

After being subjected to secret experiments, a man finds himself transformed into a vampire, thrust into the hidden and complex society of his new kind. Struggling with clouded memories of his past life, he must navigate the treacherous waters of vampire politics, alliances, and betrayals. As he tries to find his place within this unfamiliar world, he grapples with an intense blood lust that threatens to consume him. To make matters worse, he becomes the target of vampire hunters determined to eradicate his kind. Amidst these challenges, he must uncover the truth about his transformation, confront his inner demons, and fight for survival in a world where trust is scarce and danger lurks at every turn.

Liam_Rashi · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: REBIRTH

A New Dawn for Venator Ventorum

Valery awoke with a start, her body drenched in cold sweat. She sat up quickly, her heart pounding in her chest. The room was dark, save for the slivers of moonlight filtering through the blinds. She couldn't remember the dreams that had plagued her, only the residual fear and unease they left behind. Shaking her head, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and headed for the shower.

As the hot water cascaded over her, Valery tried to push away the memories of the torment she had endured in the prison. The helplessness, the feeling of being completely at someone else's mercy—it was a vulnerability she never wanted to experience again. She clenched her fists, vowing to never feel that weak again.

After her shower, Valery took a moment to compose herself in front of the mirror. The face staring back at her was the same, yet different. There was a hardness in her eyes now, a resolve born from the crucible of her recent experiences. She knew she had to be strong, not just for herself, but for her team.

Once dressed, Valery made her way to their base of operations. On the surface, it was the headquarters of a private military company, Xmitech, a perfect cover for their high-tech weapons and military equipment. The security at the gates was tight, as always, and Valery passed through without issue, her credentials checked and cleared swiftly.

Inside, the atmosphere was a mix of mundane office activity and covert military readiness. To any casual observer, it looked like a bustling corporate environment. But those who knew the truth were aware of the dangerous secrets hidden beneath the surface. Valery made her way to the elevator, one that only those with special clearance could access, and descended to the basement levels.

Valery was called to the office of Commander Jackson, the leader of Divine Retribution. The hallway leading to his office was lined with portraits and commendations, a testament to the many missions and battles fought by the organization. She knocked on the door and was greeted by Jackson's stern but welcoming face.

"Valery, come in," Jackson said, motioning for her to take a seat. "How are you holding up?"

"Doing better, sir. The team is recovering, and we're ready to get back to work," Valery replied, her voice steady.

Jackson nodded approvingly. "Good to hear. You've proven yourself as a capable leader, Valery. I've decided to officially add you to the squad leader ranks."

Valery felt a surge of pride at his words. "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down."

"I'm sure you won't," Jackson said with a rare smile. He handed her a stack of dossiers. "These are the files for new recruits. We need to replace the members we lost. Take your time, review them, and choose wisely."

Valery nodded and took the dossiers. "I'll make sure to pick the best."

As Valery left Jackson's office, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Pride, certainly, but also a lingering sense of unease. The nightmares, the memories of the prison, they were all still there, lurking in the back of her mind. She knew she had to push through, to be the leader her team needed.

Valery headed to the newly assigned squad barracks for Venator Ventorum. The room was spacious, with their squad name proudly displayed above the door. Inside, there were several rooms, including a lounge area, a kitchen, and private quarters for each squad member. A large table dominated the center of the lounge, perfect for planning missions and strategizing.

She placed the stack of dossiers on the table and used the computer terminal to order some pizza and drinks. It arrived promptly ten minutes later, just as Emily and Thomas walked through the door together.

"Hey, you two," Valery greeted, her mood lifting as her teammates joined her. "Welcome to our new home base."

Emily looked around, her eyes wide with amazement. "Wow, this is amazing! We've got our own facilities and everything."

Thomas nodded, already lost in thought. "Think of all the modifications we can do here. The kind of weapons we can get with the budget we've been allocated..."

Emily rolled her eyes and gave Thomas a light slap on the back of his head. "Snap out of it, Thomas. Let's focus on the task at hand."

