
chapter 24

The pair couldn't find any foes for several days and spent the time training all of their skills. A lot of time was spent in acts of the flesh. Scarface and Yin were completely engrossed in all sorts of kinky sex.

Scarface spoke,[Damn, Your body never gets old!}

Yin smacked her on the ass.

{Damn right, you love my hot bod! I love the three F's (food, fighting, and fucking). We only have one and we need to get the other two before we eat up all our energy supplies.]

Not even five minutes later, the duo was engaged with a large troop of bandits.

Scarface uses her strange weapons to slice over one hundred men into shards of flesh and bone.

Tenlong uses his vocal technique to scatter the internal organs of the remaining bandits.

Scarface speaks {Fuck, they are giving us blue balls!}

Yin laughs at the comment

{Bitch, I love you!]

The pair ate of all the fallen warriors' rations and then preceded to make love on the dead bodies of their victims. They then slept covered in the blood of the dead bandits.


Back up top with Tenlong Yang and the twins, Rin and Lin. The lone woman got the others up to speed about Yin.

Yang spoke, "So he is my dark side that I never wanted to deal with? I knew I shared this body with something else, but for me to be a dualarian since the beginning is something that I find hard to


Lin jumped up to Tenlong neckline and started whispering in his ear, "I love you no matter what you are. You taught me that dummy!"

Tenlong was kind of taken back by a sudden sign of affection from his female comrade. At the divide between life and death, they shared their first kiss. Now it was on the giant's mind. Despite being a genius when it came to most things, he was still a novice when it came to romance. Tenlong turned his head towards her to see that his ears hadn't lied to him about who was on his right shoulder.

Lin took advantage and kissed him on the mouth.

Tenlong just went with the flow has the two had a war of tongues in each other's mouths.

Rin coughed.

The two broke up the exchange red-faced and quickly change the subject.

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