

She looked about 18 years of age and her Doe like eyes were filled with tears.

She looked skinny even with the ample clothing on her. Her eyes were a deep shade of amber and the tears that fell from her eyelids were translucent.

She seemed to have something on her mind as she roamed aimlessly around the city centre. She was unaware of her surrounding. Even when she eventually hit her left arm on the road side pole, she did not react but continued moving lifelessly around.

The SUV suddenly steered out of control and headed towards the girl. "Oh no" , "out of the way". "Move". "The car is out of control you". "It's going to hit the girl".

Everyone watched as the vehicle ran her over.

"Is she dead?". "call an ambulance". "She's bleeding so much", "I doubt she can make it". Oh my God, that's gruesome.

A young man witnessed the entire scene and after making sure that the car hit the girl, he turned around and left

People swarm around the girl and crowded her, but no one bothered to help her. That was just how superficial humans were, a person could be dying and they'll all watch without lending a helping hand.

   At the rate which the young lady was loosing blood, she'll die in the next twenty minutes maximum, if she doesn't get help.

Aryan was already late for his meeting but he found out the road on central avenue seemed to be obstructed. He got down from the SUV to check what caused the obstruction and that's when he saw her. She was pale faced and covered in blood.

Without stopping to think, he immediately scooped her up in a princess carry and carried her to his car.

The crowd all felt he was getting himself into trouble, if only they knew.

Driving off to the hospital immediately. It took him few minutes to get to the hospital and by then his very good friend and a doctor by profession Dr Mahmud was already waiting at the gate with a stretcher and two nurses.

The nurses helped him lay her on the stretcher and rushed into the theater.

The accident had cause a puncture to her organs and that was the reason for her endless bleeding.

Doctor. she's lost a lot of blood and her blood type is O-negative, we don't have that in the hospital. We might as well be risking the life of the patient by performing the operation without blood transfusions.

Mahmud paused and suddenly said "Make a call to Dr Ahmad in central Fark hospital, we need him to get ready, we will try to stabilize her condition and send her to Fark hospital. They have better facilities".

Aryan approached him as soon as he came out of the ER. "Mahmud how is she?" This led Mahmud to wonder who the lady was, considering the fact that she could make Aryan this distressed over her. "I won't lie to you, her condition is not optimistic, we are transferring her to Fark central hospital, Dr Ahmad is the best person to do perform her surgery.


Aryan countenance changed but he stilled asked "what are you waiting for then?". We need you to sign some paperwork. Go to the front desk and nurse Aminah will attend to you.

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