
39. The Streamer.

Noticing Zach's unresponsive look, Sue asked worriedly, " Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine," Zach quickly replied with a smile before putting the earrings back into the box.

Understanding that miasma control required maximum concentration, so Zach decided to set a date in the future when he could focus on doing this.

For now, he had to focus on his upcoming date with Jade.

Sue noticed the smile on Zach's face and relaxed a bit. She hadn't been sure if Zach would want anything that reminded him of his deceased mother, however, she had made a promise to herself to make sure these earrings got to him.

Zach thanked her once again before excusing himself, but before he could leave, Sue called his name, stopping him midstep.



Sue wasn't certain if she should share what she had in mind with Zach, but she hoped he could find a way to stop a certain someone from doing a very dangerous task before it placed her in danger. "I need a favour from you," She said.

"What is it?"

"Do you know what Lily does for a living?"

"Yeah, she's a streamer."

Sue nodded affirmatively, "That's right, but have you ever watched one of her live streams?"


"I think you should."

"Why? Do you want her to stop streaming?"

"Not exactly, but if she keeps doing it, she risks getting hurt sooner than she thinks."

"What do you mean?" Zach asked, confused.

"In her live streams, Lily tries to find demons hiding within the city to gain more viewers."

For a streamer, having a massive influx of viewers daily was what mattered the most to them.

However, it was difficult to get viewers because not everyone was interested in watching the mundane and boring life of a streamer.

So, it was understandable why Lily wanted to do something different and unique from other streamers like her.

Most people in the city and continent at large had lost someone close to them in the past due to some of the demons rampaging through various cities a few years ago.

This meant that a lot of denizens had a deep-rooted hatred towards demons and many were interested in finding out if their cities were safe or not.

However, demons were an extremely deceptive race so it was difficult for anyone to actually locate a demon disguising itself as a human in the city. But, seeing as how worried Sue was about Lily, Zach could only conclude that Lily might have actually made contact with a demon in the city.

"Has she found a demon?"

"Fortunately for her, she hasn't. However, she's really close to discovering one. she's been finding clues that there might actually be a couple of demons hiding within the city."

Hearing this, a corner of his lips curled into a smile because according to the novel's plot, there would be a surprise demon invasion in a few days that would not only cause the death of his Aunt but also that of thousands of people in the city.

Aside from his Aunt, no one else in the mansion lost their lives in the novel during the demon rampage, however, Zach recalled reading at some point that the main antagonist of the novel had two demons living with him as his sisters.

This meant that it wouldn't be surprising to see Lily encounter a demon in a few days before the demon invasion.

It also meant that a demon could possess Lily in the future and turn another of his sisters into a demon.

But Zach wasn't interested in seeing such a future become a reality.

The safety of his Aunt and sisters was his top priority and he would destroy anyone or anything that stood between him and his goals.

Although he had no proof that a demon might possess Lily in the future, he was interested in seeing that demon with his own eyes because he had a lot of questions that needed answers, and this particular demon might just be what he needed to find one of the two demons on his wanted list.

With this thought in mind, Zach placed his hand on Sue's shoulders and assured her. " Do not worry, Aunt Sue, I will see what I can do. But if you do see her, please let her know this....." Zach informed Sue of a couple of things he wanted Sue to tell Lily.

Zach could see how worried Sue was, so he told her to rest more rather than work late every night.

"I think you should also stay at home more often. It might help improve your health if you decide to rest a lot more at home,"

Sue nodded her head in understanding. She knew Zach wanted her to use her weekends to stay at home and relax rather than worsen her health since she refused to rest on weekends even though it was supposed to be a work-free day for her.

"Okay, Zach. I'll try to come home more often," Sue didn't want to agree at first but she could see that his tattoos had stretched towards his neck and arms.

This meant that in a couple of years, it would completely spread across his body, putting him and those around him in danger.

She didn't know how long he had left but she wanted him to have a lot of good memories with everyone in the mansion in case she was unable to decipher the runes on time.

With that out of the way, Zach excused himself from his Aunt's room, seeing how exhausted and sleepy she was.

As he walked along the corridor leading back to his room, Zach suddenly noticed the huge screen displayed in front of him.

[Congratulations, you've acquired a new life Skill and two new active skills.]


A/N:- Thank you so much for the powerstones and gifts. I really appreciate your support to the novel. Please, continue to support the book, because only then can it really win the contest before the end of the month. Thanks in anticipation

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