
Feelings and Fangs: A Dramione Fanfiction

A year has passed since the wizarding world was saved by Harry Potter in the courtyard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. All the students who had been in the seventh year of the school have received letters, inviting them back to complete one more final year. The war was hard on everybody, but was particularly evil to a young blonde, traumatizing him and rendering him mentally harmed, to the point of not speaking. Draco finds himself in the hands of the brightest-witch-of-her-age and her fiery best friend. He has to combat learning a secret about himself that changes everything as well as beginning to fight the morals he was raised with. Of course, Hogwarts is never 100% safe . . . Public Announcement: This is a FANFICTION story! I understand that my characters may veer far off the path of how they may have acted in the original works, however this is my depiction of them with their own character development. I ask that if you dislike the characters to just move on instead of posting rude and harmful comments. If you want to give constructive criticism please do! Thank you for reading

Padfoot0 · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 - Sleepover

 The clock hit four forty-five, as the door to the heads' dormitory opened once more. Ginny Weasley walked in, kicking the portrait closed behind her, walking down the hallway. She glanced into both heads' dorms, seeing Hermione's empty, and seeing Malfoy's shadow in his bathroom in front of the mirror. She stopped, her eyes lingering on Zabini lounged on his friends' bed, shirtless and in what she assumed were sweatpants, and then the boy glanced in her direction. She noticed him quirk an eyebrow, and blushed, quickly moving from the doorway.


As she rushed into the living room, she saw Hermione in the kitchen. She was bursting with excitement for this. Her eyes widened when she saw the room. Hermione had made herself busy. The room's lights were out, now illuminated by at least fifty big candles, the scents all lingering making the room fill with a calming aroma. There was one very big blow-up mattress that Ginny assumed was some form of magic, in front of the couch, having taken the place of the small coffee table now tossed to the side, forgotten. She walked down and looked at the open bar side of the kitchen.


"Where's my side?"


She watched her friend walk down into the main living area, and smile, patting one of the inner sides, "I hope you don't mind it being Draco, me, you, and then Blaise." Patting different sections. The ginger shrugged and smiled.


"I don't mind. Like I said, the more the merrier. Ad maybe it's time I get to know some Slytherins. After all, they are the biggest dumbasses around, so this should be fun." 


Hermione rolled her eyes, setting down a steaming mug of orange liquid, "Blaise's pepper-up potion…. Careful, I just finished it."


Ginny looked Hermione up and down, and smiled more, glancing down the hall, and then back at her, "You look good tonight, Mione…. Tryna impress?'


Hermione's eyes widened and her cheeks flushed, "No, I am not trying to impress! I am simply in my night clothes…"


Ginny's smile turned into a grin, "Draco's gonna drool." Staring at her friend. Her hair was pulled back onto the back of her head in a quick bun, a few strands in her face too small for the updo. She was wearing some silk sleeping shorts, which she had personally noticed were quite short, but not too bad. Her top was just simply a bra like assortment, which didn't do much for support. Ginny wasn't wearing much different, but instead of the sport bra top, she had a low-cut V-neck oversized silk shirt. Her own hair was to the side over her left shoulder in a braid from today that she hadn't bothered fixing.


Hermione sighed and rolled her eyes, "Just get settled, Gin…. I'm going to go with Draco in a bit to get us dinner. We can steal it from the Kitchens."


Ginny raised a mock eyebrow at her as she started putting her pillows down, "Draco seems to have had an influence on you. Hermione Granger? Stealing from the kitchen?"


Hermione hit her friend in the head with a pillow she was holding, "Hush Gin! He might hear you…"


Ginny rolled her eyes and laid down across her portion of the bed, sighing, her head on her pillow. Hermione stayed standing, looking down the hall to where the boys had just emerged out of Draco's room. She was now used to this appearance, both only wearing sweatpants, Blaise with an open zip-up jacket for partial decency. Draco hadn't even bothered with any form of shirt, and she made eye contact with him, the veela's black irises sparkling with mischief. She noticed the keg in its hands and rolled her eyes. Blaise smiled to her softly, lingering and almost walking into the back of the couch when his eyes landed on Ginny stretched out. Hermione smacked his arm lightly.


"Close your jaw." She muttered, before she spoke louder.


"Gin, me and Draco are going to get dinner now, alright?" She asked, as the veela's eyes widened and head snapped up.


"We are what?" But she grabbed its wrist, her skin making the veela's thoughts grow fuzzy, and a smile spread over its face as she dragged it from the room, laving Ginny with a flustered Blaise.


She dragged the veela into the hall, stiffening when its arms wrapped around her waist, its face pressed into her neck. Hermione moved her head a bit, feeling her pulse quicken.


"Calm down…" She said gently, her veela not listening, moving and she found herself pressed against the wall outside the heads' dormitory. The veela found her cheek, kissing her slowly, its lips tracing to her lips. She gasped sharply, but her eyelids slid closed, slowly kissing it back. She wrapped her arms around its neck, as she felt its fangs dragged along her bottom lip. She let out a shaky breath, leaning against it.


A few moments passed before she broke for air, panting, her eyes wide. The veela pulled back, slowly opening its eyes… She felt her heart fly into her throat, seeing only silver looking back at her. The two stared at each other, before she yanked him back to her lips, kissing Draco passionately, the boy responding the same. Her fingers found the small hairs on the back of his neck, before he broke away again, his eyes almost glowing with how bright they were. He was smiling, and looked very happy, even though she could see past ths burst of happiness, the darkness within.


Hermione reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck again, hugging him tightly, Draco responding just as well, hugging her, picking her up into his arms. He started walking down the hall, just carrying her towards the kitchens. She didn't care, and wrapped around him, her head buried into his shoulder. Hermione had no idea what had just hit them, but she was wanting to cry and hug him, and help.


He reached out as they reached the kitchen, and tickled the pear, nudging the door open. Draco started speaking, his voice she had missed like music in her ears.


"Hi there, Winky," he said gently, smiling at the always so nervous house elf who was shaking, "Can you serve up three servings of the dinner from tonight? And get a friend to make me two bottles of elven wine please? Oh… And one more thing please. Three servings of chocolate cake please?" She smiled into his shoulder, happy.