Valery chuckled at their banter. "Alright, let's get started. We've got a hundred dossiers to go through and pick out our new team members. I thought this would be a good squad-building exercise."

They settled around the table, grabbing slices of pizza and drinks. Valery handed out the first few dossiers, and they began to read through them, discussing the merits and skills of each candidate.

As they worked through the stack, the atmosphere was light-hearted, filled with jokes and laughter. Thomas, true to form, had some questionable selections.

"Thomas, are you serious?" Valery asked, holding up a dossier of a female recruit. "All your picks are women with D-cups who look suspiciously like Emily."

Thomas grinned sheepishly. "Well, we need balance in the team, right? And diversity is important."

Emily gave him a playful glare. "Thomas, you're incorrigible. Let's focus on finding the best candidates, not just the prettiest."

Valery shook her head, laughing. "Alright, let's be serious. We need the best of the best. People who can handle the pressure and have the skills we need."

They continued sifting through the dossiers, with Valery taking the lead in making final decisions. They chose recruits with diverse skill sets—snipers, close combat experts, tech specialists—ensuring their team would be well-rounded and capable of handling any situation.

By the end of the evening, they had selected two new members to replace their fallen comrades. Valery felt a sense of accomplishment and a renewed sense of purpose. She looked at her team, feeling a deep bond of camaraderie.

"Good work, everyone," Valery said, raising her glass. "To Venator Ventorum. May we continue to protect humanity and bring justice to the shadows."

Emily and Thomas raised their glasses, echoing her sentiment. "To Venator Ventorum."

As they clinked their glasses together, Valery felt a rare moment of peace. They had faced immense challenges and suffered great losses, but they had come through stronger. And with their new team members, they were ready to face whatever the future held.

The next morning, Valery stood in the main briefing room, waiting for the arrival of their recruits. She had carefully reviewed the dossiers and was confident in her choices. Despite Thomas's questionable initial picks, both recruits were highly skilled and brought unique strengths to the team.

The next day, Valery was awaiting the recruits the first to arrive was Alyssa Quinn, an expert sniper renowned in her field. She held the record for the longest confirmed kill and was known for her ability to disappear without a trace. Alyssa walked in with a calm, composed demeanour, her sharp eyes quickly taking in her new surroundings.

"Welcome, Alyssa," Valery greeted, extending a hand. "Or should I call you Viper?"

Alyssa shook her hand firmly. "Viper is fine, ma'am. Ready to serve."

The second recruit, Dr. Mia Turner, entered shortly after. Mia was a gunner with an advanced degree in biology. Her expertise in vampire physiology had led her to create bullets highly effective against them. Mia's bright eyes sparkled with intelligence and enthusiasm as she greeted Valery.

"It's an honour to be here, ma'am," Mia said, shaking Valery's hand.

Valery smiled warmly. "We're glad to have you, Mia. Your skills and knowledge will be invaluable to the team."

With the introductions complete, Valery gathered everyone around the table. "Alright, team. Let's get down to business. Viper, Hawkeye, you both bring exceptional skills to Venator Ventorum. We'll rely on your expertise heavily in the coming missions."

Alyssa nodded, her expression serious. "You can count on me."

Mia grinned, adjusting her glasses. "I'm eager to put my knowledge to good use."

As Valery began explaining their duties and the team's objectives, her phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen and saw it was Commander Jackson.

"Excuse me for a moment," Valery said, stepping out of the room to take the call. "Yes, sir?"

"Valery, I need you to attend a squad leaders briefing immediately. There's been a development," Jackson's voice was firm.

"Understood, sir. I'll be there right away," Valery replied, ending the call and returning to the room. "Thomas, Emily, continue familiarizing Viper and Hawkeye with our operations. I've been called to a briefing."

They nodded, and Valery made her way to the briefing room. As she walked through the corridors of Xmitech, she couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was on the horizon.

