
A Very Big Pet

Several thunderous tides later, Komi finally pulled the monster out from her throat and gently put down the boy. She remained seated on her knees and stared affectionately towards him with her large round ruby eyes. Reinstating the seal after the needed release, Leo stared back at the big girl and contemplated where things had gone wrong in his life.

The first moment he saw the giantess he received a kiss and a free blowjob. Why does every woman he meets recently lusts for his cock? It was a deep philosophical question not worth sacrificing our few last remaining brain cells over.

"T-Thank you... t-the meal was... delicious, can... can you be my master?" A master is expected to provide three meals a day every day, right?

It was a surprisingly angelic voice of a little girl despite her intimidating size. If one would have to guess her age from her voice alone, Rena would be a good sample for comparison. The big girl seemed to have trouble speaking fluently however, perhaps it's because portions of her humanity had been severely detached.

Leo could only speechlessly gaze at the big girl who was blushing and fidgeting like she just did a love proposal; her black feathered wings shriveled and shyly covered her large ample body. The boy was at loss for words and wasn't sure how to respond. He looked towards Jean hoping for guidance.

"I have heard the cult had tried to recreate a god on many occasions. Basically, they summon an outward entity from another plane and worship it as their lord. This girl must have been a vessel, who would have thought they hid such a existence in this small town..."

There were several well-known cases around the globe where vile demons of the abyss were summoned to plague the land. All of them had been subjugated thus far in record. The female agent then examined the large frightening figure shyly fidgeting away once more and added.

"Strangely though, it seems she hasn't been consumed, even though the demonic energies are overflowing from her body. I wonder why..."

Jean and Leo looked towards the woman who had been cripple from shock; she would know all the answers to their questions. However, sensing the malice towards her mother, Komi rushed towards the woman's side and hid the mother within her enormous bosom. She violently shook her head and looked towards Leo with large puppy eyes, pleading for the boy to spare her previous meal provider.

"Komi, you..." The woman never thought her daughter still retained human emotions and was deeply shaken in her heart; the big girl never showed a speck of humanity until Leo appeared.

Despite the hellish torture she must had put Komi through in order to transform her into a vessel for the god, the big girl did not harbor any hatred. Such emotion was deprived along with her flickers of humanity. Regardless, to the mother, something woke up inside her. It was a sense of guilt and a sense of regret, a feeling of emptiness and sorrow from the laughable ideal of her goal.

Betrayed by her husband at one point, the woman poured in everything and was fully driven in a vengeful pursuit. She offered her daughter to the organization as the girl was a perfect candidate; all in exchange for greater status and opportunity. But right now, she only wanted to cry in Komi's inhuman sized marshmallows.

"Komi, is it? I will take you in. Can you let us talk with your mother? We won't cause any harm." Leo let out a sigh and made a decision.

The round puppy eyes of the big girl brightened in an instant. She happily nodded her head and offered her mother by lifting the woman up to the front with two hands like a child joyfully sharing her toy. The woman did not expect that she would be sold this easily. Can she ask for a refund for her tender feelings?


After being promised safety and freedom, the woman did not attempt to hide much from her interrogators. Her loyalty to the cult was non-existent and was only aligned due to her personal interest. Other than the selective few fanatic worshipers of the abyss, most of the members were of the same breed. Some pursued power, and some pursued immortality, it was an organization that accepted anyone from different walks of life.

Hence, given such nature, there was a limit to how much information the woman knew. They found out that the hospital of town was essentially their HQ for the region. Komi was one of many ongoing attempts to summon the horror of the abyss; the plan for this particular deed had been put into action for over two years.

Then, after something went wrong with the ritual, the organization tried everything to re-establish connection with the abyss; but alas to no avail and Komi was spared as a sacrifice. While explaining that, the woman made a suspicious expression when she looked at Leo. However, the organization was still fascinated by the inexplicable growth as demonstrated by the girl and kept the plan going; they were interested to see how the experiment would turn out.