Draco smiled as Winky nodded, but grimaced after she spoke, "Yes, master!"


"Please don't call me Master, Winky." But the elf had already ran off. Draco glanced around and found the small fireplace, sitting down and setting Hermione in his lap, looking at her.


His expression was accusatory, and slightly hinting at a mocking anger, "Care to explain everything?'


Draco stared at her face in the firelight, and saw the tears welling up in her eyes, "No, darling, don't- Don't cry that wasn't-" But she reached out and buried her head into his chest again, shaking.


"I am so happy you're ok!" She whispered, just about loud enough to hear, "The veela told me everything and I have been so scared-" Holding him tighter. Draco closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh.


"Hermione. I'm not ok… I want you to understand that…. I'm not ok, but I'm here, and conscious, and sane…. And I think that's all that matters right now…. I'm going to get this food for you three, the wine, and the cake, and I'll be there, but I'm there because you want me to be. And I plan on getting pissed." His language made her grimace slightly, but she leaned back and looked into his silvery eyes.


"Please don't drink…." Her voice quiet, but she knew it was no use. Her mate was struggling, and he thought the only thing that would fix that would be elven delicacies.


"Please let me… Just tonight… That's what this is for right? Weaslette to forget about Potter?"


She sighed, touching his cheek, "I... Guess you're right… Just please try and keep your head on straight…. For me?"


He stared into her eyes, "I promise to try…. How about this: You put me to bed if I get too rowdy?"


She smiled slightly, "Deal…" As she gave him a gentle peck on the cheek. He smiled softly, glancing behind her and seeing Winky with food.


"Up you get." He said gently, watching his girl get up and started collecting the food. Hermione balanced a few things as Draco grabbed the rest, smiling as she tried to hold more than she could. He twitched his right hand, using a spell to assist her, and she grinned.


"I can do it, see?" Not knowing he was helping.


Draco just chuckled, "I know, you can do anything." Smiling more.


He walked behind her as she walked into the common room, seeing Blaise and Ginny sitting across from each other, both holding half empty whiskey bottles, chatting. It seemed to take them a few moments to realise they weren't alone. Ginny looked up and grinned.


"Hey, Mione. Ooo food." Jumping up on the bed, bouncing Blaise and making the Italian fall backwards, of which just made him burst into a fit of weird sounding laughter. Draco scoffed.


"You're such a fool." Setting down the wine bottles and food containers, looking down at his already tipsy friend. "Get up." Grabbing his arm and hauling him up to his feet. Blaise shook his head slightly, blinking a few times, "You have such low tolerance." As Draco rolled his eyes, and gave Blaise a gentle push in the right direction. "Go sit down at the table. Me and Granger will fix you some food."


He walked into the kitchen beside Hermione, glancing at her, then back down as he took the plates out. He slightly regretted what he had said to her previously.


"Hermione…?" He said quietly, hearing a slight 'hmm?'.


"I just wanted to…. I realise I came across as rude and quite obnoxious and…"


She turned to him, a small smile on her lips, "Draco, be quiet."


He took a deep breath, "But…He-"


She took his hands, rubbing his palms, "Be quiet…. You're right. We don't need to talk about any of this tonight. I don't want to get into a fight…. And…" Her eyes suddenly scanned the countertop. "Draco, why…Where's your food? And your drink? And slice of cake?"


He stared at her, talking softly, "Don't worry about tha-"


"Draco where is the stuff you're eating?" She asked sharply, her voice raising.


He stared at her face, "Darling, don't worry about-"


He was cut off by Ginny's voice, "Malfoy, where's dinner??"


He pulled away from Hermione, using magic to send out the plates, before walking out to join them, standing nearby. He grabbed one of the wine glasses, serving himself a large amount of elven aged wine, setting the other bottle on the table.


He took a sip, knowing he would regret drinking much of this in the morning, but at this point, he relished the calmness washing over him.


Hermione stood in the kitchen alone, her eyes furious, not at Draco, but because of Draco. She refused to let him not eat, but she also knew her veela was stubborn.


She ground her teeth for a moment before she walked out, watching as he leaned against the couch, somehow with only a third of his wine glass full still.


Draco glanced at her, a smirk on his lips, and she sighed, "I have some board games in my room…." He tilted his head.


"What's a board game?" He asked, surprising her by his clear speech. She looked surprised even more when she processed his question. Then it occurred to her that wizards wouldn't have board games, and that he may have only ever seen chess and checkers.


Blaise looked up from his mostly finished late, "I, too, would like to know."


She smiled slightly as Ginny looked at her, smiling, "I'll go grab one."


Ginny then said, "Do you have Monopoly, Mione?"


The brunette nodded, before running up the stairs to her dorm room, going under her bed and pulling out a few games, seeing Monopoly, Twister, and a kid's game called Hungry, Hungry, Hippos. She smiled and grabbed all of them, almost bouncing back down the stairs. She put the boxes on the couch, moving blankets back to start setting up Monopoly. She had spread out on the floor in front of the fire to have a flat surface, her back pressed to the large, inflated bed. She heard Draco's voice quietly speak close to her.


"What in the name of Merlin is Hungry, Hungry Hippos?" A soft chuckle rumbling through his chest.


She just smiled at her veela, "You'll find out."


He rolled his eyes, and she felt the bed move under her, tilting her head to see Draco reclined on his side of the mattress, leaning his back against the couch, wine glass refilled in hand.


She sighed, leaning over and kissing his cheek, while Blaise and Ginny weren't looking. Draco smiled softly, his hand slipping into hers. She smirked at him, and leaned closer, before placing her teeth on the rim of the wine glass. He stared at her with furrowed eyebrows, before realising what she wanted, and gently tipped it, giving his mate a swig. He watched with amusement as she took a startled breath and coughed a few times, shaking her head.


"That- That's super strong, Draco-" She coughed again, and he just smiled, taking another sip.


"I know. But tequila is better." Downing more. She just knew he was going to get himself wasted.