The Briefing

Valery entered the briefing room, joining the assembly of squad leaders. The atmosphere was tense, and the air was thick with anticipation. At the front of the room stood Commander Jackson and General Ross, their expressions somber. A series of satellite images and drone footage were displayed on the large screen behind them.

"Thank you all for coming on short notice," Jackson began, his voice cutting through the murmurs. "We have received critical intel regarding T16, the experimental vampire."

Jackson clicked a remote, bringing up images of various locations marked with red circles. "Over the past few weeks, we have been tracking T16. He has been visiting several feral vampire nests. What is concerning is that after his departure, these nests were found empty. No bodies, no signs of battle. This has occurred at multiple nests, including two led by Priority Red feral vampires and others by ghouls. The outcome has been the same each time."

The room was silent, everyone absorbing the gravity of the situation. Jackson continued, "Last week, at an abandoned hotel, Khan, the vampire council's enforcer, led a team in what we believe was an attempt to capture T16. My recon team arrived thirty minutes after them. We can confirm through drone footage that Khan engaged T16 in battle. We do not know the specifics, but it appears Khan and his initial team were defeated."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle in. "Two vampire council members arrived later with more troops, presumably as reinforcements. Our intel suggests that none of Khan's original team survived, including Khan himself. For the next few days and nights, the area was heavily guarded, and a cleanup operation was conducted. Our informants indicate that the vampire community is in turmoil, with the council holding numerous meetings and no sight of Khan."

Jackson looked around the room, his eyes sharp. "Questions?"

A squad leader raised his hand. "Do we believe T16 had help? Many of us know Khan was formidable. It's hard to believe he was defeated without assistance."

Jackson nodded. "Our ideal theory is that T16 had help from other vampire factions that want the downfall of the council. However, our worst-case scenario is that T16 is either communicating with or commanding the feral vampires and ghouls he has encountered."

Murmurs broke out among the squad leaders, the tension in the room palpable. Valery raised her hand. "Commander, considering the time frame, T16 should have still been in the area when the reinforcements arrived. How did he escape unnoticed by your recon team?"

Jackson motioned to the scientist standing beside him. "This is Dr. Evelyn Carter, our leading expert on vampire physiology and behavior. She has some insights on this."

Dr. Carter stepped forward, her face serious. "The abandoned hotel is situated above a network of underground caverns. These caverns run beneath Port Rock and were closed off years ago due to safety concerns. T16 likely used these caverns to escape, avoiding detection by our recon team."

Jackson continued, "With Khan's disappearance, the city might become more volatile. We need to be prepared for any escalation. Stay vigilant and ensure your teams are ready for rapid deployment."

General Ross stepped forward, his presence commanding immediate attention. "The situation is dire. The disappearance of a figure as powerful as Khan will not go unnoticed. The vampire factions will be on edge, and we must be ready to respond to any threats. Remember, our mission is to protect humanity from the shadows. Stay sharp."

The room remained silent, the gravity of the situation settling over everyone. Jackson looked around one last time. "If there are no further questions, you're dismissed. Valery, please stay behind."

As the room emptied, Valery approached Jackson and Dr. Carter. "Commander, Dr. Carter, what do you need?"

Jackson handed her a dossier. "We have a mission for you and your team. We need sensors planted at the cavern openings at the city's edge. These sensors will help us detect any ghoul activity."

Dr. Carter added, "These sensors are designed to pick up on the unique signatures of ghouls and feral vampires. We must get them in place as soon as possible."

Valery nodded, understanding the urgency. "We'll take care of it, sir. When do we leave?"

Jackson looked at her with a steely gaze. "Immediately. Gather your team and brief them on the mission. Time is of the essence."

Valery saluted and left the room, her mind already racing with preparations for the mission. She knew the stakes were high, and the city's safety depended on their success.


Price of Power

The Count smiled, a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Freedom. I am a part of you, Adam, and you are a part of me. Our fates are intertwined. But I seek a body of my own, a return to the physical realm to exert my influence and power, a chance which I was denied."

Adam narrowed his eyes. "And how exactly do you plan to achieve that?"

