

Icarus. The First hollow Human to desire nothing. Not women, not being rich, not power, no nothing! The mysterious Human who made God's think twice before going to the Mortal world. The First Human to obtain immortality. The...... First Human turned God. Patreon.com/SirGodfire Please support me on Pat] . . . . [ [This is a rewrite of my first Novel. Enjoy!]

Godfire_Dragneel · Bücher und Literatur
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32 Chs

Saddled With Children

A/N: Sorry if Jason or Asclepius are OOC in this chapter. I've not had time to watch Fgo. And I'll like to apologies for the short chapter, I'm back to school. For this Spring Semester, so I don't have any time to write. I mean I go to school at 7:00 and come back at 16:30. a huge 9-10 hours, so yeah. And I have to Cook, clean up the house, wash my clothes and take care of my Siblings. So yeah, a little time to write a chapter is spend on trying to rest or write homeworks..


"We've arrived."

Icarus looked around and faintly said, "....That we have Jason, that we have."

A huge maw of the cave made out of stone stood before him. "....Now what are we waiting for? Let's go right in." Icarus nudged Jason.

"R-right!" The boy scrambled and opened the door, letting himself and him to pass through.

They went into the cave and into interconnecting Passages before they exited the cave and found themselves into a large clearing before them.

Clangs of steel clashing and figures of people flashing around clued him that yes, this is the home of Chiron.

Talking about the devil, Icarus saw him sitting underneath a tree watching the boys fight—They're closer to his age than he'd like admit— Boys. They're nothing but teenagers with huge sticks in their hands playing hero.

Fleetingly, Icarus wondered if he pitied them but only felt nothing. Only hollowness gowns Into his being.

"…I'll introduce myself to Chiron. You go and do what you do." Icarus waved Jason off and went around the arena before him. Watching as Achilles and Persues duck out. Icarus shook his head.

"....Greetings." Icarus nodded to Chiron in… greetings and stood on his left side with his hands behind him. His voice calm, soft and still blank.

Chiron gazed stoically at him and returned his greetings, "Good afternoon. I'm sure you already know me but for the sake of formality, I'm Chiron, the Trainer Of Heroes."

Icarus nodded, "I'm Icarus Of Athens."

"Ah, then, what made you seek me, son?"

Icarus faintly smiled, "I've heard some little bird that you may have some information regarding Hephaestus, The God Of Fire." Icarus inclined his head towards him.

"That I do, but let's discuss this privately." Chiron grunted as he got up from his resting position and slowly throttled towards his cave.

Icarus frowned and followed him silently, thoughts flying around in his head. This seems… dare he say it, easy?

Icarus isn't naive enough to think that Chiron will give him the information about Hephaestus that easily. Everyone has their own agendas, him included.

He sighed. Well, if it get tough then he'll look into Circe, his senior that he never met, strangely enough.

And even then, why did Chiron want this conversation privately? Is someone spying on him? But that's impossible, his eyes would've seen whoever's spying on this place. Even the Gods aren't safe from his Eyes. So what? The information on Hephaestus isn't that dangerous is it?

Icarus held his chin And hummed softly.

'A mystery for another day, it seems.'


"Lord Hephaestus' last seen action was at the Island of Lemnos, at the top of the huge mountainbnear the Volcanoes, I believe." Chiron said as he pointed down the city on top of the map sprawled before them on a table.

Icarus nodded. It was his primary suspicion too. But it didn't cost much to confirm his suspicions.

"Right, thank you, Chiron."

Chiron nodded and sighed heavily.

Icarus smiled in amusement, "Child problems?" Icarus didn't even try and hide the laugh in his voice.

Chiron waved at him in a 'shoo' motion, "They're exhausting. Get this, they're excellent and they'll be magnificent Heroes in the future but now? They're nothing but brats."

Icarus smothered his smile, "Right, what can I do for you?" He inquired.

Chiron didn't reply immediately. Taking time to stew in his thoughts before replying, "You're going on an adventure, correct?" At Icarus' nod, Chiron continued, "Then I implore you to take young Jason with you and if possible, young Asclepius too."