She looked up and saw Blaise walk over. Once again surprised by his steady movements, despite the amount he had drank already.


"All of you need to lay off the drinks for a bit. It's only five fifteen. We have all night, and I am making Draco stay up till one in the morning." She reasoned as her veela laughed.


"Ha. Jokes on you. I'll be unconscious before midnight." Finishing off the elven wine in his glass, setting it down, "But fine. I'll wait until seven to start anymore. Blaise?" Raising an eyebrow at the Italian. The boy snickered.


"I have more tolerance than you think, dumbass." As he sat down on the bed, watching Ginny walk over. Her braid had started to come undone, and her cheeks were a bit flushed from the crying, but she looked happy. The ginger grabbed her pillow, wrapping her arms around it, and looked down at the board.


"I call the shoe." Grabbing a small metal toy from the game board. Draco sat up now, taking the same sort of position as Ginny, grabbing his own pillow for comfort, watching the board.


"I am already confused." He chuckled, as Hermione place a small metal toy, which resembled a car into his palm.


"This is your playing piece." Before grabbing the top hat and giving that to Blaise, taking the dog for herself. She then picked up the rules, starting to read them aloud.


"Starting with the Banker, each player in turn throws the dice. The player with the highest total starts the play. Place your token on the corner marked "GO", then throw the dice and move your token (in the direction of the arrow) the number of spaces indicated by the dice. After you have completed your play, the turn passes to the left. The tokens remain on the spaces occupied and proceed from that point on the player's next turn. Two or more tokens may rest on the same space at the same time. Depending on the space your token reaches, you may be entitled to buy real estate or other properties, or be obliged to pay rent, pay taxes, draw a Chance or Community Chest card, Go To Jail, or etc...If you throw doubles, you move your token as usual, the sum of the two dice, and are subject to any privileges or penalties pertaining to the space on which you land. Retaining the dice, throw again and move your token as before. If you throw doubles three times in succession, move your token immediately to the space marked "In Jail"." Her voice droning on and on, the two wizards looking startled and confused, until Draco looked at the board and started to make sense of it. Blaise was none the wiser.


Ginny smiled, amused at the Italian's confusion, and took his hand, placing the piece on the board, directing him around a few places. Little did they know, Blaise knew how to play Monopoly, but was enjoying the quiet voice Ginny was using.


"All you do is-" and then she was done, letting his hand go, sitting back and taking a sip of her drink, before saying, "Can we start? Monopoly lasts a while if we play it right."


Hermione felt Draco's arm gently around her waist, but he was just rubbing her side gently with his thumb, his other hand near the board holding the small playing piece he had been handed.


"Sure, Gin. Blaise, why don't you start…?"


The boy's attention was distracted and focused on Ginny, as Hermione nudged him, "Oi, roll the dice, and see how much you're moving."


He nodded and picked up the die, rolling them, counting slower than people would have thought he could, before moving the piece, landing on a building. Blaise was looking better than before, but his nose was redder than normal, and he looked a bit out of it.


Draco was side tracked, his gaze unwavering from the small little balloon designed on the board as he got lost in thought, not paying attention. His mind was dark and overwhelming, but the wine was doing the job quick, making him feel very free, and moveable, a lot lighter and he felt the urge to laugh way more than normal, feeling a bit lightheaded. And he loved it. He had darkness and worries still but the elven wine was quick to fix it, helping him relax a bit. Merlin knew what would happen when he broke out the fire whiskey later and got himself pissed. He knew it wouldn't be a horrid thing, but he just prayed he would just go to sleep, that he would just lay down and snuggle Hermione, not do something stupid…. He let out a mirthless breath, a hidden chuckle. Who was he kidding? He was obviously going to do something stupid. When-


"Draco, it's your turn." Ginny's voice snapped him from his thoughts, making him focus on the game board again. He took it in, noticing Blaise had bought a house, Hermione was on a free parking space, and Ginny had ended up in jail on her first move. He glanced around at them, and flashed a faint smile, making all three tense teens to relax and smile again. He gently picked up the dice, tossing them. He stared at them, smiling more when he got twelve as his move, reaching out and moving his piece. He stared at the tile, as Hermione started talking. His body automatically took in her words, even though his head didn't. He moved unconsciously, doing what he was told, before leaning back, and drifting back into thoughts. He felt a hand slide into his, as he closed his eyes, sighing. He wanted more alcohol…


He opened his eyes to find the clock, eyes widening as he noticed that Blaise and Ginny were very close. He smiled faintly, before hearing his name.


"Yes?" Looking towards the group, having identified Blaise's voice, seeing the three all staring at him concerned, "What?"


Blaise just sighed and reached out, grabbing his forcefully shaking leg, roughly making him stop moving, "You want another drink?"


Nobody said anything, no response from the blonde, and Blaise got up, getting the wine from the table. As soon as he was let go, Draco's leg started shaking and his right hand started shaking from anxiety he didn't realise he had built up. He looked to Hermione, who raised her wand and pointed it towards her room.


"Accio Radio." And he watched as a metal box shot into the room and to her palm. She set it down, and started fidgeting with a metal pole, until suddenly the radio started to receive signal. He smiled faintly again, looking up as Blaise nudged him with a whiskey glass.


"Relax a bit, mate…" And he sat back down, leaning against the bed.


The music started to settle in his bones as he gently sipped his drink, feeling relaxation spread over him again. He closed his eyes, and suddenly realised he was leaning heavily against his mate, but wasn't bothered, feeling her hand gently stroking his head. His lips formed into a calm smile.


Hermione turned to look at her veela, who was clearly having a hard day, and even harder night, and smiled gently, before looking at Ginny.


"Ok Gin. No need to worry over him. We'll get some liquid courage I him and I'm sure he'll be fine." Seeing her red-heads eyes widen.


"Mione I think you're really worried. You've never referred to drinking as liquid courage, and you basically just said to get him drunk off his mind."


Blaise spoke softly, "I agree with Weasley, maybe you-"


She took a sharp breath and snapped, "I'm fine. He's fine. Let's play, ok?"


