
Fate: Solo Leveling Dragon [DxD Xover]

[ENGLISH IS NOT MY 1ST LANGUAGE] To support [Patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones _________ In another dimension, Gilgamesh unleashes his full power and has seen his own fate and the future itself. His mission is to acquire the Holy Grail, but he is faced with a new dark power. Gilgamesh's soul is reincarnated into a pro gamer's body[from Earth World] into the Solo Leveling World. In this new world, he will reach his full potential with the Solo Leveling System. But the difference is that this Solo Leveling world is fused with the entire Fate Verse and Highschool DxD universe! Embark in an epic journey as the MC levels up to become the god of all hunters, heroes, gods, demons, mythical beings, and legends. [Extra Tags]: Action, System, Anti-Hero MC, Overpowered MC, R-18, Violence, Smart MC, [Action and System focused], Hero Mc

DarkGod · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs



The dungeon boss statue [Statue of God] red demonic eyes started to glow once again and its demonic smile grew even wider as it looks down at Sang-Jee.

For years it had waited for a worthy opponent after all the beings it had slaughtered in the past none have stood up to its level.

Sang-Je scans the level of [Statue of God] with his Empyrean Eyes, the color of his eyes was a light purple with a row of circles spiraling around his left-eye[ Kind of like Rinnegan, but the lines around the Rinnegan are red. His Empyrean Eyes quickly scan the dungeon boss.

[Statue of God]

Lvl: Unknown

S-Rank Monster

Class: Monarch

Sang-Jee: 'So that's what it is, no wonder it's so powerful, the damn thing is a demon,' He clenched his fist as he gets into a combat stance. With his Empyrean Eyes, he scanned for the best possible outcome to defeat the [Statue of God]. On his right eye, he had activated the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, he couldn't fully control this eye power as his level needed to be higher, but he was able to see all [Lines of Death], there were blackish lines scattered throughout the statue of god. 'If I am able to cut down those 'lines of death' with my [GOB] then it will all be over rather quickly, but that's if the statue of god guards don't protect it,'

Sang-Je's right eye [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception] was glowing a golden reddish color, much like Gilgamesh.

'I have to make this quick. I will unleash all of my most powerful attacks against the dungeon boss, but I will have to hit my 'mark', there is no room for error,' Sang-Je lifts up both of his hands in a summoning stance[ Both of his palms facing upwards].

Suddenly the entire ground starts shaking and cracking, Sang-Je's power alone created a semi-earthquake effect. He had now activated his most powerful powers with his Fate System.

"Come forth Gates of Babylon, Unlimited Blade Works, Chains of Heaven, Excalibur, Power of Destruction, Clairvoyance, Rhongomniad, Shadow Extraction," Sang-Jee eyes started glowing even brighter, he had his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and Empyrean Eyes. "I will unleash everything," The holy heroic sword Excalibur forms on the palm of his right, he gripes the handle of the blade which was formed now in all gold and red the colors of a God King, he customized Excalibur to his own liking, on his left hand Rhonogmniad is formed, the giant golden spear glimmers brightly and so does Excalibur, a loud powerful clink is heard as he summons these powerful heroic Noble Phantasm.

"I am the bone of my sword... I... Whatever let's just finish this," Sang-Je slashes forward in a flash Chains of Heaven wrapped around the statue of god which now shoots mana beams from its demonic eyes.

Sang-Jee easily slashes through the mana beam with Excalibur, the mana beam splits in half and disappears, "You really fight with no class, now die," with perfection procession he tosses Rhonogmniad right through the statue of god's stone chest and it impales it against it's own stone throne! With his other right hand he slashes forward, "EXCALIBUUUUUURRRRRRR!" bright blinding reddish holy lights blasted out of the heroic sword's blade. A powerful beam of red mana had blasted out his sword and straight towards the statue of god.

The statue of god's stone body started to crack, 'Time to land the finishing blow,' Sang-Jee makes Excalibur fly up in the air and float, behind Sang-Jee was thousands, no millions of golden portals, from within the portals millions of heroic weapons were slowly piercing through the portals like a missile assault of blades.

Suddenly a giant knight stone statue slashes Sang-Jee.

A blackish portal forms behind Sang-Jee, 'Huh what is that?'

Out from the portal, a beautiful busty female with long purple hair and red eyes jumps out of the portal and blocks the knight statue with her crimson lance.

"You must have summoned me, your dark aura and killer-intent is much like mine, how interesting. If you wish to be my master you must first prove yourself," says the woman with long purple hair and red eyes as pushes back the knight statue to protect Sang-Jee.

"It has been a while, King of Heroes..." She darkly smirks with bloodlust in her glowing crimson eyes.

[A Servant has summoned themselves from the shadows]

'Now this interesting,' Sang-Jee looks at his command seal, he still hadn't summoned his own servant. 'I might as well summon another servant and end this battle swiftly,' He slammed his palm down and summons his first servant. As the one before him would take time to gain her trust, it was the first that a servant her summoned themselves. So Sang-Jee didn't know what side she was on.

Reddish glyphs appeared below Sang-Jee's feet as static mana pulses around the magical glyph. His first servant slowly materializes...

This chapter needs to be edited.


I bet you can all guess who the purple-haired girl is since you know, Shadow God. All powers will be explained later.

For now, enjoy the epic battle.

DarkGodcreators' thoughts