
Part Eleven

Our next destination was a dance studio. The studio looked familiar but I didn't care. "Are we going dancing" I asked and he said "yup and this is no ordinary dance studio there will be someone you know very well inside" and I smiled at him and said "then what are we waiting for let's go" and I quickly got out of the car.

He got out of the car and I grabbed his hand and we ran inside. I looked around the studio and thought it was heaven. It was so awesome.

As I was looking at everything with amazement, I heard a familiar voice from behind us. "I see she likes this very much Devon" the voice said and I turned around saw it was Mr.Rice. "Mr.Rice? What are you doing here?" I asked and he said "this is my studio" and I said "no wonder it looked so familiar" and he responded "yup and Devon asked if I could do him a favor and let you guys join us for today".

I got happy and said "really?" and he said "yup follow me to one of the dance studios where everybody will be". I grabbed Devon's hand and we followed Mr.Rice.

We all entered a room that was filled with people were ready to dance. Mr.Rice went to Fanny ,his wife, and I looked around and saw someone I didn't expect to see. "Adam?" I said and the guy looked at me and said "Nikky?" And he came running to me and hugged me.

"Dude what are you doing here" I asked and he said "I joined the group, I liked it when we did it last year and I decided to keep going" and I said "well that's good for you".

Devon came behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I could feel he was getting jealous and I giggled under my breathe. "Adam this is Devon my--" and Devon interrupted me and said "her boyfriend" as he held his hand out. "Devon this is Adam. He does marching band with me at the Erie county fair and we used to dance together last year".

Adam shook Devon's hand and said "yea we've known eachother for nearly 4 years now". "Oh Nikky I have to introduce you to someone" he said and he went and grabbed a girl from the side and said "this is my girlfriend Kaytlen". I shook her hand and said "nice to meet you" and she said the same. I admit she is a beautiful girl I'm happy someone finally swept him off his feet.

"Okay everybody time to get started today we have a young couple joining us for today and we are gonna have fun Mr.Rice" said. I got happy and Devon saw and he started to chuckle. "What we will be doing is having everybody dance to any song you want" Mr.Rice said.

Everybody grabbed their partners and danced so well including Adam and Kaytlen. They were so cute.

Then It was our turn. I looked at Devon and said "I don't know what we should dance to" and he said "I got it" and we walked to the center of the room and he ran to Mr.Rice and told him what to play.

Then he ran back to me and the song started with a strumming of a guitar. It was Despacito. He began to dance first and it was surprisingly really good.

When Fonsi came on with the spanish, Devon grabbed my hand and spun me to him then held on to my waist and we started to dance. It was awesome. On the last word of the song he dipped me.

Everybody started clapping and I was happy. "That was awesome" I said to Devon and he smiled at me. "You ready to go" he asked and I said "yea just let me say goodbye to Mr.Rice and Adam" and he nodded.

I went to Mr.Rice and Fanny and said "goodbye" and he said "I will see you in school" and I said "okay". Then I went to Adam and gave him a hug and said "I'll see you this summer" and he nodded and I went to Devon and we went back to the car.

We got into the car and started driving. I held Devon's arm and hand and laid my head on his shoulder. "Best night ever" I said and he said "the night is not over yet. We still got one place left and this one will be amazing".

We ended up driving for a while. So to past time I turned on the radio. The radio was on the rock station and they were playing my favorite theme songs from one of my favorite shows, Supernatural. It's called Carry On My Wayward Son.

When they started playing the song, I began to sing along. "Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you done,lay your weary head to rest ,don't cry no more" and I started to air guitar.

I could tell Devon was about to burst out laughing so I said "don't even say anything because this song rocks" and he said as he was trying to contain his laughter "I-I w-won't".

Then after a couple a seconds he busted out laughing and I punched him in the shoulder. "I couldn't help it" he said and I said "yea sure suurre" and he kept on laughing.

After ten minutes went by we arrived at the last destination. It was the beach. "Want to take a walk on the beach" he asked and I nodded. We got out of the car and we took off our shoes and Devan held my hand as we walked along the water. The moon looked so beautiful as it reflected onto the water. We walked and talked and it was all I could ask for.

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