous machine that would perhaps change our approach to AI development if that generator becomes successful.

The general Demilaxian population has also been growing well now that adulthood has been decreased to just 10 years, meaning any Demilaxian child could help society grow in just ten years since birth, we have been tackling the problem of overpopulation quite well but with the four other planets, our population would increase radically over the coming years and produce more geniuses.

And the notion that an average Demilaxian is immortal, could hurl boulders with one hand, could run at sonic speeds, have photographic memory, have calculating prowess that rivals even some computers, well that just sounds absurd now doesn't it?

With an increased population, our might as a whole would only exponentially grow.

(Year 76)

We have finally started the solar swarm project with the first batches of Demilaxian AI, an AI that has the capabilities of an average Demilaxian and more. Not only that, they could wield chakra, have mechanical bodies that are far more efficient than are fleshy, but immortal bodies, and higher processing power, they are also connected through a hivemind so their operation with one another is far more optimal than sending our men to the void of space to start building the solar swarm.

With the AI now launched, they could grow on their own with our guidance and if our estimates grow true… then perhaps an Artificial Superintelligence could be born, only in theory as we await Lord Braun's decision on if we should follow through with that plan. But I estimate that we are only going to do that when we are mature enough to wield such power, an ASI is just too mindboggling even with my brain prowess.

(Year 79)

The AIs cloning technique is, unfortunately, a bust. Even though they could clone themselves, the AIs made of chakra are not connected to the hivemind and are much more inefficient. But we didn't lose hope, and we have successfully produced the next batch of AIs with the generator we started developing years ago.

The Chakra Generator, an eldritch creation that honestly even makes my heart cold considering I was one of the main planners of that operation.

What is chakra exactly? It is the combination of physical energy and spiritual energy. The intertwining of body and soul to produce the magical energy of chakra that can only be controlled due to us having a chakra-attuned body.

Now… how did we make the generator? We had the soul of a living being infuse into a literal blob of flesh and forcefully made it produce chakra, and after countless trials and errors along with countless livestock sacrificed, we have found the optimal solution.

Cloning Demilaxian babies and harvesting their souls, yikes. So why? Well, it's just purely for efficiency.

The Demilaxian soul is just many times better than any other soul we have on our hand, and our soul-related technology is still primitive so the notion of cloning or making artificial souls was out of the equation.

But their sacrifice wasn't in vain, as we have successfully mass-produced Chakra Generators (also an undead glob of flesh) that allow the AIs to wield infinite chakra, though there are some obvious limitations. The most glaring one is that, if let's say, a generator could only have up to 10 Chakra Points at max, then the Ai could only wield 10 Chakra points and then gather the instantly regenerated chakra again, instead of a nuke, we have a machine gun that can gather enough energy to produce a nuke with enough time.

Welp, I guess more clones would be sacrificed for the name of the Demilaxian Empire.

(Year 87)

We have done the impossible… true cloning with chakra.

It's not just a shadow clone or a wood clone, it's a true replication of matter from the atomic level. After years, our AI hivemind and countless researchers all around the solar system have successfully developed true cloning, meaning we have potentially infinite resources on hand as long as we wield chakra.

But there are of course some setbacks, not everything would be perfect at the start. And the setback is that it's too mentally straining that even our AI hivemind could only produce a single AI Robot in approximately 100,000 seconds, so efficiency is slow. We have decided to only duplicate the solar swarms first so we could harness more energy and put that gathered energy into developing our AIs.

(Year 90)

Soul, spiritual energy! We have done it! Artificial souls! By splitting the chakra into its two main components and researching souls, we have transformed spiritual energy into an actual soul!

Now we don't have to unnecessarily clone Demilaxians to produce souls for our rapidly expanding AI fleet, the Solar Swarm is already covering 15% of the star and in a few years, we will have the power of the star for ourselves!

Also, cloning is still a bit too much for us currently but the AI hivemind could now do it a lot better than before since we first discovered it. 100 AIs are being cloned every day and exponentially raising their processing power, but we are restricting it to not become an actual ASI, that would be too scary.

(Year 92)

We are already at 30%!

The exponential growth has truly been exhilarating, from the Chakra Generators now more widespread throughout the solar system, countless production lines now create AIs on the five planets, Demilaxian death rate has reached an astonishing 0%, everything is basically a fairytale for us now, the impossible turned possible with the accompaniment of technology and chakra.

(Year 98)

The Solar Swarms are now already 80% of the way to enveloping the whole star, in 2 more years we would have successfully become a Type 2 Civilization.