"The process is complicated, but with your help, it becomes significantly easier," the Count explained. "I possess the knowledge and the rituals needed to transfer my consciousness into a new vessel. Together, we can find a suitable host and complete the ritual. In return, I will share my vast knowledge and power with you."

Adam considered this, the implications swirling in his mind. "What kind of host are you looking for?"

"The host must be strong, both physically and mentally. A vampire of considerable power would be ideal, but certain humans with the right attributes could suffice. Once the host is found, the ritual can begin," the Count replied, confident and persuasive.

Adam weighed the Count's words carefully. The promise of power was tempting, especially given his current state. "And what happens if I refuse?"

The Count's eyes darkened. "Refusal is not an option, Adam. Our bond ensures that my influence will continue to grow within you. Normally I would let it play out till my will eroded yours, and I took control of this well-crafted body but It is in both our interests to work together to avoid such an outcome as the alternative is a slow descent into madness as our conflicting wills shall tear both of us apart as I am linked to you, I may not survive as well." 

After saying that the count elongated his claws and pierced his chest, and to Adam`s surprise, he felt the pain, " Adam, when I said we are bonded I meant it, whatever harm comes to you, befalls me as well, and vice-versa, I can't truly mind dominate you, believe me, I tried, that only leaves cooperation, I have my goals and ambitions, and if I am freed you would have a powerful ally, and also you need the knowledge to harness your strength, I can provide that, all I ask is your cooperation in removing from this cage."

Adam clenched his fists, feeling the weight of the Count's presence within him. The choice seemed clear, even if it was not one he relished. "Fine. We'll do it your way. But remember, I am not your puppet. We do this on my terms."

The Count bowed his head slightly. "Agreed. Our partnership will be one of mutual benefit. 

The Count, standing regally amidst the ancient tomes and dimly lit library, extended his hand and offered Adam a steaming cup of what appeared to be tea. Adam raised an eyebrow, taking the cup with a mixture of curiosity and scepticism.

"Is this necessary?" Adam questioned, his voice tinged with amusement. "Considering this is all in my head?"

The Count chuckled softly, a sound that resonated with a chilling undertone. "I was merely trying to be polite," he replied, setting his cup down on a nearby table. "But I see your point. Shall we move on to business?"

Adam nodded, placing the untouched cup on a shelf. "Yes, let's."

The Count's demeanour shifted, becoming more serious and intense. "For US to survive and thrive, Adam, you will need allies, but since we just killed the council enforcer that would be hard, then the next best thing would be an army. Not just any army, but one that is ruthless and utterly loyal to you. An army that will follow your commands without question and ensure your dominance."

Adam's curiosity was piqued. "And where do you propose I find such an army?"

With a subtle wave of his hand, the Count changed the scene around them. The library faded away, replaced by the cold, dark confines of a cavern. The air was damp and filled with the faint scent of decay. Surrounding them were feral ghouls, their twisted forms moving restlessly in the shadows. Nearby, Adam recognized the three feral vampires he had fed his blood and Khan`s body.

Adam observed the creatures with a critical eye. "Feral ghouls and vampires. They're loyal, yes, but not exactly the brightest soldiers."

The Count nodded, acknowledging Adam's assessment. "True. Feral vampires and ghouls lack the cunning and intellect of higher vampires, but they make up for it with their brute strength and unwavering loyalty. They can be your first line of defence, your shock troops, if you will."

"But the most interesting thing was what I found was common in all ferals ghouls and vampires alike, their blood art was unique, which they all shared, I named it Gluttony if they consume a powerful being, they evolved", the count said with a sinister grin. 

And as if in the queue the three feral vampires let out bone-chilling roars, as the sound of snapping bone could be heard, their forms reshaping, changing in size, one pale began growing in size its ears rearranging to cover most of its face, only leaving its mouth with rows of sharp teeth, it had become massive, the second also grew in size but was not moving on all fours like the first, he was large and he was a bi-peddler, with intense muscular arms a morphed half man and bat face, but truly grotesque, and the third, however, did not, its body morphed slimmish, silver upon its scalp and red eyes batlike nose, torso skinned to her arms grew cartilage, that ended up similar to bat wings and on its chest breasts.

