
1 Cold Eyes

She held tight her young brother's hand as they hid in an alley. Fire are everywhere, cries and screams can be heard.

"Sis, let's find the bad guys, we can defeat them with my magic. Come on!" He said as he stood up to come out of hiding.

She pulled him back down. "NO! We will be killed by them! We need to survive for now." She looked side to side to see of there are people looking for them.

The little boy started crying while putting his hands to both his ears. "Sis, they killed mom and dad. They need to be killed now." The boy keeps on sobbing.

She hugged him. "Shh. We will get back at them soon." She continue to console his brother. "But not now. Kids like us won't stand a chance."

While consoling his brother, a loud thump was heard beside them and as they looked they found a corpse. Their eyes widen. His brother was about to loudly cry but she covered his mouth with her hands immediately. Controlling her emotions, she looked around to see if any of the assassins are around. She sighed of relief when she doesn't feel anyone near.

"Ohh! There are still some kids alive here!"

She felt a chill down her spine and glance at the person that found them with very frightened eyes. The man looks like a noble and there is a little boy with him.

"Hey boy." The man called to the boy with him. "Show me again your talent with your blades." He pat the boy's shoulder. "Kill them!"

The boy nodded and started to move towards the siblings.

She stood up and put her brother behind her. Though cowering in fear, she muster every inch of strength she has to protect her brother. Her brother hold on tight to her in fear. As she stares at the little boy approaching them, the blades in the boy's hands got her attention.

The boy raised his arm to throw the blades at them.

Startled. She just closed her eyes and wait for her demise. Moments passed but she doesn't felt any pain. She opened her eyes and saw a tall guy holding the blade of the little boy in his hand. Another two men approaches the man who saved them.

"Hey little girl, you're really brave." The man who came first crouched down in front of her and patted her head.

"Clink-" The sound of swords clash.

"Boy, finish this fast. I'm tired at looking at this boring scene." The man with the boy said and walked out.

"Hey, old men, can you get out of the way. Master ordered me to kill them." The little boy continue to throw his blades in the siblings way, but one of the men keeps on deflecting it.

"Little girl, get out of here now. We will take care of it. Go!" She nodded and held her brother's hand tight to start to run.

In just a blink of an eye, she heard a thump before they can even get far. One of three men is lying in the ground.

"Get out of here now!!" The first man screamed.

She started to run once again, and glanced back for the last time. She caught a glimpse of the eyes of the boy.

It's cold and merciless.

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