
Lu Han's past (2)

Little Lu Han wakes up holding his head. He realized that the whole room is peach dark black and he was in a strong and warm embrace.

Because of his movement his twin sister understood that her little brother is awake and he might be scared now.

" Little brother don't you dare to cry it's already hard for me to sleep." the little girl said with a quivering voice. Even though the little girl was on verg to cry she didn't want to show her tears to her little brother.

"Who's crying? And I'm not your little brother call me big brother." Although little Lu Han was also scared but he didn't want to show it to his elder sister.

His twin sister came one minute earlier in this world. AND He hate to call her big sister just because she came one minute earlier.

Since their birth the kids were used to take care of each other. They were already matured at the age of four year to joke around when they got kidnapped.

" Little brother don't you think our situation is smiliar to that movie we watched last week?" wiping all the tears from her face she spoke again.

"mm true... Then we should act like those kids.. They cried alot but they were also injured right?" Lu Han remarked.

" Yeah but we are not injured at all... And it's too dark to see anything."

" that's because we are not same as them stupid!" he laughed softly at his sister.


Lu Han snapped back to present when Kim Ji Wan screamed on top of her lungs.

" EARTH TO LU HAN!! " Kim Ji Wan shouted.

" ugh yes.. What you were saying? " Remembering his past a tear trickled down from his eyes.

Kim Ji Wan was shocked when she saw He is is daze.

"let's talk another time I'm a bit tired." saying this he walked towards the room and shut the door.

Kim Ji Wan looked a him in daze. Does he really thinks it's his own house. Actually for Lu Han it was more like a home.

His luxurious Condo was just a building for him. Staying here he realized what a real home is.

Meeting new friends, Good neighbors, and Song Hye Kyo as his sister. Because Song Hye Kyo's age was similar to him and the warmness she shared with him. He started seeing her as his dead twin sister he lost years ago.

That night he promised his twin sister to become a famous actor and That was the same night he lost his only family.

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