The tension in the room was building, as Draco just kicked his head back, downing his entire glass, blinking a bit, and grabbed the dice, throwing them. Blaise watched as the alcohol really kicked in with Draco, his eyes getting lighter, and body growing more relaxed, looser, but the more obvious thing was his behaviour. Four glasses in, he burst into a fit of heavy laughter over the fact Hermione got into jail, falling on his back. Hermione had to calm the blonde down, but when he started laughing, the tension faded, causing Ginny to snort. This set Blaise off into a fit of chuckles, and Hermione covered her own snort at Draco's manic fit. She wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him back up, the boy now giggling faintly, as he sat there, now unravelled from his previously closed off position, legs stretched out to the side, leaning against Hermione's side, looking much more…. Calm.


The game played on, and the three got tipsier. Hermione didn't touch any drinks apart from taking a sip of Draco's first drink.


About an hour in, Draco started shaking the dice, not throwing them, his eyes locked onto his mate with a malicious smirk, "I make a nine, and Hermione takes two shots."


Blaise grinned, "Oh yes absolutely! We should start betting on the rolls! And-"


"I never agreed-" Hermione tried, but Ginny waved a hand.


"C'mon Mione!"


The girl sighed, It's not like he's…" Draco threw the dice, and the group watched as the first hit six and the other hit three. Draco jumped up, his drink spilling as he punched the air, bellowing.


"FUCK YEAH!" Before he ran towards the kitchen, forgetting they had glasses and drinks there. Seconds later he ran back, sliding back into place. "I forgot-"


Hermione sighed and rubbed his head, chuckling, "I know, I know. Settle down."


Her veela happily grinned at her, "Go ahead."


The brunette reluctantly filled the two small glasses with Draco's surprisingly full bottles, and she took a slow breath, plugging her nose, downing them both. She coughed a bit aain, swallowing heavily, shaking her head. She took another deep breath, overwhelmed by delicious tastes she hadn't noticed the first time she tried it, her mouth-watering as she swallowed again.


"Woah…" She muttered, and while nobody was looking, she filled her glass with it, amused by how it looked like water.


Ginny watched as the two wizards started to get bored with Monopoly, as Hermione was winning by a long shot. Hermione noticed this as well, and grinned.


"I have a muggle game, it's called Twister…And it's more of an involved game, moving around and stuff." Blaise perked up at this, his eyes widening.


"Should I trust you? This game sounds odd."


Ginny intervened quickly, "I'll take the boys to the kitchen, you start setting it up." Getting up and tossing her pillow back onto her placement on the bed. "It's around seven…" Looking for a clock, "Six fifty-ish." Correcting herself, before she motioned for the guys to get up, "Let's grab some water-"


Blaise was getting up, but Draco hadn't moved. His eyes were locked onto the fire, his head resting against Hermione's side. Hermione looked down, feeling pity run through her heart, before she reached out and touched his arm. The blonde looked up into her eyes.


"Go get some water…" Her voice gentle and kind. He blinked slowly, before he got up, a bit unsteady, chuckling as he used Hermione's head to steady himself, before setting his glass down. He shoved his hands into his pockets, walking towards Ginny. Hermione stared after her, and then her eyes locked onto Draco's head, her wand instantly aiming towards him as she muttered a spell.


'Legilimens' And she watched her veela falter, his feet tripping over, as he grabbed the counter, his eyes shooting wide as Hermione was sucked into his mind. Her own eyes closed, and she suddenly saw a hall, a long stretching dark hallway, with hundreds of doors, all different shades of black, white, and gray, with numbers and titles. She started walking, seeing the titles, not wanting to look… None of them were happy, and as she walked farther, they got darker colours, now standing in almost deep blood red doors.


She pulled out quickly, her eyes flying open, staring at Draco. Her veela was panting, heavily leaning on the counter, his face horrified, eyes furious, as he regained small bits of strength, turning around, fiery eyes finding her. A sharp breath was drawn in, but then he froze, staring at her, his fists clenching and unclenching, confusion spreading over his face.


He stared at her, the confusion fading to hurt, hurt that she had done that, before turning and stalking into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. Hermione looked down at Monopoly, using magic to put it away…. Now his behaviour made sense, his anxiety and depression, it all made sense…. He had no happy memories. She then started setting up Twister, putting the spinner board together, and sitting down on the bed to wait for her friend to come back. Unbeknown to her, Blaise, Ginny, and Draco were talking in the kitchen. More of Draco being talked at about his behaviour.


"You need to take a deep breath Drake and calm down." Blaise reasoned, his friend's expression dark and angry. Draco stared at him, his expression turning darker.


Ginny spoke gently, "Mione's just worried… I barely know you, but I can tell you're not alright, Malfoy…"


Blaise could see his friend's thoughts lining up, and he slowly manoeuvred in front of Ginny, grabbing his shoulders, "Breathe. She didn't see anything, breathe-" Knowing how Draco may or may not react. The blonde started to finish off his water, closing his eyes as he cleared his mind.


Ginny spoke again, and he realised she was closer, "Malfoy, are you alright? You-"


"Yes, yes, Weasley." Nodding faintly, before looking at Blaise, the two boys just agreeing. No matter what, Hermione and Ginny will have a great rest of the night, despite the blonde's mental issues.


Draco took a deep breath and spoke with a soft voice, "I'm going to splash my face, and then do… This twister Hermione speaks of." Squeezing past the two and rushing towards his bedroom. Blaise sighed and looked at Ginny, who he found was rummaging through a box on the counter. He drew closer, looking over her shoulder and giving a soft chuckle.


"Are those muggle candies?" he asked softly, making her jump and look up at him.


"Yeah, Mione hides them from me." Grinning a bit as Blaise reached in and pulled one out, unwrapping it. He ate it and Ginny watched his reaction.


"Oh that- that is sour-" His expression shocked as he finished the sour-patch gummy. The red head grinned wider.


"Those are good, aren't they??"


Blaise rolled his eyes, "Sure, i-" He saw Draco walking back into the room, sitting down beside Hermione, taking his mate's hand in his own, and decided to keep Ginny distracted a bit longer. "How about you show me your favourites?" 