And apparently, as observed now, the big girl was happily playing with Rena like an innocent little girl. Everyone ignored the plea for help on the young lady's face as her petite body slowly submerged within those overly voluptuous assets. A successful experiment indeed.

"It's about time, the three of you should leave now. More of them will come and check on Komi soon." The woman took a pause and then proposed her plan.

"I can escort you three out of this place; but if you trust me, I will stay behind and cover everything up. By the way, my name is Yurin Shoko, it will be difficult for me to hide now that you know my identity."

Yurin had a scheme of her own, and she was willing to put faith in Leo and Jean for her gamble. Everything the organization had done here revolved around Komi; however, now that her daughter submitted to the boy as her master, she saw this as a great opportunity. There wasn't much choice to be had. The big girl's affectionate gaze towards him doesn't lie.

"Should we trust her? Boy." Jean left the decision making to Leo.

Just as the boy pondered his thoughts, Komi sneaked forward and stole another long, wet, erotic kiss from his lips.

"Whew… I am spared." Rena let out a sigh after being toyed like a fiddle.

It took a moment for Leo to recover his thought while savoring the lasting sweet taste in his mouth. He could feel a certain bond forming between them.

"Uhm... I think it's safe to trust her. There is nothing to lose." And just like that, he was successfully seduced.



Moments later…

"You look unwell, Madame Shoko." It was a deep voice from a man in black hood.

Several men entered the feeding chamber cloaked in black, there was an emergency and they came to check up on the status of Komi. The big girl had been growing at an unexpected pace, so such an anomaly must be treated with caution.

"It's nothing, the struggle from those piglets was quite strong." Her face was still pale from the damage she suffered earlier.

"Was it an agent from the bureau? Her name was Jean I believe." The man's eye wandered around the chamber, while the rest of the men gathered the carcasses in one spot.

"Yes. What about her?" The woman curiously blinked.

"The old man is dead. For that cautious bastard to die so easily... the chances of being that agent is low, but she is the only suspect. And it seems like our only clue ended here."

The man saw the withered shriveled corpse of Jean's colleague and sighed. Due to Komi's good eating habits, the corpses were all indistinguishable from humans or beasts. He was hoping he would catch and interrogate the agent before she was fed to Komi, but he didn't expect the big girl to have an early meal.

Yurin was surprised to hear the news; well, not that she actually cared for the old man anyway.

"Anyway, how is your daughter doing?" The man asked while the carcasses were being burnt down; it was important to clean the chamber and keep up the sanitary.

"Oh, she is still behaving like a good girl, but she is becoming more of a glutton lately." Yurin recalled the number of releases Komi swallowed from the boy; her body shivered for a moment from witnessing his monstrous capacity.

"I see, this is troublesome. Our scavengers are being picked off one by one and we don't know who. It will be a while before we can up the demand. Can you keep her sated for the time being?" One of the prerequisites for controlling Komi was to keep her well-fed.

"I will think of something, she should be fine for now."

The woman peeked at the residual stain of white cheese splattered on the ground and then glanced at Komi's slightly bloated stomach. Those seeds looked extremely thick and potent, and her daughter seemed to be extremely satisfied. It will probably be a while even for the big girl to digest something this dense and heavy.

"Very well, come to me if you have to, make sure to keep her under control at all costs. We don't want another incident like in the Western Union."

The man warned as he took one last glance at the large figure sitting on top of the embryo. At the same time, Komi slowly opened her eyes and lazily glanced back. It was during that moment, a shivering cold overwhelmed the man's body. Those eyes were filled with belittlement, looking down on him as mere insects and instilling fear of supremacy through his very being. With one single glance, the big girl made it perfectly clear who was on top of the food hierarchy.

"We are leaving, let's go." With cold sweat dripping down, the man ordered his men and hastily turned to the exit.

"Heh." There was a silent smirk from the woman as she watched the men leaving from the back.

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