"Oh so it was a woman interesting," Adam said, and without warning the two brutes pounced into the crowd of ghouls and began eating them, "ah that hunger I remember it well, but mine was a bit more savage, from ghoul to feral vampire, the hunger must have been twice as that".

"Wait what do you mean?!" Adam asked, a story for another time, but yes I was a sane human ghoul and then I became a feral vampire after I killed my master and ate his flesh" the count said. But before you could raise your protest Adam noted that the other two feral vampires were gorging on the ghouls, the third female was staring at him, which he thought impossible as this conversation was in your head, "MASTERS?!" a voice rang out in your head, this surprised both the count and you. With a snap, you found yourself right below her, and to your surprise, she lowered her posture, as to grovel beneath you, "This one can observe mental projections and is capable of thought projection as well, how interesting, she shall be very useful indeed", the Count mused.

"Wait can't all of vampires do that?"Adam asked, The Count shook his head with a clear sign of disappointment on his face says "Use your brain, child if that was the case why would the council waste their time asking questions when they could invade your mind, nay vampires are immune to such attack, except for a few cases, were blood art is used and such intrusion can be felt, but I couldn't feel her enter our mind at all, how delightful indeed" the Count said with a devilish grin.

"Adam, give her a name and do try to be original, clearly the person who named you lacked tact and imagination so do outshine her, and yes I am aware of the symbolism" with a smirky grin.

For some reason, Adam never noticed how punchable the count`s face was until now, but he would have to suppress such thoughts for the moment, Adam then said "Seraphina, that shall be your name henceforth" Adam said.

The Count did not say a single word about the name, instead addressed Seraphina, "I want to see the extent of your abilities, I want them bowing before us" Just like that Seraphina turned around and looked at the two brutes oblivious to the happenings around and all of a sudden they stopped all they were doing and came at full speed and grovelled before Adam and the Count, this pleased the count, it pleased him indeed.

"I had thought we would have to use this later down the line, but who knew we had a capable feral vampire all this time, evolving them was a good choice, now open your mind to me" and in a brief moment, images flowed through Adam, knowledge unimaginable amounts of flowed through him to Seraphina, "Now show me what you learned" commanded the Count. 

In response, Seraphina began, with a series of mental projections she changed the cave terrain into a lush jungle, then a bustling city with people, then an empty desert, then she sent a command and all the ghouls gathered in silence, she truly was a diamond in the rough, and lastly, bones began to snap her size decrease from the grotesque beauty she was formerly to a smaller figure that of a human.

Her skin is porcelain, flawlessly smooth and impossibly pale, her hair cascades in silken waves, shimmering like liquid silver, and each strand glows with a lustrous sheen, framing her face like a halo of ethereal light.

Her eyes are the colour of a twilight sky, a deep and mesmerizing violet that shifts with the intensity of her emotions. They are large, almond-shaped, and framed by thick, dark lashes, giving her gaze an intense, hypnotic quality. 

Seraphina`s features are perfectly sculpted, with high cheekbones that add to her regal bearing. Her nose is delicate and straight, and her lips are full, with a natural rosy hue that stands out against her pale complexion.

"Magnificent, truly, truly magnificent," the Count said, Adam then asked "this form" and before he could finish, Seraphina said, I merely changed my body into a physique that my Master(s) would like following both your preferences", she said in a soothing elegant voice.

"Enough, if you two would like to get to know each other, that will be on your time, Adam we still have much to discuss and much for you to learn, Seraphina, I leave you in charge of this place, while we slumber don't disturb us unless it's important". the Count said, Adam hated being commanded but for now, he would listen, but he did take a look at Seaphina`s naked beauty, which seemed to bring a devilish naughty grin on her face.