Meanwhile on the couch, Draco walked slowly towards Hermione, sitting beside his mate on the bed, taking her hand gently.


"Darling…? Can we talk…?" Seeing Hermione's head snap up sharply, eyes wide and confused, surprise at the nickname, yet she gave a simple nod, turning towards him, discarding the twister spinner to the side.


He smiled softly, "You look so concerned…This isn't anything negative." Seeing her physically relax and give him a soft smile. He took her other hand and rubs his thumbs along her palms.


"I want to apologise for my weird behaviour… And anger… You saw my head… You…" he went quiet, sighing, rubbing her palms more, "Do you… Do you understand now...?"


Hermione stared at his face, as he was slouched and had his head down, he was almost at her level. "You think I haven't understood…? That I haven't been able to figure out what was wrong? Draco, I knew. I was trying to see what was making it worse tonight, but I think you're just having a bad night… I've understood…" Turning his hands and now taking her turn to rub his palms, seeing the calmness spread over his features, his eyes closing gently, "You need to trust me more, as we are fated together forever…. I promise I'm never going to hurt you for what you tell me…"


A faint smile emerged on his lips as she spoke softly, "I trust you... I care for you, and you need to understand that…. You're occluding still, I can tell, and when you finally listen and stop, then we can work on getting you help."


"Help like what…" He asked softly, his lips barely moving. Her hand found his cheek, more calmness spreading through his chest and head, making his worries disappear, and he smiled more.


"Help like helping you be able to be happy without alcohol or potions…" Making soft circles on his soft skin, "But right now… Try and let loose for tonight? Let's have some fun, ok?"


He took a deep breath, and she smiled as Draco finally spoke, "Fine, I'll stop occluding, and…'let loose' as muggles say." Slowly letting his mental barriers down. Hermione watched his knee start bouncing slowly, gaining tension, and his left hand started twitching. His eyes opened, and his pupils were dilated. He was taking quicker breaths, and Hermione touched his cheek again. Draco wasn't fully letting himself be free, holding back his veela urges, the strong ones, the ones he wasn't ready to feel and express, and she could tell, but she wouldn't push.



"Listen… Deep breaths. I'm right here, and that's all just memories."


He nodded faintly, squeezing her hand in his tighter, before he curled in, burying his head into her shoulder, his knee shaking more, but he wrapped his free and shaking hand into her hair for grip. She didn't move away. He was listening, and being his pure self, not hiding his emotions, and as he was, he had anxiety… He had heavy anxiety. Draco blinked quickly, squeezing her hand more, letting out a shaky breath. He hated this, the emotions skyrocketing, his thoughts loud and abrasive, making him feel worse than just anxious. Sick and scared with the anxiousness for more things than he could voice, but Hermione's touch helped… A lot.


Slowly he calmed, now just leaning against her, his knee bouncing gently.


"See…? You can control it; it just takes a moment to calm down… How about you stay here and spin, while I play this first round? Watch and see how you like it." Stroking his head gently.


Back in the kitchen, Blaise was standing in front of Ginny as she sat on the counter, legs pulled up, pointing to different candies, telling Blaise which ones she liked most as he had asked. He smiled fondly, noticing Hermione standing up and starting to lay out the board, Draco sitting now criss-cross on the pop-up bed, looking at a spinner.


"Grab a few, and let's head back." Nodding to the living room. Ginny agreed, hopping down and grabbing a handful, stuffing them into her bra, smirking at Blaise who had a raised eyebrow. She shrugged, still smirking.


"Extra storage." Even though he knew she was hiding them from Granger. He rolled his eyes as she almost bounced out the kitchen, pursued by the Italian boy.


Draco was absentmindedly spinning the twister board, his eyes suddenly brighter than usual, but Blaise could see every thought behind them, his face not hiding his expressions. Ginny walked over, and bent down, promptly hugging Draco tightly, making the boy startle and drop the board, stiffening. His wide eyes stared at Ginny as she pulled back and sat beside him, smiling.


"It's alright. Some people have off days." Smiling more, amused by his dumbstruck expression, as she patted his leg. His veela felt repulsed, while Draco felt very touched and horrified at the same time.


Hermione walked back in front of him, taking his hands and smiling at him. So many big smiles… He was confused, and Hermione could see his expression change. She chuckled softly, amused even more.


"Why are you so confused…?" Her voice startling him even more.


"How do you know that??" He asked snappishly. Hermione wasn't upset by this, having excpected a harsh reaction, and she touched his shoulder.


"Because I can see your facial expressions… You look really confused, Drake."


His face turned to disapproval, "Don't call me that. Only Blaise and Theo call me that, and I hate it, but they insist. I want you to call me something else. Something more special." She smiled down at him, her lips forming a smile and rolling her eyes. She didn't know how she felt about this sudden squishy softie he was acting like, and she squeezed his shoulder, handing him the board again.


"Toughen up, Malfoy. You're showing your dorky soft side." Nudging him gently and seeing Draco flush slightly red at Hermione's tease.


Ginny had to stifle her light chuckle, getting a glare from Draco, as Blaise got up, "Alrighty. Explain this chaos." Pointing at the colourful white tablecloth looking stuff on the ground.


Hermione smiled again, and plopped herself down, causing Draco to make a yelping sound, leaning back as she looked at him.


"You're acting strange, Dr-"


"You are in my lap, Granger!" He snapped harshly, cheeks reddening. "Yes, I am acting strange you- Crazy- witch!"


In any other situation, this would be incredibly insulting, but due to the fact Hermione indeed was a witch, she just smiled, and turned around, sitting with her back against his chest, her knees pulled up, feet either side of his legs, looking at Blaise and Ginny.


"Alright, so the game is called Twister, you-" Starting to explain the new muggle game, her veela slowly manoeuvring and repositioning her a bit, and eventually relaxing, resting his chin on her shoulder, his eyes on the spinner she was showing his best friend, his eyes calmer now.


