
Fast Forward to Dating! Right Now, Immediately!

Hayama, a former math prodigy, suddenly finds himself thrown into a mind-boggling world like nothing he's ever known—a fantastical blend of anime worlds. However, there's a tiny hitch: he's completely clueless about anime! As Hayama dives headfirst into this mind-blowing mashup of anime worlds, he stumbles upon characters from Saekano, Oregairu, and many others! Armed with his analytical mind, he must find his place in this anime-inspired universe while embracing its outrageous waifus.

Mastaaah · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs


The morning classes flew by, and Hayama and his friends were gearing up to head to the cafeteria for lunch when a surprise appeared on the table—a neatly presented lunchbox.

"Hayama, this is a little something for the eel rice yesterday!" Kato bowed her head and gracefully unveiled the contents of the lunchbox.

It was packed to the brim, not a sliver of space spared. He couldn't help but admire the space management skills of Japanese girls.

Kato settled back into her seat after revealing the contents of the lunchbox. Her own lunchbox, although slightly smaller, was just as packed.

"Let's head to the cafeteria and warm it up in the microwave," he suggested. While he didn't mind the idea, he wasn't accustomed to eating cold food, so he re-covered the lunchbox.

"Oh, okay." she responded, re-covering her own lunchbox in preparation for their cafeteria visit.

Just as he was about to get up, Tomoya rushed into the classroom in a frenzy. In his hands, he held a limited edition bread that he had just snagged from the cafeteria. He plopped down at the table in front of Hayama, his face beaming with joy, "Hayama, you're here after all!"

Hayama had no choice but to reopen the lunchbox, offering Kato a wry smile. "Looks like our cafeteria plans are out the window."

Kato remained silent, calmly reopening her own lunchbox and savoring each bite at a leisurely pace.

"Tomoya, what brings you here?"

Tomoya took another bite of his bread before responding, "Hayama, I've been thinking all morning, and I think I've finally figured out your problem."

"My problem?" Hayama felt a tinge of confusion. What problem could he, Hayama, possibly have?

"Hayama, what I'm about to say may not be something you want to hear, but please listen carefully to every word I say!"

Seeing how serious he looked, Hayama could only silently eat a takoyaki and respond inwardly, 'It's a bit cold, but the taste is still alright.'

Tomoya confidently adjusted his glasses and proclaimed, "Hayama, let me tell you... it's your lack of confidence!"

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!" Hayama started coughing uncontrollably. Tomoya's statement caught him off guard. He couldn't help but think, 'Me, lacking confidence? Is he serious?'

"Tomoya, are you kidding? Or maybe you've got a fever?"

"Hayama, being an otaku is the most incredible thing in the world! Our passion is genuine and pure, and we treat others with kindness and warmth, like a gentle spring breeze. Within the otaku community, we're like brothers! Embrace your otaku identity with pride; it's nothing to be ashamed of! I'll always support you and be there to encourage you. On the otaku path, you're never alone!"

As Tomoya passionately delivered his speech, Hayama expression turned weird, resembling someone who had just downed a bowl of bitter herbal medicine. Even Kato glanced at Hayama curiously, intrigued by his reaction.

Clearing his throat, Tomoya prepared to continue his enthusiastic monologue, taking another bite of his bread. However, Hayama swiftly interjected, saying, "Hold on, Tomoya. Let me speak my mind first."

Tomoya nodded understandingly and resumed munching on his bread.

"First off, let me make it clear that I'm not an otaku. That poster incident was just a coincidence."

Tomoya shot Hayama a knowing look that silently said, "I get it, go on." But deep down, he couldn't help but think, 'Hayama, you're not being honest!'

Hayama felt a twinge of annoyance at that expression. "Moreover, Tomoya, what you said earlier has some serious flaws in logic and contradicts your belief."

"Oh? Is that right? Logic doesn't really matter in the ACG world, right?"

Brushing aside Tomoya's comment, he pressed on. "For you otaku types, aren't 2D beautiful girls the most amazing thing in the world?"

Before he could finish his words, Tomoya suddenly stood up and pulled him into a tight embrace. "I never expected Hayama to understand the essence of being an otaku so deeply. Your dedication is just as strong as mine! Hayama, we're comrades!"

He quickly shoved Tomoya aside, a mix of annoyance and disbelief evident on his face.

Seriously? Comrades? That's a joke!

He silently thanked his lucky stars that the classroom wasn't crowded, or he'd be socially doomed.

"Hayama, come on, believe in yourself! You're an otaku with a beautiful soul. Don't let society's judgmental stares get to you! Let's spread the beauty of otaku culture together!"

This hopeless otaku is beyond saving! Hayama thought to himself, retrieving a pair of earphones from his desk. He wordlessly plugged them in and began munching on his lunch, tuning out the world around him.

Tomoya reflected, 'Hayama and I are just acquaintances. It's understandable that he's not ready to open up yet. I'll take it slow and build a closer bond until he feels comfortable sharing with me. You've got this, Tomoya!'

Finishing the last bite of his bread, Tomoya grabbed "Love Metronome" and headed off to spread the gospel in other classrooms.

The rest of the afternoon passed by without any further disruptions from Tomoya. The other classmates seemed unfazed as well, not showing much reaction. If it weren't for the occasional small notes left on his desk after class, Hayama might have believed that things had settled down.

[Hayama, I'm here for you!]

[Don't worry, Hayama. We won't judge you.]

[Hayama-kun, I'll always have your back! Meow-pasu!]

'Well, at least it's not a pervert label!' He thought, trying to find some humor in the situation.

After school, he waited until the classroom was empty before he began gathering his belongings.

Even before he reached the club room, he noticed Kato squatting nearby, wearing a slightly pained expression. Her ability to blend into the background seemed to be in full effect again. Except for Hayama, no one passing by even noticed her presence.

"Kato, what's wrong?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

She fought to lift her head, a few beads of sweat glistening on her forehead. "I'm not feeling great... I think I need to take a breather and rest for a bit."

Observing her condition, he sensed that it was more than just a minor discomfort. "Come on, let me take you to the infirmary."

"No need, Hayama-kun. I'll just take a short break here and then head back," she replied, shaking her head. She had a hunch about what was going on with her body - having eaten cold food for lunch and then engaging in a rigorous P.E. class, it was highly likely that her condition had worsened.

"Well, in that case, I'm going to stick with you," he asserted, his tone leaving no room for arguments, as he settled down beside her.