

Sci-fi Romance
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What is fheignenjdndn

Lesen Sie den Roman fheignenjdndn des Autors Destiny_Roach_0381, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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Realm of Warfare

Humans...They think themselves as the superior race, they invade and take our lands then enslaved our kin. They consider us as savages who are deemed unworthy to live freely. They call our way of life as crude and barbaric, they say that they are saving us from our savagery and vile nature but they put collars on our necks and treated us like livestock. They abused our strength and treated our kind badly, they force us to do physical labor and reward us with whips instead of food. There cities...forged by our kind with our sweat and blood... but we...we lived in dark gloomy prisons where we are all stuffed together with barely enough room to move. The elves??? Bah!!! we can't count on those fragile creatures...they are also treated unkindly by humans... but they have it better than us... There women are considered as prized treasures of the wealthy... The humans use them as targets to unleash their carnal desire and since elves were cursed with low fertility, they like them more. And if ever they get pregnant...easy...just execute them... Humans consider having a child with another race as a great offense against there kind. Even elven males aren't spared by human defilement by those who have strange tastes since elves are naturally beautiful. Our women were spared...since they are fearless and feisty by nature...and alot of humans have fallen victim to their feisty nature but we the male weren't so lucky, some human women have a thing for our huge muscular builds and humongous weapons not to mention how wild we can be. We once have seen hope when other group of humans fought with our enslaver...they gave us food and weapon...and we fought with them against our enslavers...we finally tasted freedom...we were natural born warriors...we never shy away from combat...we are warriors and a warrior's rightful place is a battlefield...and we proved this to them...but alas... our freedom was short-lived...after the long struggle we finally defeated those who have mistreated us...but our supposed to be allies backstabbed us...they herded us as cattles and put back the collars on our necks...and from one master to another...our race continued as slaves. After that event...we never trusted humans again...they are all the same...they never stay true to their words...they always think they are superior than us. We were oppressed more than before and finally we can't take it anymore...we rebelled and killed them...our kind made a horde and razed some of their cities...we we're winning...we were stronger than them and in a battlefield we always overpower them...even with their magic we still defeated them...we had our warlocks to deal with them...we finally thought that we can drive them away from our lands but alas...the gods seemed to favor them...they wielded a new weapon into battle...a stick that produces smoke and spits fire and metal...these strange weapons changed the tide of war...a lot of our warriors fell before even engaging their frontline...we hurled spears at them as a retaliation but their sticks always prevailed. We would have won...the humans who once fought against each other united after the rebellion and our kind were driven to the mountains. We soon isolated ourselves in the mountain for many generations...our numbers replenished...but the new generation seemed to have forgotten the injustice that their ancestors suffered and waged war against each other...the once mighty united race was fragmented to different tribes...each fighting for their own...the only consolation was that they still hate humans as their ancestors...humans entering the mountains were always attacked by our brethren of the different tribes. No humans have ever managed to stay long in the mountains and remained alive...with relentless assaults our kin remained isolated from the humans...we lived freely in the mountains despite no longer united...I hope to see my kin united once again before I leave this lands and join my ancestors.

c23074 · Krieg
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Jelek Jelek Jadi Setan

Menceritakan Jin yang selalu membuat masalah bernama Kribo, banyak yang mengeluh karena membuat warga jin jengkel di kurung oleh sang ayah di dalam botol karena Kribo selalu membuat masalah. Lalu botol itu di temui oleh Kamil Junior anak dari pak Kamil dan mereka pun bersahabat. Tokoh : Tokoh para ndara : 1. Keluarga pak Kamil : -Titah (Istri Kamil, ibu Kamil Junior, Farahdira Fatimah, & Asma) - Kamil (Suami Titah, ayah Kamil Junior, Farahdira Fatimah, & Asma) - Kamil Junior ( Anak Pertama Titah dan Kamil) - Farahdira Fatimah (Anak kedua Titah dan Kamil) - Asma (Anak ketiga Titah dan Kamil) - Paijo / Joya (Pengasuh Anak & Art Titah dan Kamil) - Jumiati (Juru masak Titah dan Kamil) - Aiman (Supir Titah dan Kamil) 2. Keluarga pak Edo : - Edo (Tetangga pak Kamil dan Aldi, ayah dari Hanafi dan Dilla, suami Reni) _ Hanafi (anak dari Edo dan Reni) - Reni (Istri Edo, Ibu dari Hanafi dan Dilla) - Dilla (Anak dari Edo dan Reni) - Darmi (Art Edo dan Reni) - Arief (supir Edo dan Reni) 3. Keluarga pak Aldi : - Aldi (Tetangga Kamil dan Edo, suami Nadia, Ayah Firman dan Rafi) - Nadia (Istri Aldi, Ibu tiri Firman) - Firman (Anak Aldi dan anak tiri Nadia) - Rafi (anak Aldi dan Nadia) - Syahrini (Art Aldi dan Nadia) - Asep (supir Aldi dan Nadia) Lain-lain : Gendis (Tukang jamu di komplek Puspa raya) Ucok (Tukang roti di komplek Puspa raya) Abdul Latif (Scurity di komplek Puspa raya) Kribo (adik Jenny, anak mama rehe dan papa rehe,sahabat Kamil Junior) Ayah Rehe (Ayah Kribo) Mama Rehe (Ibu Kribo) Jenny (kakak Kribo)

Daoistovzdb · Urban
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