He sorts of understood, but didn't feel enough motivation to get up, so he stuck to sitting with the spinner. His veela had a moment when Hermione went to get up, instantly grabbing onto her waist and pulling her back to Draco's lap, pressing its face into her neck. She stayed quiet but then spoke gently.


"Deep breath, calm the urges…I'm not leaving." The words settling in his head, and the blonde was able to calm down, letting her go. Ginny didn't fail to notice this, her eyes locked onto Draco's eyes that had flicked from silver to black and back again. He picked up the spinner, smiling as he looked towards Ginny. The redhead's eyes widened at the smile; it was… Strange.


Draco's face was lit up from the expression, and he looked much less grown-up, more like the nineteen-year-old he was, his smile suddenly making the room even more light-hearted, "Weasley. Left hand on green." Watching the girl squat down and do so.


He looked at Blaise, flicking it, and saying, "Right hand yellow, Blaise… And…. Left foot red, Granger." His lip smirking at her, seeing her huff at the use of her last name. Draco continued to look happy, and everyone relaxed. Draco had a small whiskey glass beside him, but he didn't touch it, making Hermione feel even better. He then spoke again, another round of movements.


"Blaise, left foot green. Hermione, right hand yellow. And, uh, Weasley, right foot on blue." He watched as Blaise reached over Ginny's back, Hermione easily reaching hers, and Ginny stretching her leg across the cloth. Maybe he would have more fun watching than he thought.


"Blaise, right foot on blue. Weasley…Right hand green- A different green, Weasley, not the one you're already touching. And Granger, left foot red again, no move for you." Watching the two who had movement move a bit, into less uncomfortable positions. Draco made eye contact with Hermione, who was just crouched down. He smiled softly, and he reached out, taking a sip of his drink, but she felt no anger or sadness. He was just enjoying himself now.


Draco pulled his knees up, balancing the spinner on them, his eyes amused as he looked at Ginny's next placement. She'd have to bend down under Blaise's legs to reach it.


"Weasley, right hand to yellow- not the one Blaise has." Grinning as she glared at him, bending down and reaching through Blaise's legs as he was stood on a green and blue circle, leant forwards with his hand on a yellow. The Italian smirked tilting his head down and looking between his legs at Ginny, suddenly very grateful for being tall.


"Fancy seeing you here." Getting hit in the back of his kneecap by her elbow, almost making his leg give out, "Hey not fair-" Managing to stay up, "Cheater."


"I grew up with six brothers. Cheating is normal." She said loudly, and Hermione chuckled.


"She's right, if you ever get the chance to play this game with her family…. Don't."


Blaise sighed, looking at Hermione who was in a relatively normal position, "I call this game rigged. Granger hasn't moved more than a bit, and, oh lookie there, her vee- Her friend is the one spinning the moves." Catching himself from slipping up, unaware of if Ginny was abundantly aware of the veela sitting inches away from her. Draco looked at Blaise, worry flashing over his expression before turning back to amusement when Ginny squeaked, almost slipping.


"Blaise, left hand red." Watching his friend put down his unused hand, stabilizing himself now. Then he spun and grinned at his mate. "Right foot blue." Watching her stare at the cloth.


"How the hell am I meant to do that??" As she was on red, which was the left side of the board, with her foot planted on one, and her right hand down on yellow beside it. She groaned and bent in an awkward angle. Draco's eyes widened as she just leaned forward, her leg stretched out behind her, her body declined forward… and he blinked, looking away as her sports bra was very much…. Draco blinked, flushing a bit red as he looked back to the spinner. Blaise however was not letting this go.


"Ohhhh look at wittle Drakie getting embarrassed, aww how-" Ginny hit his knee again, making him cut off and try to keep stabilized. "Stop cheating!"


Ginny just grinned as Draco flicked the spinner, watching it move. He looked at the board then at the cloth, staring and deciding to give Hermione another hard move, smiling "Granger…. How about left hand on green?"


He received a frustrated growl from his mate, and grinned evilly, looking down at the board of which read 'left hand red' which would have only been too easy for her. Draco watched her struggle and reach across her body, before looking at Blaise's uncomfortable and close position. He then decided to be nicer. He flicked the spinner absentmindedly.


"Blaise, right foot to green."


He watched his friend breathe a sigh of relief, moving his foot behind him to the last open green, seeing Ginny close to him, but not uncomfortably close. Draco then eyed Ginny, and decided to let the spinner chose.


"Right foot red." He said calmly, watching Ginny must kick her leg across, her butt sticking into the air, and she laughed heavily.


"Get me out of this position Malfoy, before you end up on the wrong end of my bat-bogey hex!" Her threat empty, and she seemed to be having fun.


Draco flicked his spinner again, deciding to be fairer to his… friends? And letting it pick.


"Granger, how about left foot yellow." Watching his mate pull herself into a tight ball, now standing more rather than splayed out, and was relieved that she was in a more upright position. Draco just smiled softly now, relaxing a bit. However, his veela suddenly had a burst of emotion, and he felt fangs protrude from his canines, his eyes swirling to black. He raced to grab his drink and sipped it to hide the fangs, however Blaise saw his eyes, muttering a quick, 'mature colour', and the boys eyes turned silver again, hiding the black. Hermione couldn't look up at him at the given moment, so she didn't know her veela had an emotional burst.


Draco set the glass down, keeping his top lip curled over his fangs, keeping his eyes down as he flicked the spinner again, noticing his nails were sharp. He sighed and spoke.


"Uh, Weasley… No change. Right hand yellow." He flicked it again wincing when his growing claw scratched across the board. What was going on? He swallowed heavily, praying someone might notice, as he leaned back, laying on his part of the bed so Weasley couldn't see… his issue.


"Blaise…. right hand to blue." Not able to see but hearing the grunt as Blaise reached over Ginny in attempt to reach blue. He wasn't lasting long in this potion.


Draco tried to calm his body, but he knew he was in full veela form, his claws fully extended. He felt his lip curl, but he just nudged the spinner with his palm, grateful that worked.