"You can have your fun later, for now, we must retreat into the recess of your mind i need to see if I can find a few rituals that should block her out unless we want to", Adam understood the Count's concern, Seraphina`s ability was only useful if used against others not us.


The Descent into Darkness

The helicopter landed softly on the rough terrain outside the cavern, its blades whipping up dust and debris. Valery and her team quickly disembarked, the hum of the rotors gradually fading as the helicopter took off again, leaving them in the relative silence of the remote location. The entrance to the cavern loomed ahead, dark and foreboding.

"Alright team," Valery began, her voice steady and authoritative, "Alyssa, find a spot where you can have eyes on the entrance. Anything that isn't us, you drop it."

Alyssa, now known as Venator 5, nodded and swiftly moved to a vantage point where she could cover the entrance with her sniper rifle. Valery then turned to Thomas, Venator 3. "Thomas, I need you to deploy your drones and scope the inside of the cavern before we go in."

Thomas activated his drones, watching the screens as they buzzed into the darkness of the cavern. The images they relayed back showed nothing out of the ordinary. "Clear so far," he reported. "No signs of movement inside."

Valery glanced at Alyssa, who confirmed, "Nothing at the entrance either. All clear."

"Alright," Valery said, taking a deep breath. "Emily, Mia, you're with me. We'll plant the sensors inside. Thomas, I want you to plant explosives around the entrance strong enough to cause a cave-in if necessary."

The team exchanged uneasy glances. "A cave-in?" Emily, now Venator 2, asked, her voice tinged with shock. "Is that necessary?"

Valery's gaze was steely. "If anything happens and there's a horde in there, we need to seal the opening before they escape outside. It doesn't matter if we're still in or not. If anyone has complaints, too bad. That's an order."

Thomas hesitated, "But Valery, we scanned the place. There's nothing inside."

Valery shook her head. "I have a feeling I can't shake. Just do it."

The team moved into action, Thomas setting up the charges while Valery, Emily, and Mia ventured deeper into the cavern. The air grew colder and damper as they descended, their footsteps echoing eerily off the stone walls. Valery's every sense was on high alert, her gut warning her of impending danger.

They planted three sensors, the devices beeping softly as they came online. Valery knew they needed to go a bit further to plant the last one. The cavern opened up into a larger chamber, and further in, several holes in the walls made Valery's skin crawl.

"Mia, plant the last sensor here and check if it's operational," Valery ordered, her voice low and tense.

Mia complied, setting the sensor down and activating it. "It's picking up something," Mia said, her voice trembling. "Something big. About 500 meters from our position."

Valery and Emily raised their rifles, their helmet visors zooming in to focus on the area. They froze at the sight of a hulking, bat-like gorilla creature, its massive form filling the screen.

Emily whispered, "What the hell is that?"

Mia, her face pale, said, "That's a feral vampire, but I've never seen one like this. No eyes and its face is mostly teeth and forward-facing ears. It must use echolocation. Which means, It knows we're here."

"Back away slowly," Valery instructed, her voice barely above a whisper.

As they started to retreat, the familiar screeching of feral ghouls echoed through the cavern. The hulking behemoth turned and disappeared into the darkness, replaced by a horde of ghouls charging towards them.

"Open fire!" Valery ordered, and the cavern exploded with the sound of gunfire and screeches. Mia threw a concussive grenade of her own making, sending the room into disorientation. They began to run back at full speed.

"Thomas, we need a quick evac, now!" Valery shouted into her comms. "Arm the charges!"

They were about 400 meters from the entrance when the ghouls began gaining on them. Emily tripped, falling to the ground. Valery and Mia stopped, firing back at the advancing horde. Mia threw another grenade, but this time it failed to detonate.

Thomas, providing cover fire from his position, was conflicted."Blow the Charges".

Thomas hesitated. "You guys are so close. Just a bit more time! you can make it"

"Blow the charges, Thomas! That's an order!" Valery screamed.

