
Fates Intertwined : Divine Reflections[COMPLETED]

Kachu1 · Fantasy
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Divine Reflections

As I descended into a planet I spotted a girl with blue hair, she wears a blue strip grey dress sitting curled up burying her face into her knees. She seemed sad because of something so I greeted her.

"Excuse me miss."

She didn't reply to my greetings, and then I greeted her again for the second time.

"Miss, is there something wrong?" This time she realized someone was talking to her.

"*Sobs* *sobs y-yes? I'm sorry I didn't hear you, is there I can help you sir?" She looked at me with teary eyes.

"Are you okay, miss?" I was worried about her so i asked her that.

She was hesitant on answering my question but she answered otherwise.

"I-i'm okay, sir. It's just that i think my career is done for..." After she answered that her crying is even harder.

The people walking are starting to look at me so I stopped the time and only me and her that can move.

I was going to introduce myself but she stopped crying because she realized that the people around suddenly stopped as the time was being frozen by someone.

"W-what is happening?" She looked at me and saw that I could still move. "S-sir? Did you do this?" She panicked and got up and tried to run but I stopped her.

"Let me explain." She looked at me with a terrified face.

"W-who are you sir?! What are you going to do to me?!" She keeps panicking.

"Now, let me introduce myself. I am Khaos the God of Outerverse."

After she heard my introduction she fell into her knees and gasped at my introduction.

"W-what?! A-A God? Are you going to kill me? It's true right haha...." She looked calm because she was already hopeless.

I then looked at her in pity.

"No, I'm here because I'm concerned by you crying in this crowded place and somehow the people around don't care about you."

She then was taken aback by my answer, and she then looked at the floor sighing.

"No one cares because they're just minding their own business, that's normal..."

I was surprised, because I didn't know about that.

"I'm sorry I didn't look after my creation carefully."

She looked at me questioning her life because in front of her was the creator of her or even the creator of the whole humanity.

"Haha... It's okay, it's also my fault for not listening to my manager so I deserved it."

She then no longer cares about her career or her life at this moment.

"I have a question for you. Let's say I've made a mistake, do you think i deserve punishment?" I asked her a pretty serious question considering that I'm a god.

"I don't think you deserve any punishment, because a god is perfect he can do anything even if his creation sees it as a mistake." Her answer was solid and clear, I stayed silent for a while thinking about her answer.

"What if, a judge exists, a judge that judges both god and his creation of its mistakes."

"If that's so then aren't you no longer all powerful? That someone could threaten you by your mistake, aren't you going to be at a disadvantage?" She replied.

"Right, but I will tell you this, just like you. Before I became a god i was once a mortal just like you. I was somehow reincarnated as a god of Outerverse."

She was speechless.

"T-then your question could be implemented, or maybe you can change the judge to be your advisor, isn't that better than being judged guilty if you're really guilty?"

"You're right thank you, Sei Goddess of plans and tactics." I gave her a part of my power to make her as a goddess of plans and tactics, and to be my advisor.

Sei couldn't say anything because the power Khaos gave her was already inside her.


"Is this okay? Do I deserve this power? I failed as a human because of a blunder and I'm scared I'm going to make more mistakes that could do worse to this universe." Sei was worried by the responsibility she was given.

"That's why I chose you, you realized your mistake even if it was late, and you learned from it. Becoming a goddess doesn't mean you won't make mistakes, but it means you have the power and wisdom to guide others and make the right choices."

Sei looked up at me, her teary eyes now filled with a mixture of determination and gratitude. "Thank you, Khaos. I'll do my best to live up to this responsibility and help others navigate their paths."

As time unfroze and the world resumed its motion, Sei's newfound powers allowed her to subtly influence situations, provide insights to those in need, and make plans that shaped destinies in a positive way. She became known as the Goddess of Plans and Tactics, offering guidance to mortals and even some of the other gods who sought her counsel.

Over time, Sei's reputation spread throughout the Outerverse, and people from various realms and planets came seeking her wisdom. She had a profound impact, helping societies prosper, averting conflicts, and fostering cooperation among different species.

As Sei's influence grew, she also formed a special bond with me, Khaos. We often discussed matters of the universe, shared stories of our pasts, and contemplated the nature of creation and existence. Our conversations ranged from the profound to the lighthearted, and I found in her not just an advisor, but a true friend.

One day, as we watched over a beautiful planet that had flourished thanks to Sei's guidance, she turned to me with a smile. "Khaos, do you ever wonder what our purpose truly is? Is it just to oversee and shape the universe, or is there something more?"

I gazed at the stars and pondered her question. "Perhaps our purpose is to learn, to grow, and to help others do the same. The universe is vast, and there is always more to explore and understand."

Sei nodded thoughtfully. "And maybe, just maybe, our mistakes and imperfections are what make us who we are. They teach us valuable lessons and give us the chance to rise above our shortcomings."

As eons passed, Sei and I continued our journey through the Outerverse, working together to guide, create, and protect. Along the way, we encountered challenges and triumphs, and through it all, we remained united in our pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of existence.

And so, the story of Sei, the once-sad girl with blue hair, became intertwined with my own, as we navigated the complexities of being gods in a vast and ever-evolving cosmos, learning and growing together, and finding purpose in each step of our eternal journey.