When he spoke, he heard the difference, his voice deeper, smoother, more posh, and a sudden change in how he was addressing his mate, "Hermione, darling, stay there, left foot yellow-" A sudden thud and Draco knew Blaise had fallen, a spew of curses from Ginny as he landed on her.


"I apologise, Weasley." Quickly getting up and getting on the bed. He glanced at Draco and almost jumped out of his skin, instantly grabbing his friend's right hand, starting to massage his palm. This confused Draco, but then it clicked that Blaise was trying to relax him. He then said a bit loudly.


"I bet you can't drink five shots of fire whiskey and not make a face." Grinning, but it was clear his intention. 'Calm the hell down'.


Draco was just about conscious in his mind, suddenly fading, hearing the veela speak, "Oh, but Hermione wouldn't want that, would you dear?"


Hermione's voice snapped into his attention, and he heard her say in a strained voice, "Hermione doesn't care- i-" then a muffled thud. She had fallen. Ginny stood up, grinning, and the veela suddenly sucked itself back, leaving Draco dazedly staring at the three.


Ginny grinned again, "I agree with Zabini."


Draco blinked a few times, as Hermione took his wrists in her hands and gently pulled him up, knowing he was suddenly dazed and quite confused, "Ginny said that Blaise is right, and you can't take five shots without making a face… Because shots are whiskey, fire whiskey." Carefully explaining it to her out of touch mate, who slowly nodded.


"Oh yeah…. Oh-" And it sunk in, and he glared at Blaise, "I can. I'll prove it." Getting up and going to the table, pouring five shots. As soon as he knew they could see, he downed them, steeling his features against the harsh burn in his mouth and throat. Blaise looked shocked.


"Dude, that's quite a skill." But suddenly the lights in the room were way too bright. He blinked a few times and shook his head.


Draco suddenly hiccupped, covering his mouth and shaking his head, his legs feeling weird, but he shook off the odd feeling, walking towards the bed, however they all noticed the blonde's sway in his step, uneasy. He fell onto the bed, laying down, the glasses helping a lot. He blinked a few times, suddenly feeling very light. He saw Hermione sit down gently beside him, and he reached out, taking her hand. He was too oblivious to everything to even realise Blaise and Ginny were alone in the kitchen or notice the glass of wine his mate had.


"You are something else." Hermione said softly, looking down at the boy in front of her, able to see his eyes, and smiling. "Do you feel alright?"


He blinked slowly, before the feelings finally settled, and he smiled, sighing, "Course…. Course I am…" Looking towards her. Draco's gaze focused on her; his body relaxed as the bed moved. Blaise was clambering onto his end, flopping down, as Ginny sat on the end, facing the other three, her legs crossed.


"Who would have guessed I'd have a good night surrounded by Slytherins."


Draco opened his mouth to retaliate but Blaise beat him to it, "Who would have thought I would have a good night surrounded by Gryffindors?"


The redhead smiled, "Touché."


Draco sighed deeply and spoke, his words a bit unsteady, 'Soo…. What game are we gonna play?"


Hermione shrugged, picking up his palm and setting it facing up in her lap, tracing the lines. Draco stared at her for a while, silence wrapping around the teens, and he noticed her drowsy eyes. Draco wondered faintly if she was tired, but then she looked up and smiled with mischief.


"How about truth or dare?" But Blaise grinned more.


"Truth, dare, or drink. You either do the dare you're given, tell the truth you are asked, or you take a shot." He explained, seeing Ginny's eyes light up with an intrigued look.


Hermione looked at her mate on the bed, who was exceptionally calm, and prodded his arm with her free hand, "Earth to Malfoy…"


He looked towards her, "Hmm?"


Hermione smiled softly at him, "How about truth, dare or drink?" She saw his thoughts cross his face before he just nodded, sitting up a bit more. Blaise looked at Draco, who was eyeing Hermione, and he looked at the girls.


"How about you two go and grab some drinks, maybe a few snacks while me and Drake-"


"Don't call me that!" he snapped.


"-come up with some cool dares." Blaise finished without missing a beat.


Hermione looked at Draco's palm in her hand, before getting up and motioning for Ginny to come with her. Draco felt the cool air hit his hand as he pulled it back to his chest, looking at Blaise.


"If you want to be close to her, be close to her. If you want to lean on her, lean on her. Fuck, mate if you want to be all lovey dovey then be lovey dovey. You're drunk, and I can tell you have started to let go of occlumency."


Draco narrowed his eyes, "If you're tryna tell me to stop occludin' then no. If I do that, then Ima scare her off…. She doesn' know how I really am…How I am the fucking hopeless romantic out of the two of us…Ima just sit here, and tell my veela to shut up…"


Blaise tilted his head, amused by this as Draco kept going, "Ima not…I can't just stop occluding. She'd be scared of my hugs and kisses and small talks and the things I want to do to her…If I told her how much I just want to scoop her up and cuddle on the couch and talk about her day and read her books…And..And I..I wanna learn to try to braid her hair while she reads and I wanna…" Fishing for words, pulling his knees up, as Blaise just listened, feeling warmed by his best friends drunken and adorable rant, "Have you ever just wanted a girl so bad that you just can't not think about her, to the point you forget your studies and everytime she comes into the room your thoughts go where they shouldn't- And….I want cuddles…" He finished off quietly, sinking back onto his pillow, his cheek resting on his hand, before he dropped his head onto his knees with a heavy groan.


Blaise was trying desperately not to smile, knowing that Draco was telling the truth, that this behaviour was how he had wanted to express stuff for a while. Blaise then reached out, touching his arm, surprised at Draco's silence, allowing him to rub his arm.


"Look, dude, you need to tell her."








"Draco, please."




He sighed, looking towards the kitchen at the sound of Ginny's squeal, but then back at Draco.


"Are you ok?"




So, he was doing that now, one worded answers. Blaise then let his arm go, and spoke, "Do you like her?"


Silence ensued before, "Yeah…"


Blaise nodded, before he smiled slightly, "Do you like her a lot?"


"I think so…? My veela is in love, but…I dunno, I don't think I'm ready for love…Am I?"