The horde was nearly upon them. Suddenly, a shot rang out from Alyssa's .50 cal sniper rifle. A few seconds later, a concussive wave disoriented the ghouls again. Alyssa had aimed at the inactive grenade, her explosive round setting it off. Seizing the opportunity, Valery and Mia dragged Emily across the ground, pulling her towards the exit. They scrambled out of the cave just as Thomas detonated the charges, collapsing the entrance.

Breathing heavily, Thomas ran to Emily, helping her up. Valery, a few steps away, took a moment to catch her breath. "Good shot, Alyssa," she said over the comms. "You saved us. Mia, those concussive grenades were clutch."

She turned to Emily, her tone softening. "You okay, Emily?"

Emily nodded, her face pale. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, everyone."

Valery's expression hardened as she looked at Thomas. "Thomas, follow orders next time. This could have ended badly. Had a horde of that size made it out, it would've been catastrophic. There will be consequences."

Thomas nodded, his face a mix of relief and shame. The sound of helicopter rotors grew louder as their extraction arrived. They boarded quickly, the adrenaline still pumping through their veins.


The behemoth turned its back on Valery and her team, ignoring their presence. The ghouls, having received their orders, charged forward. Their mission was clear: capture the one that smelled like their new master and do as they wished with the rest. The hulking creature lumbered away, its mind focused on reporting the intrusion and the presence of the woman with the scent of their master.

Moving deeper into the cave network, the behemoth finally arrived in a spacious, quiet room. At the far end, two more feral vampires waited. One resembled the behemoth but had eyes, making it appear slightly more human. The other was different—female, with Seraphina. She was beautiful in a grotesque way, with pale skin and elongated claws. Though smaller than the other two, her presence radiated authority.

She telepathically asked, "What was that?"

The behemoth replied, "There was an exit we did not know about. The humans used it to come in. Strangely, one of them had the master's scent, so I came to ask for orders."

Then Seraphina female glanced at the secluded ledge where Adam lay, still and silent. "He has not woken yet.

Seraphina reached out with her mind, attempting to speak to her Master(s). She felt the familiar tendrils of his consciousness, dark and powerful, and hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"Master, the humans have intruded. One of them carries your scent. What should we do?" she asked, her mental voice respectful yet filled with urgency.

To her surprise, Adam's reply came almost immediately, his tone sharp and commanding. "The woman is important. I placed her amongst the humans for a reason. No harm should come to her."

The silver-haired vampire's mind recoiled slightly at the force of his words. "And the rest of the humans?" she inquired cautiously.

"The rest are inconsequential. Do with them as you wish. Your priority is to keep me safe and undisturbed. I do not want to be bothered until I wake," Adam instructed, his voice growing darker.

She felt a chill run through her as Adam's tone shifted to one of warning. "And never, ever, enter my mind again without permission," he added, his mental presence looming over her like a storm cloud.

Seraphina shuddered and withdrew her mind quickly, bowing her head even though Adam could not see her. "Yes, master," she replied telepathically, her fear evident.

She turned to the behemoth and the eye-bearing feral, her expression grave. "The master has spoken. The woman is not to be harmed. She is important to his plans. The rest of the humans are expendable. Our priority is to keep him safe and ensure his rest is undisturbed."

With that, she turned back to the secluded ledge where Adam lay, her thoughts racing. The master's presence was overwhelming, and his command was absolute. They would obey, and they would protect him until he chose to awaken.

"They collapsed the entrance, the behemoth said, but I can confirm they all live, the behemoth stood their posture low as if waiting for punishment, "Well as long as she lives, the master shall be pleased now we wait, ensure we scoured this place for any more entrances and have them guarded, we want no more surprises", She said the behemoth bowed and left the chamber.

She turns to the second behemoth you guard this chamber at all times, none enter, and I shall wait beneath his feet, our master, our savior he who freed us from the confines of madness, should not be alone, she said as she lay on the floor beneath the ledge of Adam, just staring at him. 

Made a few changes to the chapter for those wondering, it felt to quick and too rushed.

Liam_Rashicreators' thoughts