But with the development we have already achieved, we have done god-like feats!

Since Year 90, we have started to work on what we call Celestials, planetary-size mechas that we could pilot or an AI could control, infuse with an absurd amount of Chakra Generators and energy from the star, that literally allows us to create planets ourselves!

With our current tech, we could already produce a star if we really want to but attaining Type 2 first is more important so we could surround the second star with a solar swarm much easier, though the notion of producing a miniature star is already there, it's just too unfeasible for now.

But our planet count has already increased to 10! So our population has increased to 100 billion Demilaxians throughout the solar system!

100 billion Demilaxians, each wielding power inconceivable to us from before, an average Demilaxian could hurl mountains, split the seas, and cut the skies!

Our Celestials are god-like creations that can destroy and create worlds with a single command. With the power of Celestials on our hands, the threat of planetary-level existences is virtually gone, and my previous fear of the Otsutsukis is already quelled.

(Year 100)

Currently, within a white void, a young boy with fluffy golden hair and a pair of tiger ears was seen. His body kneeling down on the ground with one knee, his head bowing down to the ground while wearing a black suit. His golden eyes were currently looking down on the ground, not daring to look up as his calm heart got slightly turbulent from the primal fear he felt, for he was now facing their race's God.

"Arise, Zurik," a voice said in front of him, raising his head up, he got on his two feet and looks at the young boy in front of him.

His appearance was quite alien, having long black hair that reaches below his waist, his eyes dark and filled with stars like the cosmos, having pale-white skin so ghastly it made him look like he was made from snow, his crimson red lips glossing under the light that he can't find inside the cube, wearing a long white robe that covers his body below the neck.

"My Lord," Zurik greets, taking a deep breath and calming himself down.

"One hundred years have passed since we first met, killing your previous queen and appointing you as King. Now you are leading a Type 2 Civilization that harnessed the power of a star, have planetary-scale robots that can shatter planets with a fist, technology, and magical abilities that were beyond your wildest dreams," Braun lists out as Zurik reminiscence his life very vividly.

From a poor orphan to a general, and now an Emperor of a stellar civilization, he has achieved so much one might think his life was straight out of a fairytale.

"I couldn't have done it without your help, my Lord," Zurik said, his voice showing his full sincerity even though it was monotonous.

"I know," Braun said, walking forward with silent steps as Zurik followed behind him, then out of nowhere, a gateway of white light suddenly manifested in front of them that lead to a place Zurik didn't know.

"Where are we going to, my Lord?" Zurik asked, curious and intrigued at the place they were going to.

But Braun remained silent, stepping forwards without uttering a single sound as Zurik only followed without fear.

Walking through the gateway of light, Zurik was left alone in the white void and decides to walk forward without hesitation, following Braun through the white gateway.

And the sight that greeted Zurik… could only be described as magnificent.

Floating in front of them within the black void, was a spiral of blue light spinning rotating on its center, countless dots running along the blue spiral like a light show of gargantuan scale, and Zurik instantly knew that this was their home galaxy.

"This is the next step… to colonize your Galaxy. Within your home galaxy resides countless strong foes, and one that you know quite clearly," Braun said, snapping his fingers and Zurik watch the miniature galaxy in front of them suddenly expand in a flash of blue light and both suddenly appear in a place Zurik was very much familiar with.

"The day you and I first met," Zurik said, glancing at the five otsutsukis floating in front of his previous self, his body ragged and filled with deep cuts and charred flesh.

"Conquer the galaxy, and you will achieve the level of Gods, not quite on par with my power, but upon completion, that shall be the day my reign over your race ends, letting the Demilaxian be free from my guidance," Braun announced out of nowhere, causing Zurik to widen his eyes in shock.

"Y-you're leaving?" Zurik said, his eyes dilating, his usually calm heart now palpitating, his composure that remained composed through one hundred years now chaotic.

"Indeed, to a place far beyond your reach… for now. But I'm not leaving right now, that's left for later. Though you can follow me if you are willing enough to develop your civilization to reach a scale much larger than a galaxy, " Braun said, their body appearing once more within the white void as Zurik was bewildered at what place Braun was suggesting, a scale much larger than a galaxy… a universe?

'Don't tell me… The Multiverse?!'

AN: This is 2178 words, you're welcome.

Yes, both Zurik and Braun are currently shotas, now does that say a lot about me and my... you know what. Uh... maybe... gotta go fast!

Writing is abamsdnaslab hard, so send me some powerstones.

(June 24, 2022 – 212th day of writing)

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