"Woahhh heavy question dude." Blaise chuckled, and ruffled his hair, getting an annoyed sound, "That's you. The question right there is for you. Are you ready?"


He never answered, as Hermione had run down towards the boys, plates in her hands, but there was one with more food that she touched Draco's head with, "I made you some food."


He stared up at her once he raised his head, looking confused, but then she said, "I know you haven't had lunch, or dinner today…I made a meal you said was one of your favourites." Holding out the plate. The blonde gingerly took it, staring down, and he felt a pang in his chest as he looked back up.


He didn't know what to say, the slight bit of anger at her disregarding his insistence of not being hungry, but a feeling he didn't know or understand at the fact she had made him his favourite, a spaghetti bolognaise dish, as she knew he hadn't eaten much. Draco watched her wriggle beside him with her own plate of food, moving so she was slightly leaned against the couch, but her bare legs, which he noticed for some weird reason looked nice and cleanly shaven, were leaning against his sweatpants. He blinked for a moment, looking back down, and then at Blaise, who gave him look and just spoke a simple word.




Draco swallowed heavily, before saying, "Yes."


The girls both looked at each other but disregarded this as Ginny handed Blaise his plate and got settled beside him.



"Truth." Ginny said sternly, her arms folded, glaring at Draco as he sat on the bed. She was sitting on the edge of her side, her eyes glowing purple from the last time she had said dare.


"What's one secret you've never told anyone?"


The room was calmer, the lights dim, and the fire was happily dancing. Draco was lounged out, his long legs stretched to the end of the bed. Blaise was laying on his side of the bed, buried in the blankets he brought, looking towards his friends, looking very sleepy.


Hermione was stretched out beside Draco, but she was sitting up more than he, with her legs folded beneath her, a blanket pulled over her lap. Ginny was thinking and smiled slightly.


"When I was six, I stole Percy's wand, and I lit the carpet in the living room on fire. That's why part of it is frayed and blackened."


Hermione's eyes widened and she laughed, "Molly said she spilt a potion!!"


Ginny shrugged, hearing Blaise mumble something, but then the boy moved a bit, and his eyes drifted closed. Hermione looked at Blaise with pity, as Ginny sighed.


"Poor things sick…." Looking at him. 


Ginny clambered over in front of him, touching his arm, shaking him slightly, but he simply moved his head, curling against her side, face pressed into her leg.


Ginny stared with wide eyes, looking back at Hermione, "I- uh…"


Draco shrugged, "Just sit down. He's a cuddly person. Trust me. I've grown up with the man."


Ginny slowly obliged, moving, watching Blaise move, untangling his limbs, and pressing his back into her leg, leaning against her, his head now buried into his pillows.


"I'll help him in the morning if he's struggling. Both of you boys are gonna be hit with heavy hangovers, and I am excited to see how that goes."


Ginny then looked back at her friends, and then spoke, "Alrighty, Mione." Seeing Hermione make a face at the nickname, and sighed, "Hermione. Truth or Dare?"


Hermione looked a bit anxious, "Dare."


Ginny smiled evilly, "Kiss Malfoy."


"WH-" Her eyes widened and she sat up, looking at Draco beside her, who also looked equally surprised.


"Weasley I don't think- "


"Or drink." Ginny said, shaking the mostly empty bottle in her face, "Kiss him, or drink."


Draco watched his mate's horror, knowing she was feeling forced. His hand gently slipped into hers behind her back as she said quickly.


"I'd rather not gin- I really don't want to have any more to drink, my head is fuzzy, and I feel like my- "


Draco grabbed her waist tenderly, making her spin around in surprise, and his lips caught hers. A startled cry came from her, but Hermione went still, breathing in through her nose as he gently let his lips just touch hers, keeping still and calm as she processed everything.


Slowly she moved, her lips pulling away, and she sat in a daze, staring at him. He smiled, that's all, and controlled his veela's out of control behaviour. She looked shocked, amazed slightly, and confused.


"You… You didn't…Nothing happened…You…" Confusion growing, but then she took a sharp breath and leaned forwards, her lips falling back against his, and they kissed. Draco leant back, his head against the couch, as she moved closer, not on him, but close.


Behind them, Ginny was gaping, jaw dropped, eyes wide, seeing the craziest thing ever.


Hermione sank into his arms, moving her lips from his and burying her head into his shoulder. He stayed leaned back for a moment, his chest rising and falling slowly, as he tilted his head and met Ginny's eyes.


"Congratulations…You are indeed the first and only person to see us kiss…. Go to sleep." His eyes narrowing as the red head covered her mouth as to not startle Hermione, and nodded, knowing what he was saying, before turning around and situating herself. Draco stayed there, looking at the ceiling, for about five minutes after silence surrounded them again.


Draco looked back down, seeing her eyes looking up at him, and he smiled, tilting her chin and their lips connected again. He raised his free hand, casting a non verbal muffliato on the other two, blocking out any sounds. He held her waist as she drew herself closer, rolling on to his lap, her hands on his shoulders. Draco was amazed by her, and amazed at his own ability to restrain his veela's urges. 


Soon she grew too tired to continue, breaking, panting and her forehead drifting to his shoulder. Draco chuckled as she groaned a bit, her arms circling his torso, and then she seemed to slowly sink against him, slowly drifting into a sleeping state, even after that. He sighed, trying to calm himself down, and then he felt his heartbeat slow again. She was saying something, too tired to form the words.


He started to stroke his mate's back, feeling her move a bit and shiver under his touch, but then she stopped moving, curling up with her legs either side of his own stretched out ones, and she relaxed, drifting off in his arms.


Everything in that moment hit so quickly, so sudden, so heavily influenced by too many drinks on his girl's part…However it had been the best so far.


Draco scooted down a bit, leaning his head against a soft pillow he had grabbed, and let his eyes fall shut, smiling at the irony that he indeed was the last one to fall asleep…Then he peeked an eye open, finding the clock on the wall, seeing it read 12:58am…He blinked slowly, and he decided he would wait two minutes….


As soon as the clock struck one am, Draco closed his eyes, and finally drifted to sleep.