Icarus hummed. Thinking about this over and turning it on its head to look at it in different perspectives and when he couldn't find fault in that he asked, "Why? I'll take them with me but I want to know the driving force behind this."

A beat.

Chiron's stoic expression gazed at him, like he's looking deep into his soul. You'll think Icarus will be scared but nope, almost all deity's that he meets do that. So, what's one more deity?

"Jason, for all his brilliance, is a human at the end of the day. He can't keep up with his other peers, and thus, this led to anxiety and lower self-esteem. Any prolonged period of time here will break him." Chiron seems to break himself as he said this, "So, let him roam the world. Let him see the world with his eyes. Maybe then, maybe he—'' Chiron didn't finish his spiel. He stared off into space like he's reminiscing.

Then he shook his head and continued, "On the other hand, Asclepius is cooped up in his cave. He never gets out of the house and he never seems to want to. I'm worried about his mental state. Maybe fresh air will do?"

Icarus stayed silent and never said anything. Even though he wants nothing more than to snort and crackle up. Worried for his mental state? Who's to blame for that?

But Icarus isn't judging, so he lets the old fool delude himself.

'Will the heartbreak break you? Will his death cripple you and wish to die? Will seeing his body dismembered do anything to you?'

Icarus bowed slightly. Not because he respects Chiron but to hide the almost craze look and the drool coming out of his mouth.

'How will you feel? Seeing your student be reduced to nothing but coal and ash by lightning?'

Icarus reached up and wiped his drool.

He looked at Chiron with his eyes closed— Red shattered eyes pecked out of his eyelids.

"I see. Then I shall do as you wish." Icarus bowed again and turned around to head out.

"Oh, and Icarus?" Icarus stopped. "Protect them but not too much. Let them venture on their own adventures."

Icarus nodded. It's a logical statement. Well, as logical as everything in this land is.

Icarus waved back as he got out,"Will do, Chiron. Will do."


As he got out, he met Jason already near the door. Making him almost believe that he had heard of his conversation with his master.

"...Go and pack your things. You and Asclepius will be leaving with me on my quest." Icarus didn't wait to see Jason's reaction, he passed by him, contemplating as he walked.

Should he befriend the students of Chiron? Icarus knows they'll be excellent 'heroes' in the future. But—

He only finds that thought revolting. Why should he befriend children anyway? Their future achievements nonwithstanding.

He only pondered it for a moment and turned away. He'll manipulate if he would want something from them.



Icarus broke out of his reverie and looked ahead to see Jason and, what he believed is Asclepius, waiting for him with their travel backs and weapons.

Unlike Jason who has blonde hair and blue crystal eyes, Asclepius has long white hair that came to his shoulder blades like his and has enchanting green eyes. His bangs came to his face as a criss cross before his eyes. He wore a white magical robe with big sleeves like, again his, that hides his hands. Oh, and his hair has greenish blue tips.

The robe came to his feet, well, his robe hides his feets as well.

Even from here, Icarus can almost —wait, he can— taste his magical might and his conceptual weight. Even if he didn't know Asclepius was the son of Apollo, he would've already known that he was a Demigod. Such things are hard to hide, even his Conceptual weight isn't —can't be— hidden. Well, not completely that is. Icarus has learned to reduce the Weight of his Existence to a miniscule amount. Enough that he can almost pass of as a normal human— He stopped being a human years ago—

But, like all Chiron students, Asclepius is young. Well, he actually doesn't know about that as he can speculate based on Asclepius' magic, soul and mind fluctuations. It doesn't help that he has short stature.

"Hm?" Icarus briefly glanced over them and nodded, "...I see you've prepared."

Jason agreed verbally, "Uhm.. Yes!"

Icarus looked over Asclepius and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Glad to meet your acquaintance, Asclepius."

Asclepius waves his large sleeves exaggeratedly, "Charmed."

Icarus withheld a sigh.

'This will be a long month, I can feel it.'