
Fear My Return

"Your majesty,we just spotted her at Forest,she's trying to pass through the mountains Forest to cross board the ship which is sailing through the boarder" The royal guard was on his knees with heads now as he spoke. The man in front of him sat on the pouch,with his night rod lying loosely on his body. Three maidens who were his mistresses surrounded him. One at his foot massaging him and the other two, behind pouring fragrance on his tone chest and rubbing it over him. There was smell of red wine in the room,as the man on the pouch gave a deep and deadly laugh like that of an horror movie but the difference was the villain looked to good and heavenly to merit d title. After some while the man stopped laughing and relaxed as he looked at the guard dagger dawn. "What should we do your majesty" "Kill her" *********** "..... Please... please " the sound of steel piece through her skin and she felt the hurt metal buried with her. Her blood rushed out instantly and her strength as well. Elizabeth collapse to the ground, falling unconscious. How it pain to be used, betrayed,left in the dark and even worst, for a mother to watch her only child taken and slaughter for an offence he never knew or committed. Flashes of the image of her past came flooding in and anger,grieve flowed along,it hurts so bad. Hot tears rushed down her eyes. She felt so powerless,so useless,like a tiny particles who couldn't even make a difference.But she was going to come. As Elizabeth closed her eyes to accept the offer of death,her body Began rolling,until she fell from the cliff and into the river. The guards wanted to go after her but was stopped by Edward,the king's personal guard and knight. "Leave her,let the beast of the sea have a taste of her" he smirked.

blueydew · Fantasie
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16 Chs


The Queen's power~

   "You must be the king's new toy" Queen Bianca spoke looking at Elizabeth with a spark of rage in her eyes.

   "And you must be Queen Bianca,the king's first....wife" Elizabeth wanted to turn the word wife to toy but decided not to say something that would cause trouble between herself and the king's first wife. Besides she didn't know what Bianca was capable of doing to her.

  Bianca stood up from where she sat under a shade and walked towards the magic pool and with Nora and Victoria by her side,it made sense why Elizabeth didn't see any of them earlier, they were all together.

Queen Bianca was a bit tall than the other two queen with her which was Victoria and the other could only be Nora,the king's second wife. Bianca had long yellowish coloured hair which she styled into a ponytail. Just like Elizabeth hair, Bianca hair colour was rare.

  The other queen had dark hair apart from Anna and Luna who had brown hairs,Anna hair was long and thick while Luna had tangled hair,long as well,thick and beautiful.

All the queen's where uniquely beautiful and it was amazing why the palace saw her as the most beautiful of them all, she felt more confident in herself.

  Suddenly she felt someone glare at her,she looked up and saw queen violet angrily glaring at her " Who told you that you were the prettiest among the rest of us? Just because you got lucky and had red hair, nobody would have even notice you"

   "What?" Elizabeth spoke confused. Seeing how lost Elizabeth seem to be, Luna who was with Elizabeth inside the pool swim and held Elizabeth by the shoulder.

   "Don't think too much about it, Violet just read you thoughts, that's what she does,read people's thought without their permission " Luna said and gave Violet a glare as if she had an issue will her before.

  Bianca laughed as if amused by something "Were you just complimenting yourself in your thoughts? So bad that someone had to reveal it to us,so sorry dear" Bianca said with a sad face but everyone knew that she wasn't at all sad but enjoying the way Elizabeth seem to be lost.

"You might be wondering what I can do right?"Bianca asked looking very excited. When Elizabeth didn't answer she gave a wicked grin before snapping her fingers.

From different corners animals began crawling out and even birds flew pass Elizabeth and went on Bianca's shoulders,not just the animals but also the fairies as well came out.

  " Are those really..."Elizabeth tried to ask a question while pointing toward the fairies.

  " Those are fairies and yes I just summoned them,I have the power to summon any living creatures including human with a weak self-esteem,humans that are broken and damaged" Bianca proudly boast "No one can resist me,not even the king"

  Elizabeth didn't understand why Bianca felt so proud just because she has such great powers,even if she could command the king it doesn't mean that she's better than the rest of them. The other two queen by Bianca side didnt even seem to care at all.

  "Watch your thoughts little girl"Victoria warned Elizabeth after reading her thoughts again the second time. This however really offended Elizabeth,so she now can't think freely without someone invading her thoughts.

Just when Elizabeth wanted to say something, Jasmine spoke up "Stop that Victoria, she doesn't like it,stop invading into people's mind and thoughts". " Yes,and she's not a little girl,she now a Queen maybe now the king's new favourite" Luna added fiercely.

  "Shut up! How dare you say that to my face" Bianca spoke with an outburst of rage. With that she stretched her hands towards Elizabeth who was still in the water and Elizabeth felt something crawling behind her,she hoped it wasn't what she thought it was.

   "Elizabeth! Behind you" Anna screamed "Snake!" All the other queen swam out of the pool and the fairies covering them up with their robe. Queen Bianca and her gang started laughing with Bianca smiling devilishly at Elizabeth.

   Elizabeth froze in horror,she didn't dare move,nor turn to see the snake on her back she just froze with her heart bounding and it felt like her she could faint any moment from now.

   "Bianca stop it,she is terrified about snake,stop it now!" Jasmine tried to help Elizabeth inside the pool but she couldn't dare get close to her. The other fairies couldn't help as well, Bianca had control over them.

  Bianca laughed "What? Can't she talk again? She's so scared to death, Victoria tell me what she is thinking right now". Victoria laughed so hard she felt like crying "Trust me Bianca,you do not want to know" Victoria responded.

  " Please...please.." Elizabeth pleased,she was terribly tramatized,she remembered when she got bittten by a venomous snake when she was just eight years old. It took month for her to recover from the bit,her parents couldn't heal her faster so she suffered for months,ever since then Elizabeth dread the sight of snakes. She regretted coming to the magic pool in the first place,she wished for someone to save her at this point.

  "Come on Elizabeth,just one bit won't hurt,beside I'm curious to know how powerful you are,all you have to do is heal yourself of the snake bit,isn't that so simple" Bianca said still teasing Elizabeth with the snake behind her.

  Anna tried to wash the snake off Elizabeth shoulder with water but Victoria already told Bianca of Anna's intention, Bianca gave Anna a death glare stopping her on the track." Don't even dare"she said to Anna.

  Suddenly Elizabeth lost consciousness due to her fear and fainted and was drowning into the pool, without taking Bianca's warning into consideration Anna stretched her hand towards the pool and caused the water to lift Elizabeth body out. Luna used her power to draw wind around Elizabeth body and the wind carefully flew Elizabeth body toward them. Meanwhile Jasmine quickly brought Elizabeth rode and wore it on her.

  Bianca scoffed at jasmine and the other queens who were surrounding Elizabeth

"Hm. My pool bath is over unfortunately,and so I need to go now. We would like to see how our new queen is doing but we have other things to attend to"Bianca said giving a side grin.

  "You could have killed her Bianca" Jasmine shouted,she was very upset that Bianca could go this extreme.

"Well excuse me if your new Friend can't take a little joke. And Don't you dare raise your voice at me fourth wife,or I will have Nora set you pretty long hair on fire,is that clear?" Bianca asked but there was no respond,just some dark aura coming from the rest Queen.

"Good" Bianca said as she walked away with Victoria and Nora tagging along." That witch" Jasmine cursed within her breath.

  "Quickly let's take Elizabeth to her chamber and call the physician"Anna said noticing that Elizabeth temperature was dropping.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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